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4 Archival description results for Cambodia

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Archaeology Expedition Notes
GB 891 QW-QW/1 · Series · 1923 - 1939
Part of Papers of Horace Geoffrey Quaritch Wales

Hand-written journals documenting travel, with observations, and notes about fieldwork. They contain materials in these categories : Journal of Travel and observation H.G.Q Wales 1923-1928 : Vol I and Vol II Greater India Research Expedition Field Noteread more

Wales Horace Geoffrey Quaritch 1900-1981 Archaeologist
GB 891 QW-QW/1-QW/1/1 · Subseries · 1923 - 1928
Part of Papers of Horace Geoffrey Quaritch Wales

Two journals, hardcover, burgundy and tan, containing "Journal of Travel & Observation, H.G.Q. Wales Vol.I-II 1923-1928", handwritten journals, including hand-drawn maps of the areas, of Wales' travels in South America and Southeast Asia. On titleread more

Wales Horace Geoffrey Quaritch 1900-1981 Archaeologist
GB 891 QW · Fonds · [1770 - 1820]

The Papers of Horace Geoffrey Quaritch Wales contain papers relating to his archaeological work in southeast Asia including expedition notes, personal notebooks, diaries, manuscript proofs, correspondence, newspaper cuttings and maps. Listed within thisread more

Wales Horace Geoffrey Quaritch 1900-1981 Archaeologist
GB 891 WAC · Fonds · 1966

These papers consist of the typed manuscript of the Masters thesis of Collins. Entitled "An Investigation into the Division of the Chams in Two Regions", it explores the Cham people in Indochina. The thesis was submitted in partial satisfaction of theread more

Collins, William Augustus