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Archivistische beschrijving
GB 891 THB · Archief · 1818 - 1843

Two articles and accompanying material sent by Thomas Hervey Baber to the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • 'Facsimiles of three Muhammedan Gold Coins, found on the Coast of Malabar' with associated material.
  • 'Copy of a Translation in the Malayalam Arayam Character with an English translation.'
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GB 891 SC15 · Archief · 1653

Sheet of blue card with the dedication: "To the Right Honorable C.W.W.Wynne, President, and to the Members of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain, This Representation of a Magnificent Indian Golden Medal or Coin (of 70 oz wt), Taken from a richly Gilt Copper Facsimile of the Original is most respectfully Inscribed by their obedient servant Wm Yule, Major E.I.C." The card measures 56cm by 44cm and is dated Edinburgh, 1st May, 1834. Besides the dedication the card bears details of the inscriptions on both observe and reverse sides of the coin, with equivalent English translation and Romanised Arabic. The coin was cast in the reign of Shah Jahan I, A.H. 1064 (1653).

Please note, the card has suffered water damage and is in a fragile condition.

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