Nairobi Kenya

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2 Archival description results for Nairobi Kenya

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GB 891 QW-QW/7 · Series · 1961 - 1980
Part of Papers of Horace Geoffrey Quaritch Wales

The travel itineraries of Quaritch Wales and his wife, Dorothy. The series contains thirty-six itineraries, including visits to: Greece, Venice, Italy, Germany, India, Russia and Central Asia, Siam and Burma, Malaya and Southern Thailand.

Wales Horace Geoffrey Quaritch 1900-1981 Archaeologist
GB 891 QW-QW/7-QW/7/13 · File · 9th Jan 1969 - 14th Mar 1969
Part of Papers of Horace Geoffrey Quaritch Wales

"Tour of India and East Africa, Jan.9th - March 14th 1969, By H.G.Q.W. & D.C.Q.W." - typed itinerary of their tour, 3 pieces, 3 sides. Further handwritten side on reverse of the third piece: "May 20th - June 3rd 1969, Tour of Turkey, For Itinerary see Postcard Album".