A folder containing six documents Relating to the Jogeshwar Cave in Salsette. These include: No.1: Plan (unfinished), 1854-5 - scale 30 feet to an inch. No.2: A further unfinished Plan, 1854-5, scale 40 feet to an inch. No.3: The beginning of the… read more
Mahakali Caves (sacred site) India
4 Archival description results for Mahakali Caves (sacred site) India
A folder containing 13 items pertaining to the Kondati (Kondovite), or Mahakal (Mahakali), Caves. A contents list is found on the front of the folder. These are: No.1: General Plan, scale 40 feet to an inch. No.2: Cave 3, bench, scale 1/24. No.3: Bas-… read more
A folder containing four items relating to the Montpésir Caves in Salsette. These include: No.1: Short notes by Selby - and Arthur A. West in 1848. No.2: Sketch and drawing of the Tower, 1854, scale 20 feet to an inch. No.3: A Note by Henry West in 1853.… read more
A folder containing eight documents relating to the Caves at Salsette. These include: No.1: A sketch of a Cave at Kandar, scale 20 feet to an inch, with description, September 1854. No.2: A sketch, scale 20 feet to an inch, and description, of a quarry… read more