Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir India Asia

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GB 891 LOR-LOR/1-LOR/1/1-LOR/1/1/1 · Documento · 13th May 1934
Parte de Papers of David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer and Emily Overend Lorimer

Letter from David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer to Sidney John Duly in which he writes of his journey to Bombay - a comfortable but dull voyage. In Bombay, Lorimer had met one of the [Chōa] Russian refugees with whom he had been previously more

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GB 891 LOR · Arquivo · 1934 - 1946

The material consists of two folders. The first contains correspondence, manuscripts and printed material connected to the Lorimers' expedition to the Gilgit-Baltistan region, Pakistan in 1934-1935. The second folder contains correspondence and notesread more

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Lorimer-Gilgit Papers
GB 891 LOR-LOR/1 · Série · 1934 - 1938
Parte de Papers of David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer and Emily Overend Lorimer

This series consists of correspondence between the Lorimers and Sidney Duly, manuscripts concerning the Gilgit Expedition; and some printed articles by the Lorimers. There is also a letter from Duly to Richard Pankhurst, RAS LIbrarian, to donate theread more

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GB 891 LOR-LOR/1-LOR/1/1 · Subsérie · 1934 - 1938
Parte de Papers of David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer and Emily Overend Lorimer

There are three letters from David Lorimer to Sidney Duly and one letter from Emily Lorimer to Sidney Duly. There is a further letter from Duly to Richard Pankhurst, RAS Librarian, to donate the material to the Society

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