London United Kingdom

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            London United Kingdom

              248 Descripción archivística results for London United Kingdom

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              GB 891 GMT-GMT/3-GMT/3/5-GMT/3/5/6 · Unidad documental compuesta · 23rd Jan 1945
              Parte de Papers of the Gibb Memorial Trust

              Letter from A.J. Arberry to C.A. Storey to state that when he, Gibb and Levy happened to meet the previous week he had reported to them concerning Luzac's complaint at being unable to fulfil orders for Gibb Memorial Volumes worth approximately £1000 and that the lack of binding work could lead to the deterioration of the stock. He asks Storey if he could go to Heffer to see what their condition actually is and whether there is chance of progress. He is also writing to Raynes to ask if he will write to the British Council to expedite the material to Heffer that is necessary.

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              Royal Geographical Society
              GB 891 OS11 · Fondo · 1930

              An invitation from the President, Council and Fellows of the Royal Geographical Society to invite a delegate from the Royal Asiatic Society to represent the Society at the Royal Geographical Socety's Centenary on 21 October 1930 and the succeeding two days. Signed by Arthur R. Hinks, Secretary, and C.F. Close, President.

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              British Institute at Ankara
              GB 891 OS15 · Fondo · 1986 - 1994

              Material concerned with the British Institute (of Archaeology) at Ankara and its interaction with the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

              • Note from the December Council Meeting 1986 concerning representatives from the Royal Asiatic Society on the Board of the British School of Archaeology at Ankara. The first representative was Sir Gerard Clauson, followed by Susan Skilliter. On her death Godfrey Goodwin has offered to serve in that capacity. Handwritten, undated. With the note is a copy of a letter from Godfrey Goodwin to inform that he is willing to serve. Handwritten, dated 19 July 1986.
              • Letter from Dr Stephen Hill, Honorary Secretary, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, to Lydia Collins, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform her that at the meeting of the Institute's Council of Management, proposals for management restructuring were provisionally agreed. He informs that this change will be brought before members at the next Annual General meeting. Typed, undated. On this letter is a handwritten note concerning the change in Charity legislation and how this may affect the Society's representation on the Governing Body of SOAS. Dated 9 May 1994. With the letter are 4 pages on the restructuring of the Council of Management.
              • Note from Dennis Duncanson to Dr MacDowall that he disagrees that the legislative change will affect the Society's involvement with SOAS. Handwritten, dated 10 May 1994.
              • Letter from Peter Lawrence, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, to Mr MacDowall to thank for his letter explaining how the Society is restructuring its Council and how members may be able to receive Society funds. He writes concerning discussions between the Institute and the Charity Commission. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 30 November 1994.
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              Iran Society
              GB 891 OS20 · Fondo · 2002 - 2003

              Material concerned with the Iran Society and the interaction of the Royal Asiatic Society with it. These are:

              • Letter from Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society to inquire regarding possibilities of cooperation between the two societies and to include a copy of the programme for 2002-2003 and a history of the Iran Society written by Sir Denis Wright. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 21 October 2002. With the letter are the programme and history.
              • Copy of an email from Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society to Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to report on talking with colleagues in the Royal Asiatic Society regarding a possible collaboration for a lecture. Typed, dated 15 November 2002.
              • Letter from Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society to send a copy of the Iran Society Journal which has been relaunched. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 12 January 2003. A copy of the Journal for September 2002 is with the letter.
              • Copies of emails between Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, and Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society concerning a possible conference on Islamic gardens. Typed, dated 25 February 2003.
              • Letter from Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, concerning the publication of Sir Denis Wright's Collected Essays. Typed, dated 24 June 2003.
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              South Kensington Museum
              GB 891 OS28 · Fondo · 1911 - 1913

              Material concerned with the Indian Collection at the South Kensington Museum. These are:

