A set of six manuscripts. Most of these are concerned with Hodgson's comparison of vocabularies in the Himalayan region. There are also notes concerning English-German vocabulary.
Sans titreLanguage surveys
29 Description archivistique résultats pour Language surveys
Vocabulary of the Broken Tribes of Himalaya. "Printed in Jour. Asi. Soc. Bengal, Vocabulary of Broken tribes of Himalaya to As. Soc of Bengal Oct 9 1857 with memoir on Váyus". Vocabulary sheets comparing English, Kusundá, Pákhyá, Thakśya and Tháru. handwritten, 6 large sheets, dated 9 October 1857.
Sans titreVáyu / Háyu Language/Dialect. As set of nine manuscripts concerning the Váyu / Háyu Language/Dialect and its vocabulary.
Sans titre"A Specimen of the Váyu language". A sample of Váyu / Háyu writing with its English translation giving the story of a man called Pachyá. Handwritten, 2 pieces, 4 sides, undated.
Sans titre"Bahing verbs". Declension of different verbs in the Bahing language and notes concerning them. Note on back "Kirânti people presented by self in person to As. Soc. Beng. Nov 1857, 4 photographs. The paper "On the Kirânti tribe of the central Himalaya by B.H. Hodgson also with this document in which Hodgson sets out to explain the Kirânti language. Handwritten, 13 pieces, Nov 1857. Further cover with "Printed in Jour As Soc Bengal: Memoir of Kirânti people presented to As Soc Beng with 4 photographs, Nov 1857".
Sans titreThree miscellaneous manuscript items connected to Hodgson's study of languages.
Sans titreComparative Vocabulary of the Kiranti. "Comparative vocabulary of the several languages (dialects) of the celebrated people called Kirântis, now occupying the Eastern most province of the Kingdom of Nêpal, or the basin of the river Arun, which province is named after them, Kirânt. By B.H. Hodgson B.C.S." Sheets of vocabulary comparing English, Rodong or Chámlingu, Rúngchlíngbúng, Chlingtángya, Náchheríng, Wáling, Yákha, Chouraśya, Kulúnģya and Thulunģgya. Handwritten, 6 large sheets, 11 sides, undated.
Sans titreContinuation of the Comparative Vocabulary of the Kirântis. "Continuation of the comparative vocabulary of the several dialects of the Kirânti language B.H. Hodgson R.C.S." Vocabulary sheets comparing English, Báhinggyá, Lόhόrόng, Lámbichhang, Báláli, Sángpáng, Dúmi, Kháling and Dúngmáli. With extra annotations. Handwritten, 6 large sheets, 12 sides, undated.
Sans titreComparative Vocabulary of the Broken tribes of Nepal. "Comparative vocabulary of the languages of the broken tribes of Népál". Vocabulary sheets comparing English, Dărăhí, Dénwár, Pahŕi or Pahi, Chépáng, Brá-mú, Hayu or Váyú, Kaswár. Handwritten, 4 large sheets, 8 sides plus a further sheet, 2 sides of notes, undated.
Sans titreContinuation of the Comparative Vocabulary of the broken tribes of Nepal. "Continuation of the Comparative vocabulary of the languages of the broken tribes of Nepal by B H Hodgson". Vocabulary sheets comparing English, Kusuńda, Pakhýa, Thakśya and Tháru. Handwritten, 5 large sheets, 9 sides, undated.
Sans titre