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Papers of David Price
GB 891 DP · Fonds · [1800 - 1835]

The papers of David Price consist of a letter to him from a colleague in Tannah, dated 24 May 1800; and a draft translation of an Extract from a Preface to the Shahnamah of Firdausi.

Price David 1762-1835
GB 891 LOR · Fonds · 1934 - 1946

The material consists of two folders. The first contains correspondence, manuscripts and printed material connected to the Lorimers' expedition to the Gilgit-Baltistan region, Pakistan in 1934-1935. The second folder contains correspondence and notes provided by D.L.R. Lorimer in 1946, to aid Roland Carter, political agent in Gilgit and Carter's own notes.

Lorimer David Lockhart Robertson 1876-1962 India administrator and linguist
Papers of David Haliburton
GB 891 DH · Fonds · 1832

"The Brahminical Mode of Computing Time and generally followed in all parts of Hindostan". A paper that was presented to the Royal Asiatic Society and read by Lieutenant-Colonel James Tod at the General Meeting of the Society on 21st July 1832, under the title of "Calculation of the Variation of the Measure of Time in India". The material is handwritten in ink with pencil annotations. Also with the paper is a comment upon the paper with criticisms of Haliburton's methods, dated 19 January 1833.

Haliburton David Lieutenant-Colonel
Papers of David Erskine
GB 891 DE · Fonds · 1878 - 1882

A manuscript containing a 'Translation of Dr Hahn's Damara-German Dictionary Presented to his Excellency Sir Bartle Frere... by the Translator Major Erskine... 19th January 1880'. Karl Hugo Hahn was a Baltic German missionary and linguist who worked in South Africa and South-West Africa for most of his life. This translation was undertaken whilst Erskine was Resident Magistrate in Walvis Bay, Damaraland (Namibia). Damara is one of the Khoisan languages of Southern Africa.

The manuscript is handwritten with many alterations. It is bound in a card and leather cover which shows considerable wear. One section of the manuscript has become detached from the spine.

Erskine David 1816-1903
GB 891 DJG · Fonds · 1822 - 1908

The material mainly consists of handwritten translations of Buddhist texts by Gogerly and others, handwritten Pali-English dictionaries, and later correspondence concerning their publication.

Gogerly Daniel John 1792-1862
GB 891 JFT · Fonds · 1911

These papers consist of 2 typewritten leather-bound diaries entitled, "Diary, 6 Months in Turkestan, 1911" containing a detailed diary of Turner's travels through Turkestan consisting of 21 chapters plus appendices and sub-heads. The diary provides descriptions of the routes, the things he saw and people he encountered, the activities he undertook, and the necessary equipment and supplies that he needed. Each volume measures 26cm x 23cm with a total of 444 pages.

Turner Sir John Fisher 1881-1958 Colonel Royal Engineers
Papers of Colmán McLaughlin
GB 891 CM · Fonds · 21 January 2010

'Identifications of Copies of Paintings in the Ajanta Caves Completed by Robert Gill in the Period 1845-1863' by Colmán McLaughlin. The manuscript is dated as 'Final Draft 1/21/2010'. Computer printed, 36 pieces.

McLaughlin, Colmán
GB 891 CTD · Fonds · 1898

Dent's Personal Papers consist of:

  • "The Ascent of Tsiteli" - a Paper by C.T. Dent, read before the Alpine Club, June 1898.
  • Manuscript Chapters on Climbing in the Caucasus.
Dent Clinton Thomas 1850-1912 Surgeon, Mountaineer
GB 891 CPB · Fonds · 1847 - 1848

The papers of Charles Philip Brown consisting of three leather-bound volumes being a catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts held in the the Madras College Manuscript Library comprising the author's collection; part of Colonel Mackenzie's collection; part of the East India House Library:

  • Catalogues of Paper Volumes in Sanskrit, Teugu, Tamil, Marata, Malaysian in the Madras Library which are transcriptions of the originals on paper and bound as English books;
    • Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts - originals in Telugu, Karnataca, Grandha, Devanagara, Malaya, Odhra, Bangla;
    • Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts written on palm leaves and on paper.
Brown Charles Philip 1798-1884
GB 891 JP · Fonds · 1794 - 1822

These Papers contain three letters from James Purefoy, a scan of a letter in a private collection, two Bills of Exchange and a note regarding their donation.

Purefoy James d 1846 Captain, merchant sailor