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Oriental Societies
GB 891 RAS ALL · Fonds · [1990]

Two lists of Oriental Societies, one detailing their founding dates; and the other giving addresses.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
GB 891 SC26 · Fonds · 1836 - 1840

Notes on the Ancient Figures and Inscriptions from Márab sent to the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society by George Smythan, and resented by The President of the Society, John Wilson. A description and analysis of inscriptions on stones found by Dr A. Mackell at the town of Márab or Sábá, believed to be the seat of the Queen of Sheba. Four stones were found, two of which were acquired and facsimiles made for the others. Mackell believed the inscriptions were more Ethiopic in character. Wilson compares these inscriptions with ones found by J.G. Hulton and J. Smith (see Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol.5, 1838, p.91). Wilson however suggests these may be of Sabean origin. The article is dated 28 November 1836 with a postscript, dated 2 December 1839, concerning Wilson's reluctance to have his findings published.

With the article are three lithograph sheets showing the figures and inscriptions.

Wilson John 1804-1875 missionary
Notes on Cuddapah
GB 891 SK · Fonds · 1830

"Notes on Cudapah" (Kadapa), "Read July 17/30" "Ordered not to be printed Nov 13/30" with label "Catalogue of English MSS. II No 5, Cuddapah, Presented by Mrs Skinner and read before the Society on 17 July 1830. Three anecdotes concerning traditions:

  • The self-devotion of a headman of the village of Chitwail
  • An account of the "Assaree Shereef" - a building erected to contain a hair from the beard of Muhammad
  • The behaviour of a fakir Handwritten, 3 pages + label.

This manuscript and details concerning it are found in the Society's "Catalogue of English Manuscripts in the R.A.S.", p.20.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1823- London, England
Notebooks on India
GB 891 SC2 · Fonds · [1900 - 1923]

Twelve notebooks containing the author's notes on India, its religions and inscriptions, mainly extracts from, and comments upon, published authors' works.

GB 891 SC53 · Fonds · [1813]

Two tables listing the communities of the zamindars (landlords) in the parganas of [ ] and Akbarabad (Agra). These are signed and stamped with the signees' seals, one of which dates the table to 1228 Hijri (1813 A.D.). One table also list the Tahsildars (revenue agents) as well as the zamindars. The tables are written in Shikasta Nasta'liq script.

Mythic Society
GB 891 RAS ALL10 · Fonds · 1934 - 1989

Correspondence from the interaction of the Mythic Society, based in Bangalore, and the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Invitation from the President and Council of the Mythic Society, Bangalore, to attend the celebrations of the Silver Jubilee of the Society on 27 November 1934. With the invitation is a Programme of Events. Both printed.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the General Secretary, Mythic Society, to send the Society's thanks for the invitation to the Silver Jubilee celebrations, to send congratulations, and their regrets that the invitation arrived too late for them to send a representative. Typed, dated 11 December 1934.
  • Letter from the Manager, Mythic Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to provide a sketch of the activities of the Mythic Society. Typed, dated 31 March 1989.
Mythic Society (Bangalore Library)
GB 891 SC51 · Fonds · 1872 - 1876

A handwritten copy of the Mémoire sur l'histoire ancienne du Japon : d'après le Ouen Hien Tong Kao de Ma-Touan-Lin written by the Marquis d'Hervey de Saint Denys, President of the Society of Ethnographie, originally published in 1872. This version was copied for Ernest Mason Satow by the 'Ph. [Society] Japaniste' in 1876.

It is a small bound volume with red cover and bearing the bookplate for Ernest Mason Satow, Yedo, on the inside cover.

Saint-Denys Marie-Jean-Léon Lecoq Hervey de 1822-1892 Marquis
GB 891 SC52 · Fonds · 1790 - 1820

Three volumes concerned with British involvement in Java:

  • Java Antiquities, a bound volume composed of four sections including lists, correspondence, a memorandum and private journals.
  • Java Antiquities Craufurd, a bound volume containing two sections, both on the ruins of Javanese temples.
  • British in Java 1811-1812 Contemporary Documents, a bound volume containing multiple manuscripts including letters, contracts, instructions, memoirs, minutes, treaties, notes and reports.

These volumes provide information and a valuable insight into British involvement in Java during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Additionally, they offer accounts of the architecture (particularly of temples), culture, history, traditions and practices of Java and its people, prior to and during British Rule.

Raffles Thomas Stamford 1781-1826
GB 891 RAS ALL6 · Fonds · 1962 - 1997

These papers were collated in the interaction of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
Madras Literary Society
GB 891 RAS ALL3 · Fonds · 1831 - 2006

The Madras Literary Society became allied to the Royal Asiatic Society in 1830. This material was gathered from the interaction between the two societies. These are:

  • "Translations of the Three Inscriptions/ old Telugu Character/ on the Five Copper Plates presented to the Madras Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 30th January, 1831".
  • Translations of the inscriptions with explanatory notes, handwritten, 1 piece, 4 sides.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name, Mr M. Ruthnasamy as the Corresponding fellow. Typed, dated 16 September 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name and address of the President of the Society. Typed, dated 24 October 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name, Professor M.D. Altokar as the Corresponding Fellow. Typed, dated 3 December 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to Miss D Crawford, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inquire regarding the association between the two societies. Typed, dated 20 February 1968.
  • Note from R. Loewe, University College, London, concerning a paper that he had thought was about the Madras Literary Society. Handwritten, dated 5 April.
  • Letter from Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to he Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to ask, on behalf of the Council, for the Madras Literary Society to send an account of their activities for the Council to assess if the link between the two societies can be resuscitated. Typed, dated 11 April 1968.
  • "Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary of Royal Asiatic Society (Est. 1812)" - leaflet concerning the history and current activities of the Society. Printed, dating between 1982 -1988.
  • Letter from Radm M Raman, General Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to send their society's best wishes as the Royal Asiatic Society moves into its new accommodation. Typed, dated 8 August 2006.
  • Letter from Camilla Willemse Larsen, Executive Officer, Royal Asiatic Society, to Radm M Raman, General Secretary, Madras Literary Society, in response to his letter, to express gratitude for their kind words. Typed, dated 24 August 2008.
Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary of the Royal Asiatic Society