"A cursory Notice of Nayakote By B.H. Hodgson, Esq. Resident at the Court of Nepal". Two copies of an unbound offprint from Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1841, concerning the Valley of Náyakόt and the Awalia people who live there. Few annotations… read more
45 Archival description results for Nepal
"Commerce with the countries north of India". A paper written in reply to one given at the Society of Arts by Sir Douglas Forsyth on the possibilities of commerce with Sikkim, Nepal and Tibet, in which Hodgson points out his previous attempts to raise… read more
A set of three items which are copies of various letters from Brian Houghton Hodgson to his father, Brian (or Bryan) Hodgson (1766–1858) covering the period 1843-1844, particularly concerning Hodgson's disagreement with the policy of Lord Ellenborough concerning Nepal.
Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 OrientalistCopy of a letter from Gajarajsing Thapa to Brian Houghton Hodgson with messages from Jung Bahadur about the massacre in Delhi and the military help offered by him to Lord Canning. Jung Bahadur plans to visit Lord Canning in Calcutta in November and he… read more
Copy of an article from the "Friend of India, 25 September 1843" in praise of Hodgson's service to Nepal. On reverse side is a copy of the "Address of H. Torrens, Esq., Secretary Asiatic Society" on the occasion of Brian Houghton Hodgson's resignation… read more
The series consists of 38 letters from Joseph Dalton Hooker to Brian Houghton Hodgson. They have been organised mainly according to a previous listing made of the material, approximately by date.
Hooker Sir Joseph Dalton 1817-1911 Botanist, ExplorerCutting from The [Athenaeum] concerning a paper read by Mr J. Beames, "On the Magar Language of Nepal". A short description is given on the Magars and where they live. Hodgson has added title and annotations. Dated 28 November 1868.
Cutting from The Times with article entitled, "Nepaul" which is a critique of the book "History of Nepál", translated from the Parbatiya by Munshi Shew Shunker Sing and Pandit Shrī Gunānand with introductory sketch of the country and people of Nepál by… read more
"Dr Wright's Sketch of Nepal. Calcutta Govt Press, 1872". Hodgson's notes taken from this article mainly concerning the history of Nepal. Handwritten, 2 pieces, 6 sides, undated (post 1872).
Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 OrientalistDraft Paper on the Kingdom of Nepal: Its languages, literature and religion. A draft paper in which Hodgson describes Nepal - the kingdom, the diversity of language and religion and the different peoples. Also some additional loose notes concerning… read more