Letter from Thomas Manning to William Manning from Canton. Manning writes about the disappointment in not receiving letters but that he had one from his father and one from his brother, Edward, with a copying machine. He has sent Mr Woodward and Mr… read more
South Vietnam (Cochin China)
4 Archival description results for South Vietnam (Cochin China)
Letter from Thomas Manning to William Manning from Canton. He writes that he lives in a most advantageous insulated condition but is making some progress in the languages and has learnt some things only obscurely or not known at all by Europeans. He… read more
Letter from Thomas Manning to his sister, [Susanna] from Canton. He writes of receiving letters from other family members and the length of time they have taken to reach him. He writes of his aborted plans to go to Cochinchina. He is pleased with his… read more
Two copies of a letter from Thomas Manning to William Manning from Macao. He writes that his expedition to Cochinchina was totally unsuccessful because they hadn't left enough time and also they had come across the survivors of a China Nepal wreck which… read more