“Burton at Damascus” by Salih, Bookman, May 1891. “Salih” was the pen-name of the Reverend William Wright, author of An Account of Palmyra and Zenobia.
Wright , Wiliam . ( 1837–1899 ) missionary and authorPhotograph of Richard Burton in Turkish dress, wearing fez, sitting cross-legged. Studio portrait by Ernest Edwards taken in 1863, entitled “Captain Burton, Traveller”.
“In Memoriam, Sir Richard Burton” A Poem to Richard Burton by A. F. Ruge Single sheet, handwritten with 14 lines of verse.
Burton Richard Francis Sir Knight, Explorer and Diplomat“Lady Burton” by Raymond Blathwayt, Bookman, May 1896. An interview conducted some months before her death and published just after it. Illustrated with portraits of Burton and Lady Burton, and a picture of Burton’s mausoleum.
Burton Isabel 1831-1896“Lusiads” - Burton's translation: prospectus. Single sheet with decorated border top and left margins. In addition to the Lusiads, the prospectus also advertises Burton's ‘Life of Camoens’ and his translation of Camoens’ ‘Lyricks’.
“Mr Smalley on Captain Burton”. Extract from The Critic, 8 November 1890. The author is apparently George Washburn Smalley (1833-1916) at this date London correspondent of The New York Tribune. It is not clear whether the item was written for The Critic… read more
12 signatures either cut from letters or as calling cards. Include Robert Morrison, Bletterman, Bergman, J Mayo, de Vaudreuil, Monsieur de le Croix
Information concerning the 12th Conference of British Orientalists and the Association of British Orientalists. These are:
- "Association of British Orientalists: The Nature and Aims of the ABO".
- Letter from T.F. Mitchell, Secretary of Association of … read more
In 1934 the Asiatic Society of Bengal celebrated the 150th Anniversary of its Foundation. The material connected to this celebration is:
Asiatic Society of Bengal 150th Anniversary of Foundation, Monday 15th January 1934, Programme". Printed card giving… read more
16 Epigrams on the state of the "Bogs" (toilets) at Caius, Cambridge. Undated [1799] Handwritten, 5 pieces, 5 sides