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Archival description
Bajān Tadjalli
GB 891 SC12 · Fonds · 1953

A typed manuscript entitled "Bajān Tadjalli: uitgegeven door P. Voorhoeve" discussing the Arabic-Malay manuscript titled "Uiteenzetting der Openbaring" (Exposition of Revelation). It is unclear whether this is Petrus Voorhoeve's own document concerning his publication Bajān Tadjalli, an earlier study of the manuscripts or an article reflecting on Voorhoeve's work. There are eight typed sheets of the article and a further two sheets of footnotes with some handwritten annotations.

Voorhoeve Petrus 1899-1996
GB 891 OS16 · Fonds · 1989 - 2002

Material concerned with the British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia and the interaction of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Association. These are:

  • Letter from Lydia Collins, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rosemarie Wilkinson, Membership Secretary, British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia, to inform her that at the last meeting of the Council of the Royal Asiatic Society it was resolved that the Society should become an Institutional Benefactor of British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia. Typed, dated 17 April 1989.
  • Letter from British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia to Lydia Collins, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank her for the letter and cheque and to welcome the Society as a 'Group' Benefactor. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 20 April 1989. With the letter is a Membership enrolment form for the Society.
  • "Membership List of British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia (as of 1 January 1996)". Printed list.
  • Notice of Annual General Meeting of British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia, 26 March 2002. Printed leaflet.
British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia
GB 891 OS2 · Fonds · 1962 - 1963

Covering letters and lists of the archives and papers of the British Association of Malaya being transferred to the Royal Commonwealth Society. These are:

  • Letter from H.R. Bryon, Secretary, The British Association of Malaya, to the Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society, to send a preliminary list of the papers and documents which have contributed to the Association's History Archives up to February 1962. Dated 23 March 1962.
  • "Documents and papers received for British Association of Malaya History Archives", 5 pages. This is annotated "Ackd 27.3.62".
  • Compliment slip from the Secretary, The British Association of Malaya. This is annotated "Ackd 22 April 1963".
  • "British Association of Malaya Historical Collection: Letters or articles on political or constitutional matters, memoirs and recollections about the Malay States, Singapore, Penang, Malacca and Sarawak kept in the Library of the Royal Commonwealth Society", 5 pages.
  • "British Association of Malaya Historical Collection. List No. 2. Letters or articles on political or constitutional matters, memoirs and recollections about the Malay States, Singapore, Penang, Malacca and Sarawak kept in the Library of the Royal Commonwealth Society", 4 pages.
British Association of Malaya
British Institute at Ankara
GB 891 OS15 · Fonds · 1986 - 1994

Material concerned with the British Institute (of Archaeology) at Ankara and its interaction with the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Note from the December Council Meeting 1986 concerning representatives from the Royal Asiatic Society on the Board of the British School of Archaeology at Ankara. The first representative was Sir Gerard Clauson, followed by Susan Skilliter. On her death Godfrey Goodwin has offered to serve in that capacity. Handwritten, undated. With the note is a copy of a letter from Godfrey Goodwin to inform that he is willing to serve. Handwritten, dated 19 July 1986.
  • Letter from Dr Stephen Hill, Honorary Secretary, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, to Lydia Collins, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform her that at the meeting of the Institute's Council of Management, proposals for management restructuring were provisionally agreed. He informs that this change will be brought before members at the next Annual General meeting. Typed, undated. On this letter is a handwritten note concerning the change in Charity legislation and how this may affect the Society's representation on the Governing Body of SOAS. Dated 9 May 1994. With the letter are 4 pages on the restructuring of the Council of Management.
  • Note from Dennis Duncanson to Dr MacDowall that he disagrees that the legislative change will affect the Society's involvement with SOAS. Handwritten, dated 10 May 1994.
  • Letter from Peter Lawrence, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, to Mr MacDowall to thank for his letter explaining how the Society is restructuring its Council and how members may be able to receive Society funds. He writes concerning discussions between the Institute and the Charity Commission. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 30 November 1994.
British Institute at Ankara
GB 891 OS13 · Fonds · 1935

Correspondence concerned with the appointment of a member of Council to the British School of Archaeology in Iraq from the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Letter from E.H. Keeling, Honorary Secretary, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, to the Royal Asiatic Society to state that under the regulations of the School the Royal Asiatic Society had appointed Professor Margoliouth as a Member of the Council for three years ending in June 1935. He asks for the Society to appoint a member for the forthcoming three years. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 15 May 1933.
  • Letter from E.H. Keeling, Honorary Secretary, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask him to substitute the name of Professor Langdon for that of Margoliouth in the previous letter. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 15 May 1935.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the Honorary Secretary, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, to inform him that Professor S.H. Langdon had been nominated as the representative member of Council for the period commencing 1 July 1935. Typed, dated 17 June 1935.
British School of Archaeology in Iraq
GB 891 SC43 · Fonds · 1829

A catalogue with Japanese titles and Dutch and English explanations of the items collected by J.G.F. Van Overmeer Fisscher whilst stationed for ten years at Nagasakki, the Dutch factory in Japan. This is a handwritten manuscript which begins with the title 'Nipon of Japan' and the Japanese alphabet. This is followed by an explanatory introduction, in Dutch, by Overmeer Fisccher in which he records how he came to own the objects; that the catalogue just provides a brief description of the objects along with some translations appended to the literature and antiquities; and that he is donating his collection to the 'Netherland Academy'. The introduction is signed Van Overmeer Fisscher and dated Batavia, 10 August 1829. Thereafter follows a series of lists including for geography, linguistics, antiquities, and musical instruments. Some parts have explanations in both English and Dutch entries but many lists are just in Dutch.

