Fonds LOR - Papers of David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer and Emily Overend Lorimer

Identity area

Reference code

GB 891 LOR


Papers of David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer and Emily Overend Lorimer


  • 1981 (Creation)
  • 1967 (Creation)
  • 1934 - 1946 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

2 folders

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer was born on 24 December 1876. He entered the Indian Army in 1896. From 1898-1903 he served with the Q.V.O. Corps of Guides, and was seconded with the Khalibar Rifles from 1901-1903. He entered the Indian Political Serviceread more

Name of creator

Biographical history

Emily Overend Lorimer (1881-1949) was a British linguist, political analyst and author, She was a tutor in Germanic Philology at Somerville College Oxford ,1907-10, and editor of 'Basrah Times' 1916-17. She was with her husband, David Lockhart Robertsonread more

Name of creator

Biographical history

Roland Carter (1924-2018) was a Political Agent in Gilgit 1945; and subsequently a diplomat in Moscow, Helsinki, Kuala Lumpur, Ulan Bator (Ambassador), and Pretoria.

Archival history

The Lorimer-Gilgit Papers were in the possession of Sidney Duly until accession to the Royal Asiatic Society - the correspondence is addressed to him from both David and Emily Lorimer. The Lorimer-Carter Papers were in the possession of Roland Carterread more

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

The Lorimer-Gilgit Papers were sent by Sidney Duly to Richard Pankhurst, Royal Asiatic Society Librarian, in February 1981. The Lorimer-Carter Papers were sent to Miss Nielsen, Royal Asiatic Society, in January 1967.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

The material consists of two folders. The first contains correspondence, manuscripts and printed material connected to the Lorimers' expedition to the Gilgit-Baltistan region, Pakistan in 1934-1935. The second folder contains correspondence and notesread more

System of arrangement

The material was accessioned at two different times. Therefore separate series were created:

  • LOR/1 - Lorimer-Gilgit Papers
  • LOR/2 - Lorimer-Carter Papers

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open. Please contact the archivist using the email address given Nancy Charley The archive is open on Tuesdays and Fridays 10-5, and Thursdays 2-5. Access is to any researcher without appointment but it will help if an appointment is made via phone orread more

Conditions governing reproduction

Digital photography (without flash) for research purposes may be permitted upon completion of a copyright declaration form, and with respect to current UK copyright law.

Language of material

  • English
  • Urdu
  • Miscellaneous Language

Allied materials area

Related units of description

Within our Library Collections we have several books authored by David Lockhart Robertson and Emily Overend Lorimer. They can be found on our Library Catalogue

Access points

Description control area

Description identifier


Archivist's note

This material was catalogued by Nancy Charley, RAS Archivist, in 2018.