Description: Blue and brown patterned hardcover notebook, handwritten in ink, inserts held in place with string, detailed table of contents with page numbers. identified as West 1 from de Menasche handlist.
- "Lord's prayer in Zand"
- London MSS., handwritten copy of L22 and folio level description of most folios ranging from L1 - L26
- Pazand Bundhašin from L22 with other miscellaneous passages from the same and a description of the MSS.
- Pahlavi introduction to Vishtasp Yasht from L5, Pahlabi Stayishwai Sirozah from L26, description of several volumes of MSS. from the East India Library.
- traced characters and sections from MSS.
- travel plans
- scrap of paper containing definitions
- folio titled "Zand translation of the Lord's Prayer by M. Hang, Ph.D"
- other miscellaneous papers containing calculations, notes, etc