Fonds CM - Papers of Colmán McLaughlin

Identity area

Reference code

GB 891 CM


Papers of Colmán McLaughlin


  • 16 July 2004 - 21 January 2010 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

1 archival folder

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Colmán McLaughlin has done research into the Ajanta caves and in particular the paintings undertaken by Robert Gill. Other publications include "Stupendous Monuments Indeed of the Superstition of Former Ages”, Eli Franco, Monika Zin (Ed.), From Turfan toread more

Archival history

The material was created by Colmán McLaughlin in 2010.

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

The emails were sent in the course of correspondence between McLaughlin and the Royal Asiatic Society.
The immediate source of the paper is unknown. It is assumed that the material was sent by the author to the Society after using their collections in his research.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

  • 'Identifications of Copies of Paintings in the Ajanta Caves Completed by Robert Gill in the Period 1845-1863' by Colmán McLaughlin. The manuscript is dated as 'Final Draft 1/21/2010'. Computer printed, 36 pieces.
  • Copies of emails between Colmán
  • read more

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open. Please contact the archivist. Details can be found here : The archive is open on Tuesdays and Fridays 10-5, and Thursdays 2-5. Access is to any researcher without appointment but it will help if an appointment isread more

Conditions governing reproduction

Digital photography (without flash) for research purposes may be permitted upon completion of a copyright declaration form, and with respect to current UK copyright law.

Language of material

  • English

Access points

Subject access points

Description control area

Description identifier

gb 891 cm

Dates of creation revision deletion

This catalogue was created by Nancy Charley, RAS Archivist, in 2024.