Material connected with the Joint Session of the Royal Asiatic Society, Société Asiatique, the American Oriental Society and the Scuola Orientale - R. Universita di Roma was held in London from 3-6 September 1919. These are:
- Memo from Charles R. Lanman, American Oriental Society concerning the date set for the Joint Session. Dated 16 July 1919.
- Programme for the Joint Session of the Royal Asiatic Society, Société Asiatique, the American Oriental Society and the Scuola Orientale - R. Universita di Roma detailing the events and list of participating Members.
- Programme of meetings for the Joint Session by Eleanor Hull, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society.
- Letter from Eleanor Hull to inform members of the Royal Asiatic Society of the Joint Session and to invite offers of hospitality.
- Form for application for tickets for the Dinner at the Imperial Restaurant, Regent Street, on 6 September 1919.
- Admittance ticket for events at the British Museum, the School of Oriental Studies and Kew Gardens.