The manuscript is bound in a leather and marbled cover bearing the Royal Asiatic Society's logo on the spine, indicating that binding or rebinding occurred after its donation. The spine also bears the title 'Japanese Dutch-English Word-Book' suggesting that the identity of the manuscript was unknown when the binding took place.

Overmeer Fisscher Johannes F. van 1800-1848
GB 891 SC13 · Fonds · 1792 - 1910

Within the Royal Asiatic Society collections are several lists and catalogues relating to Asiatic material which are not part of the Society's own collections. These have been gathered within this catalogue. They are:

  • 'A Catalogue of Indian Idols, Indian Paintings, Drawings, &c. which were collected by Mr. Simpson, during a long Residence in India in the Company's Service. Which will be Sold by Auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, in Pall Mall, On Saturday, May the 26th, 1792, at Twelve O'clock.' This is a photocopy of the original document.
  • 'List of Oriental Works purchased at Erzerum, translated from the St Petersburg Journal of Dec 20 1829/ Jan 9 1830' - handwritten list.
  • 'Catalogue of moghrebine arabic Manuscripts in the possession of Jakob Graberg of Hemso' - handwritten, dated Florence, 26 April 1830.
  • 'Sale of Dr. A. Clarke's Library: Desirable for the R.A.S.' - handwritten list, undated.
  • 'Catalogue of Malayan Book's by Thomas Beighton - handwritten list, undated.
  • 'List of the Principal Budhistical works from the Pali in Chinese character by Mt Gutzlaff' - handwritten, dated 1845.
  • 'A List of the Oriental Coins preserved in the British Museum, B. Dorn' - handwritten list, undated.
  • 'Catalogue of Malay books the property of Inchi Mahomed' - handwritten list, undated.
  • 'Catalogue of the Chinese Library of University College, London' - handwritten volume, dated to 1885.
  • 'Lost of lithographed Malay texts in the alphabetical catalogue of Leiden University Library under Kikayat and Shair' - handwritten list, 2 sides, undated, post 1900.
Dorn Bernhard Johann Albrecht 1805-1881
China Society
GB 891 OS1 · Fonds · 1931

These papers consist predominantly of correspondence with Henry Thomas Silcock concerning the administration of the China Society in 1931.

Silcock Henry Thomas 1882-1969
GB 891 SC1 · Fonds · [1798 - 1816]

There are three Chinese documents concerning trade and interaction with the English. With the documents are English abstracts and modern Chinese translations created in 2018.

Staunton Sir George Thomas 1781-1859 Chinese linguist
GB 891 SC62 · Fonds · 1897

Two wall-sheets or charts concerned with Chinese Secret Societies in Malaya and their disbandment, created for William Cowan, Protector of Chinese Perak in 1897. These are:

  • A Wall-Sheet of Diplomas of the Secret Societies. These are hand drawn and painted onto paper which has been affixed to cloth measuring 141cm x 89cm. The bottom end of the chart is fixed into a wooden pole which acts to weight it. On the sheet are replicas of the membership diplomas and seals of the various societies with their names and the colour of their emblems written in English. This includes those dissolved in 1890. The top left corner bears the description, 'Towards the end of 1889, proclamations were widely issued in the Straits Settlements, to prepare all classes for the abolition of all Secret Societies, and special notices were given to the Societies registered as Dangerous under the old Ordinance that they would not be registered under the new Ord: No. 1 of 1889 but must wind up their affairs by the 30th June 1889. The Singapore and Penang Societies in 1890 delivered up their chops and books, and Messrs. Powell and Hare were present at the Central Lodge when the headmen of the 6 Triad branches made formal renunciation by the burning of the original diplomas which constituted them part of the mother organisation - the "Gi-Hin"'. The top right corner bears the words, 'Wm Cowan, Protector of Chinese Perak'.

  • A Wall Sheet with a pictorial representation of the Gi Hin rites, together with reproductions of documents and paraphernalia used by the Society, and some of the secret message-signs formed by the arrangement of tea-cups and chopsticks. These have also been drawn and painted on paper affixed to cloth with a pole at its bottom end. It measures 176 cm x 94 cm. At the bottom right corner are the words, 'Wm. Cowan, Ipoh 1897'.

Cowan William