Calcutta (Kolkata), India

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2 Archival description results for Calcutta (Kolkata), India

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GB 891 WJ · Fonds · 1784-1831

The archive consists of correspondence from William Jones to Samuel Davis, some correspondence from Joseph Banks and Lord Teignmouth with and regarding Lady Jones, various botanical sketches and notes and a Sale Catalogue for the books of William Jones' lLbrary.

JonesAnna Maria . ( 1748-1829lady
GB 891 WJ-WJ/3 · Series · 1784-1793
Part of Papers of Sir William Jones and Lady Anna Maria (Shipley) Jones

This material has been divided into 5 files:

  • Six sketches in cards, 7.8cm x 12 cm, in pencil and watercolour. Inscribed by Lady Jones.
  • A sketchbook of botanical drawings with some specimens inserted. Compiled by William and Anna Maria Jones.
  • A further
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Jones Sir William 1746-1794