GB 891 RCT-RCT/5
Part of Papers of Reginald Campbell Thompson
Notebook containing a series of newspaper cuttings, letters and translation notes from different years, the majority of which are connected to Reginald Campbell Thompson's published fiction books written under the pseudonym, John Guisborough.
- Letter … read more
Notebook containing a series of newspaper cuttings, letters and translation notes from different years, the majority of which are connected to Reginald Campbell Thompson's published fiction books written under the pseudonym, John Guisborough.
- Letter from G. R. Mills the managing director of Mills and Boon Ltd publishers, concerning the publishing of Thompson's book, 'A song of Araby', 29 November 1921.
- A letter from Claude Herman Walter Johns to R. C Thompson, thanking him for sending over a copy of his new [and first book], The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon, two vols, London, Luzac and Co., 1900, dated 9 April 1900.
- A newspaper cutting from the Daily Chronicle 11 July, 1900, reviewing R..C. Thompson's new book, The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon.
- Note from the Librarian, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge; thanking Luzac and Co. for the two volumes in the Semitic Text Series edited by T.C. Thompson
- Glasgow Herald, review of Thompson's first books “The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon” 26 April, 1900.
- Note from J. S. Reid, Librarian, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, to R.C. Thompson to thank him for the volumes of his publication, dated 9 April 1900.
- Review of The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon; from unknown publication.
- Another review of The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon, entitled 'Chaldean Astrologers and Soothsayers'; from unknown publication.
- Review of The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon; from Nature, 17 May, 1900.
- Review of The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon, entitled 'Babylonian Astronomy'; from unknown publication.
- Damaged newspaper cutting with a review of The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon; from unknown publication.
- Newspaper cutting from Orientalische Literatur Zeitung, 1909.
- Newspaper cutting from The Children’s Newspaper about excavations in Nineveh, undated.
- A “Bibliographie” in French concerniing “The British Museum Excavations at Abu Shahrain in Mesopotamia in 1918” by R. Campbell Thompson, 1920.
- 'Primitive man in Mesopotamia: Captain Thompson's Discoveries' - newspaper cutting from The Times, 31 January, 1919. about excavations Campbell undertook “by War office orders on behalf of the British museum at Abu Shahrain in Mesopotamia, while serving with the Mesopotamian expeditionary force”. On same loose piece of paper is a newspaper cutting, 'St. Paul's School' giving details of the school's prizegiving, unknown publication.
- Handwritten notes on Sennacherib, undated, 3 pieces.
- Letter from Kenneth Mason to R.C. Thompson to thank Thompson for the copy of his book, 'Diggen's Fancy', dated 29 September, 1940.
- Newspaper cutting, London Opinion, 3 July, 1915, concerning Thompson's service in the war and his book “A Pilgrim’s Scrip”.
- Newspaper cuttings, The Graphic, 27 February, 1915 concerning Thompson's book “A Pilgrim’s Scrip” and "Glimpses of Turkish Soldiers".
- Two copies of a review of “A Pilgrim’s Scrip” from the Times of India, 18 August [1915].
- Review of “A Pilgrim’s Scrip” from the Near East, 26 March, 1915.
- Review of “A Pilgrim’s Scrip” from the Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, Vol. 47.
- Review of “A Pilgrim’s Scrip” from the Evening Standard and St James's Gazette; 23 Feb, 1915.
- Reviews of “A Pilgrim’s Scrip” from Truth, 3 March, 1915 and the Spectator, undated.
- Review of “A Pilgrim’s Scrip” from the Daily Telegraph, 27, Feb, 1915.
- Review of “A Pilgrim’s Scrip” from TP’s Weekly, 20 Feb, 1915.
- Review of “A Pilgrim’s Scrip” from The Outlook, 20 Feb, 1915.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from The Manchester Guardian, Oct, 7, 1921. Written under the pseudonym John Guisborough.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 8 October 1921.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from Saturday Review, 5 Nov, 1921.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from The Times Literary Supplement, 6 Oct, 1921.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from The Scotsman, 20 Oct, 1921.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from The Glasgow Herald, October 1921.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from The Oxford Chronicle, 28 October 1921.
- Recommendation of “A Song of Araby” from the Daily News, 5 Dec, 1921.
- Advertisement of “A Song of Araby” as a Mills and Boon New Book.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from the Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury, 1 November 1921.