              • Letter to the Under Secretary of State for India regarding provision of care for the Indian Collection and that it be kept as a unit. Printed, unsigned and undated.
              • Letter from Lord Reay, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to the Secretary of State for India to express, on behalf of the Council of the Royal Asiatic Society, their concern regarding the Indian collection at the South Kensington Museum. The collection originated in 1879 when miscellaneous collections from the old East India House were transferred to the Museum. The request is for funds to adequately care for the collections. Typed, dated 12 May 1911. There is also an earlier draft version of this letter, typed with handwritten annotations and labelled, "Sir M. A. Stein's original draft".
              • Letter from R. Ritchie, India Office, to Lord Reay, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to advise that when the Collections were transferred one of the stipulations was that no charge should henceforth fall on the revenues of India, and therefore responsibility rest with the Victoria and Albert Museum to provide suitable staff and care. Typed, dated 24 June 1911.
              • Newspaper article from The Morning Post entitled "Mr Runciman and an Indian Museum", concerning the care of the Indian Collection. Printed, dated 19 July 1911.
              • "List of contacts of various organisations concerned with the Indian Collections and a list of Members of the Royal Asiatic Society Council. Handwritten, undated.
              • "The Indian Collection at South Kensington: Deputation to the President of the Board of Education" concerning the Indian Collection. Typed report of the deputation received on 12 December 1912.
              • Letter from J.H. Headley to Miss Hughes, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, expressing his opinion on the two leading Indian papers on the Museum. Handwritten, dated 20 January 1913.
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              Other Societies and Institutions
              GB 891 OS29 · Fondo · 1935 - 2011

              Correspondence between the Royal Asiatic Society and other Societies and Institutions. These are:

              • Invitation from the Wellcome Archaeological Research Expedition to the Near East to the Annual Exhibition of Antiquities from Tell Duweir (Lachish), Palestine from the 1934-1935 season excavations. Printed, 1 piece.
              • Letter from Fiona Easton, Administrative Assistant, Hakluyt Society, to Professor Francis Robinson, President, Royal Asiatic Society, concerning the possibility of a joint memorial meeting to commemorate the life of Professor C.F. Beckingham. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 4 November 1998.
              • Letter from Lilla Russell-Smith, Editor, Circle of Inner Asian Art, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inquire of the possibility of using rooms at the Royal Asiatic Society for a base for their activities, Typed with printed letterhead, dated 28 June 2002.
              • "Cooperation Protocol between Yunus Emre Institue and Royal Asiatic Society" - an agreement between the two organisations to work together, dated 7 May 2011.
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              Royal Society for Arts
              GB 891 OS5 · Fondo · 1937 - 1954

              Material connected to the Royal Society of Arts and the Royal Asiatic Society's interaction with it.

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              GB 891 GMT-GMT/3-GMT/3/1-GMT/3/1/5 · Unidad documental compuesta · 10th Jul 1936
              Parte de Papers of the Gibb Memorial Trust

              Letter from E. Denison Ross to C.A. Storey to inform him that at the trustees meeting held on 23 May, it was resolved that for the publication Hudud ud Alam, edited by Vladimir Minorsky, that apart from verbal corrections no further additions to the proofs be allowed and the work should be printed with an index of only the proper names. Denison Ross writes that on reporting this to Minorsky, he found that Minorsky had already created a more detailed index of his notes and commentary. Denison Ross and Professor Nicholson are soliciting the opinion of the trustees as to whether this increased index should be printed. Denison Ross gives an approximate estimate to the costs.

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              Papers of Alexandre Anastasius Pallis
              GB 891 AAP · Fondo · 5th Jun 1945

              Typed manuscript of a 'Lecture delivered by Monsieur A.A. Pallis, Minister attached to the Greek Embassy, at the Turk Halkevi (Turkish People's House) London, on Tuesday, June 5th 1945, at 5.30 p.m.' The title of the lecture is 'A Turkish Seventeenth Century Baedeker: Evliya Tcheleby'. With the manuscript is the business card for Alexandre A. Pallis, Ministre de Grèce.

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              GB 891 RAS GOV2 · Fondo · 1823

              Six letters from William Macbean George Colebrooke to Sir Alexander Johnston in which he corresponds, among other things, concerning the beginnings of the Asiatic Society in London.

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