Thomas Manning lived in Asia from 1807-1817, mainly in Canton and Macao. But he also tried to reach the interior of China via Tibet. The correspondence covers this period and is of both official and personal nature.
Manning Thomas 1772-1840Canton (China)
25 Archival description results for Canton (China)
Two draft accounts of the incident with the sailors from the Neptune [Date 1808] Handwritten, One is 2 pieces each 4 sides; the other 1 piece, 3 sides
Draft letter from Thomas Manning to the Gentlemen on the Committee for leave to return, asking for passage on one of the Company boats for himself and a learned Chinese man who he has engaged to accompany him. Undated [1817], handwritten, 1 piece, 1 side
Draft Letter from Thomas Manning to "Gentlemen" concerning a Mr [Pattle] whom Manning had known in Canton, concerning recognition of his writing and signature. Written from Soho Square (George Leman Tuthill's home). Undated. Handwritten, 1 piece, 1 side
Draft letter from Thomas Manning to Mr [Willis ?Wilkins (see TM/5/8)]. He expresses his regret in that he had hoped to send some Chinese paintings and some seeds but had been let down in acquiring them. Instead he sends some Chinese pencils and Chinese… read more
Four notes from J.W. Roberts to Thomas Manning concerning items for translation by Manning. Undated. Handwritten, each of 1 piece, 1 side, 1 side, 2 sides, 2 sides.
Letter to Thomas Manning from the Mr and Misses Wilkins. The father and three daughters each write in turn expressing their joy at receiving Manning's letter and their concerns for his health, wealth and happiness. One mention a parcel arriving from… read more
Letter from Robert Morrison, Chinese missionary, to Thomas Manning concerning the employment of a Chinese man to assist Manning, Morrison and Ball have tested the man and think he will be appropriate. Dated 21 March 1817, handwritten, 1 piece, 3 sides
Letter to Thomas Manning from Roberts, Resident of the Select Committee at Canton. He writes he has received his seven letters. He is not sure whether he will see Manning before he leaves China but offers to help in any way during Manning's absence from… read more
Letter from Thomas Manning in Canton to "Domine", Chao Sien Seng. He writes about returning to Canton after having been in India and Lhasa. Handwritten in Latin, dated 28 December, 1814, 1 piece, 1 side