- Advertisement for “A Song of Araby”, a Mills and Boon publication.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from Near East, 10 Nov. 1921.
- Letter written to R.C Thompson by his niece, Martha [Dovedale] informing him that he had finished reading his book, undated.
- Letter written to R.C Thompson by “Henry” congratulating him on his book, dated 6 November 1921.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from the Liverpool Courier 19 Dec, 1921.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” from the Bystander, 30 November 1921.
- Letter written to “Bar” [most likely being Thompson's wife, Barbara Brodrick Robinson.] which congratulates Thompson on his new book, dated 9 October 1921.
- Letter written to R.C Thompson from “SVT” thanking him for sending a copy of his book, dated 28 September 1921.
- Review of “A Song of Araby” by Liverpool Post and Mercury, undated.
- Telegrams to Thompson from Kenneth Mackenzie of the Government Book Shop, Department of Education, Baghdad; responding to an enquiry from R.C about the amount of copies that will be sold in Baghdad. Mackenzie promises to “push the sale of the book” and states that he is sending an initial order for the book to Mills and Boon, dated 13 October 1921.
- A damaged cutting listing books with the label “Mudie’s List” Jan 1922.
- Letter written to R.C Thompson from his mother in law, congratulating him on his book, 20 October, 1921
- Two Letters written to R.C Thompson from Eleanor Rauckel congratulating him on his book “A Song of Araby”, dated 12 January 1922.
- Letter written to R.C Thompson from the managing director of Mills and Boon Ltd.,G.R Mills, enclosing a cheque for R.C. Thompson's book “A Song of Araby” and informing him of the large number of copies that have already sold, dated 22 September 1922.
- Letter written to R.C Thompson from Edith Thompson congratulating him on his book “A Song of Araby”, 6 Nov 1921.
- Letter written to R.C Thompson from a colleague at the Army Head Quarters, Simla, 31 Oct 1921.
- Review of “The Mirage of Sheba” from the Times Literary Supplement, 25 Jan, 1923, also written under the pseudonym John Guisborough.
- Review of “The Mirage of Sheba” from the Glasgow Herald, 25 Jan, 1923.
- Review of “The Mirage of Sheba” from the Aberdeen Journal, 25 Jan, 1923.
- Review of “The Mirage of Sheba” from the Scotsman, 8 Feb, 1923.
- Review of “The Mirage of Sheba” from the Spectator, 17 March, 1923.
- Review of “The Mirage of Sheba” from the Johannesburg Star (better known as The Star), undated.
- Review of “The Mirage of Sheba” from the Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 3 March, 1923.
- Letter to R. C. Thompson, from unknown author concerning Thompson's book, 10 October 1921.
- Letter to R. C. Thompson from G. P. Holmes concerning Thompson's book, dated 21 October 1921.
- 'Trouble at Mosul' - review of "A Mirage of Sheba" from [Concaw] Military Gazette, 16 February 1923.
- Section of a handwritten note with a review of “The Mirage of Sheba” from the Melbourne Australasian (better known as the Australasian Post), 17 March 1923.
- Letter to R. C. Thompson from G. R. Mills, Director of his publisher Mills and Boon Ltd., asking about reviews, 12 February 1923.
- A letter to R. C. Thompson from H. P. Thompson about his book, dated 4 February 1923.
- A letter to R. C. Thompson from his niece, Martha Victoria [Dovedale] about his new book “The Mirage of Sheba”, undated.
- Review of “The Mirage of Sheba” from the Star Johannesburg, 9 March, 1923.
- Note about “Babylonian Medicine”, 19 April, 1923
- Review of R.C. Thompson's academic work “The Epic of Gilgamish: a new translation from a collation of the cuneiform tablets in the British museum rendered literally into English hexameters, 1928” from the Journal of Theological Studies, April, 1933.
- Letter written to R.C Thompson from the managing director of Mills and Boon Ltd., G.R Mills, on the sales and performance of the book “The Mirage of Sheba”, 7 Feb, 1923.
- A newspaper article on R. C. Thompson's excavations at Abu Shahrein, from the Observer, Sunday, March, 1923.
- A review of “Records of the Dorset Yeomanry 1814-1919 by Major-Genl C. W. Thompson C.B D.S.O” from the Times Literary Supplement, Thursday, 6 Oct, 1921.
- A damaged newspaper cutting concerning achievements of alumni of St. Paul's School, undated.