File BHH/1/146 - Letter from Henry Ellis, Principal Librarian, British Museum, to Brian Houghton Hodgson, 18 December 1855

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Reference code

GB 891 BHH-BHH/1-BHH/1/146


Letter from Henry Ellis, Principal Librarian, British Museum, to Brian Houghton Hodgson, 18 December 1855


  • 18th Dec 1855 (Creation)

Level of description


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Scope and content

Letter from Henry Ellis, Principal Librarian, British Museum, to Brian Houghton Hodgson to acknowledge receipt through Major General Scott of Hodgson's work on the importance of the vernacular languages in education. Handwritten, 1 side, dated 18 December 1855.

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Language of material

  • English

Access points

Subject access points