"Burushaski and its Alien Neighbours: Problems in Linguistic Contagion" by Lieut.-Col. D.L.R. Lorimer, C.I.E., read at a meeting of the Philological Society on Friday, 4 December 1936 and reprinted from the Philological Society's Transactions 1937, pp.63-… read more
Gilgit Pakistan Asia
21 Archival description results for Gilgit Pakistan Asia
This contains 2 letters from David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer, 2 letters to Carter in his role as political agent, a single letter in Urdu responding to Carter's questions, and Carter's letter of donation to Miss Nielsen, Royal Asiatic Society.
Lorimer David Lockhart Robertson 1876-1962 India administrator, linguistThere are three letters from David Lorimer to Sidney Duly and one letter from Emily Lorimer to Sidney Duly. There is a further letter from Duly to Richard Pankhurst, RAS Librarian, to donate the material to the Society
Lorimer David Lockhart Robertson 1876-1962 India administrator, linguistDiary of a tour from Gilgit - daily notes made of a trip leaving Gilgit on 14 April 1947, probably that made by Carter as mentioned in the letter LOR/2/1/5. Entries continue until 29 April 1947, all of which are contained within a notebook. There are… read more
"(D.L.R. Lorimer: The Burushaski Language) Introduction". Typed manuscript with handwritten annotations of the Introduction describing the Land and its People including introductory comments of the language. On the front page is the annotation "3rd Copy"… read more
Letter from David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer to Bailey to respond to both Bailey's and Professor Bruce Dickins' letters to supply notes to aid Lt. Carter. Typed letter, one side, dated 21 January 1946. With the letter are a series of notes entitled "Note… read more
Letter from David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer to Roland Carter in which he thanks Carter for his letter and ruminates upon the disadvantages of being an amateur in any field of research. He writes concerning Mahbib 'Ali and Shaukat 'Ali and the areas… read more
Letter from David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer to Sidney John Duly in which he writes of his journey to Bombay - a comfortable but dull voyage. In Bombay, Lorimer had met one of the [Chōa] Russian refugees with whom he had been previously corresponding.… read more
Letter from David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer to Sidney John Duly in which he reacts to Duly's letter. He then writes that they left Srinagar on 12 June, travelling by water and road. They reached the Burzil Pass on the 15th but found it was still snow… read more
Letter from Emily Overend Lorimer to Sidney John Duly to thank him for his delightful and entertaining letter which had cheered David in his illness. She asks that he will write again and that Duly will keep his letters from Lorimer as he rarely writes… read more