The 23rd International Congress of Orientalists was held in Cambridge in 1954. The material connected with this Congress includes correspondence concerning organising and finance of the Congress, correspondence regarding attendance, General programme,… read more
Cambridge United Kingdom
217 Archival description results for Cambridge United Kingdom
Correspondence concerned with delegates attending the Congress. These are:
- Letter from Hans R. Roemer, Deutsche MorgenLandische Gesellschaft, to the Royal Asiatic Society to inform of delegates coming to the Congress. Typed, dated 6 July 1954.
- Letter … read more
Two cards from University Press, Cambridge, to C.A. Storey to acknowledge receipt of folios.
Cambridge university pressPrinted copy of speech given by the Public Orator in presenting Dr Mark Aurel Stein for the Degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa . The Speech is given in Latin and bears reference to Hiuen-Tsiang, Chinese pilgrim A.D. 649, whom Stein claimed as his "… read more
Copy of a postcard sent by C.A. Storey to give instructions regarding folding, gathering, collating and sewing certain Volumes with the remaining flat sheets returned to the store at Mill Lane.
Storey Charles Ambrose 1888-1967Correspondence concerned with the governance of the Trust and the trustees.
Gibb Memorial Trust CambridgeCorrespondence concerned with managing the finances of the Gibb Memorial Trust
Storey Charles Ambrose 1888-1967Draft letter from C.A. Storey to W.L. Raynes in which he enquires regarding the "odd parcels" still at Dow & Lester. He also asks Raynes to check Fleming's bill to ascertain the number of facsimiles that he supplied. He also writes concerning the… read more
Draft letter from C.A. Storey to W.L. Raynes in which he writes of his gladness that Heffer will undertake the binding. He writes concerning the practicalities of transferring the materials to Heffer.
Storey Charles Ambrose 1888-1967Draft letter from C.A. Storey to W.L. Raynes to inform Raynes that he had too been to the store and was unable to find the missing signature. He cannot say it is definitely not there due to the volume of material. That makes 3 volumes that they are… read more