Description: Green, blue and pink pattered hardcover notebook with white pages, handwritten in ink, inserts held in place with string, detailed table of content and page numbers. Identified as West 7 in de Menasce handlist.
Description: Green, blue and pink pattered hardcover notebook with white pages, handwritten in ink, inserts held in place with string, detailed table of content and page numbers. Identified as West 7 in de Menasce handlist.
- Pahlavi Din-kard (fragments) from H13a, loose folios 389-90, 399-400, 402-411 of DS, description of MSS. DR & DS
- Multiple folios from Pahlavi Dinkard book 1st from Bombay Govt. MS. at Deccan College
- "Pahlavi text of Menok-i-Xrat copied from a fascimile of the old codex brought from Persia by the Westergaard in 1843-4
- A description of the DS of Denkart
- Persian colophon to M13a (Haug's MS. of Dinkard, IV - IX)
- "Differences between the old Pahl. and Paz. texts of mkh"
- Denkart Bk. III down to ch. 123 (Sanjana = Madan p. 119), copied from a copy belonging to the Bombay Government, collated with D.S.
- The lost folios from Hoshang's Denkart MS
- Denkart Bk. VIII continued
*. Menok i Xrat from the Kopenhagen MS
- Beginning of Denkart Bk. VIII
- "Nouvelle Acquisitions de Manuscrits Pehlevis A Kopenhague" in Print by E.W West and "Recent additions to the Pahlavi manuscripts at Kopenhagen" handwritten by E.W. West; a note and description of missing folios (pp. 46-47)
- scrap of paper with original script and transliteration
- single folio written in Pahlavi script, ink with a signature in the arabic script
- envelope with notes
- notes on "the scanty information of Bukht-marare" written on the cover of the RASJ Part 1, dated 1900
- A description of The Dinkard, Vols VIII & IX, by Pehstan Dastur Behramjee Sanjana and a note to other Pahlavi scholars on research yet to be done written on ruled loose folios
- small loose folios with an "Estimate of words in books 3 - 9 of Dinkard" and estimate number of words in Haug's copy of Dinkard
- small loose folio titled "Colophons of Professor Haug's Dinkart"
- folio with a slightly illegible passage with questions like: "Any further folios of Dinkard?"
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