Tanger, Morocco

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4 Archival description results for Tanger, Morocco

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GB 891 RB-RB/1 · Series · 1886-1896
Part of Papers of Richard Francis Burton

The Richard Burton correspondence consists of a series of letters to Alexander George Ellis at the British Museum mainly concerning bibliographical enquiries. Each of these letters has been transcribed by Mary S Lovell

There are three letters from Isabelread more

GB 891 RB-RB/1-RB/1/2 · Subseries · (1886) - 1894
Part of Papers of Richard Francis Burton

There are three letters written by Isabel Burton: two are to Mr Cotton regarding publications and the third is a printed letter to ask for a review notice of her Richard Burton biography. There is a further typed copy of a letter from Isabel to Mr Quaritch.

Isabel Burton
GB 891 RB · Fonds · 1821-2013

The material within this collection comprises of correspondence and publications by and about Richard Francis Burton and his wife Isabel Burton (nee Arundell). There are also two photographs of Burton and artefacts.

Also included within this Collectionread more

Richard Francis Burton