"H.T. Colebrooke - Memoirs and Autographs", A red calf bound book, containing printed and handwritten material including biographical material concerning Colebrooke, obituary notices for Horace Hayman Wilson, and correspondence from Colebrooke to… read more
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
7 Archival description results for Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Letter from Henry Thomas Colebrooke to Nathaniel Wallich regarding providing an annual supply of seeds for his plantations in the Cape. He lists varieties that he would particularly like Wallich to send and asks that they be directed to James Gosling Esq.… read more
Letter from Henry Thomas Colebrooke to Nathaniel Wallich from Cape of Good Hope. Colebrooke has been more concerned with matters to do with his landed property than with botanical matters but has gathered some geological specimens. He requests that… read more
Letter from Henry Thomas Colebrooke to Nathaniel Wallich, pleased to hear that Wallich has resumed his role at the Botanic Gardens and thanking Wallich for his responses to Colebrooke's previous inquiries. He thanks Wallich also for sending seeds and… read more
Letter from Henry Thomas Colebrooke to Nathaniel Wallich concerning different species of plants that Colebrooke thinks might be appropriate to grow in his South African plantations. Handwritten, dated 22 April 1822.
Letter from Henry Thomas Colebrooke to Nathaniel Wallich in which he thanks Wallich for his correspondence and his Geological and Botanical Despatches and for Mr D Scott's remarks. He enquires whether Scott would like to be a member of the Geological… read more
The collection consists of two series:
Henry Thomas Colebrooke