Two items: a letter from Christian Vernacular Education Society and a draft response from Brian Houghton Hodgson.
Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 OrientalistIndia Education
5 Archival description results for India Education
Drafts of letter from Brian Houghton Hodgson to the Christian Vernacular Education Society in which he replies on behalf of his blind father-in-law with a £5 donation and also enclose a £5 subscription from himself. He then writes on his views concerning… read more
Letter from Henry Ellis, Principal Librarian, British Museum, to Brian Houghton Hodgson to acknowledge receipt through Major General Scott of Hodgson's work on the importance of the vernacular languages in education. Handwritten, 1 side, dated 18 December 1855.
Ellis Henry 1777-1869 Principal Librarian, British MuseumLetter from the Christian Vernacular Education Society to General Scott (Hodgson's father-in-law) in which it sets out the work the Society is achieving in providing education in India and asks for support. Handwritten with printed letterhead, 3 sides, dated February 1866.
Christian Vernacular Education Society for India 1858-1891This series covers all the other correspondence with the Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson, It ranges in date from 1843 to 1880 and covers personal, political and research interests.