"The First Four Chapters of Goa, and the Blue Mountains: or, Six Months of Sick Leave by Richard F. Burton, Lieut. Bombay Army. Author of a grammar of the Mooltanee language; Critical Remarks on Dr Dorn's Chrestomathy of the Pushtoo, or Afghan Dialect… read more
"The First Four Chapters of Goa, and the Blue Mountains: or, Six Months of Sick Leave by Richard F. Burton, Lieut. Bombay Army. Author of a grammar of the Mooltanee language; Critical Remarks on Dr Dorn's Chrestomathy of the Pushtoo, or Afghan Dialect etc. etc. With the articles which recently appeared in the Madras Mail and Madras Times on the coming exposition at Goa, &c., with frontispiece". Extracts from the Madras Mail: Goa and the Goanese, parts 1 and 2 (publ. Oct. 6, 1890). Extracts from the Madras Times: No.1 - The Rise of the Jesuits (pub. Oct. 25, 1890); No.2 - Old Goa (pub. Nov. 4, 1890) and No.3 - Francis Xavier (pub. Nov. 15, 1890). London: 1851. (Madras: Higginbotham & Co.: 1890). "Booklet produced for an exposition [i.e. public display of the relics of the Saint for veneration] “proposed to be held in connection with the tomb of St Francis Xavier, in December next [1891]”.This event, the first such for many years, marked the beginning of regular decennial expositions.
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