"Central Italy. Tour by H.G.Q.W. and D.C.Q.W. by car, Sept. 11th to Nov. 3rd, 1961". Typed itinerary of their tour, 1 side.
Wales Dorothy C.Italy
10 Archival description results for Italy
"Germany and Northern Italy etc. Tour by H.G.Q.W. and D.C.Q.W., by car, September 7th-21st, 1964" - typed itinerary of their tour, 2 pieces, 2 sides.
"Italian tour, Sept.12th-Oct. 16th, 1969 By H.G.Q.W. & D.C.Q.W. (in Princess 3 litre)" - typed itinerary of their tour, 2 pieces, 2 sides.
"Italian motoring tour Sept-Oct, 1970 by H.G.Q.W. & D.C.W." - typed itinerary of their tour, 1 piece, 2 sides.
The travel itineraries of Quaritch Wales and his wife, Dorothy. The series contains thirty-six itineraries, including visits to: Greece, Venice, Italy, Germany, India, Russia and Central Asia, Siam and Burma, Malaya and Southern Thailand.
Wales Horace Geoffrey Quaritch 1900-1981 ArchaeologistThere are two letters:
- Draft Letter from Thomas Manning to "My Lord" in which he remembers his gratitude for his Lordship providing a letter for him to carry when he was travelling to China, in case they were attacked by the French. He now asks for … read more
There are two letters for Manning's proposed trip to Italy:
- Letter of introduction for Thomas Manning to Baron Borsarelli, Torino from Cucchi. He writes concerning Manning's desire to learn Italian. Dated 26 May, 1827. Handwritten in Italian, 1 piece, 3 … read more
The Papers include correspondence between Thomas Manning and his family, friends and some official correspondence ranging from his childhood, through Cambridge days, time in France, travels to China and India and his later life.These reflect both Manning'… read more
"Mainly South Italian Motoring tour, Sept-Oct. 1972. H.G.Q.W & D.C.W." - typed itinerary of their tour, 3 pieces, 3 sides.
"Southern Italy, Tour by H.G.Q.W. and D.C.Q.W., Sept.12th-Oct.31st., 1962". Typed itinerary of their tour, 2 pages, 2 sides.