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Archival description
Asiatic Society
GB 891 RAS ALL1 · Fonds · 1897 - 2008

Material concerned with the Asiatic Society (formerly Asiatic Society of Bengal) and their interaction with the Royal Asiatic Society.

Asiatic Society
GB 891 RAS ALL11 · Fonds · 2002

Copies of emails between Shahryar Z.R. Iqbal, Council Member, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, and Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, concerning the payment of Iqbal's membership fees and his publications on the history of Bangladesh. Three emails, dated April 2002.

Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Asiatic Society of Japan
GB 891 RAS ALL7 · Fonds · 1970 - 2003

This material was collated in the interactions between the Asiatic Society of Japan and the Royal Asiatic Society.

Asiatic Society of Japan
Asiatic Society of Mumbai
GB 891 RAS ALL2 · Fonds · 1968 - 1980

The Asiatic Society of Mumbai, for some part of its history, was affiliated to the Royal Asiatic Society. This material dates from that time and is:

  • "Four Important Reprints on South East Asia" from Kraus Reprint, Liechtenstein. An advertising pamphlet for reprints of Asian material including for the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Bombay Branch, for 1841-1923. Printed, dated 1969.
  • Letter from the Librarian, Asiatic Society of Bombay, to the Royal Asiatic Society to thank them for the gift of the publication, "The Royal Asiatic Society - Its History and Treasures". Typed, dated 20 November 1980.
Asiatic Society of Mumbai
GB 891 OS16 · Fonds · 1989 - 2002

Material concerned with the British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia and the interaction of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Association. These are:

  • Letter from Lydia Collins, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rosemarie Wilkinson, Membership Secretary, British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia, to inform her that at the last meeting of the Council of the Royal Asiatic Society it was resolved that the Society should become an Institutional Benefactor of British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia. Typed, dated 17 April 1989.
  • Letter from British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia to Lydia Collins, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank her for the letter and cheque and to welcome the Society as a 'Group' Benefactor. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 20 April 1989. With the letter is a Membership enrolment form for the Society.
  • "Membership List of British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia (as of 1 January 1996)". Printed list.
  • Notice of Annual General Meeting of British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia, 26 March 2002. Printed leaflet.
British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia
British Institute at Ankara
GB 891 OS15 · Fonds · 1986 - 1994

Material concerned with the British Institute (of Archaeology) at Ankara and its interaction with the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Note from the December Council Meeting 1986 concerning representatives from the Royal Asiatic Society on the Board of the British School of Archaeology at Ankara. The first representative was Sir Gerard Clauson, followed by Susan Skilliter. On her death Godfrey Goodwin has offered to serve in that capacity. Handwritten, undated. With the note is a copy of a letter from Godfrey Goodwin to inform that he is willing to serve. Handwritten, dated 19 July 1986.
  • Letter from Dr Stephen Hill, Honorary Secretary, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, to Lydia Collins, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform her that at the meeting of the Institute's Council of Management, proposals for management restructuring were provisionally agreed. He informs that this change will be brought before members at the next Annual General meeting. Typed, undated. On this letter is a handwritten note concerning the change in Charity legislation and how this may affect the Society's representation on the Governing Body of SOAS. Dated 9 May 1994. With the letter are 4 pages on the restructuring of the Council of Management.
  • Note from Dennis Duncanson to Dr MacDowall that he disagrees that the legislative change will affect the Society's involvement with SOAS. Handwritten, dated 10 May 1994.
  • Letter from Peter Lawrence, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, to Mr MacDowall to thank for his letter explaining how the Society is restructuring its Council and how members may be able to receive Society funds. He writes concerning discussions between the Institute and the Charity Commission. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 30 November 1994.
British Institute at Ankara
GB 891 OS13 · Fonds · 1935

Correspondence concerned with the appointment of a member of Council to the British School of Archaeology in Iraq from the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Letter from E.H. Keeling, Honorary Secretary, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, to the Royal Asiatic Society to state that under the regulations of the School the Royal Asiatic Society had appointed Professor Margoliouth as a Member of the Council for three years ending in June 1935. He asks for the Society to appoint a member for the forthcoming three years. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 15 May 1933.
  • Letter from E.H. Keeling, Honorary Secretary, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask him to substitute the name of Professor Langdon for that of Margoliouth in the previous letter. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 15 May 1935.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the Honorary Secretary, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, to inform him that Professor S.H. Langdon had been nominated as the representative member of Council for the period commencing 1 July 1935. Typed, dated 17 June 1935.
British School of Archaeology in Iraq
GB 891 RAS OC11 · Fonds · 1935

Correspondence concerned with the first Congress of the Federation of Learned Societies of North Africa, held at Algiers University from 10-11 June 1935. These are:

  • Letter from Société Historique Algérienne to the President of the Royal Asiatic Society to inform of the first Congress of the Federation of Learned Societies of North Africa and to invite the Royal Asiatic Society to send a representative. The letter informs of the subjects to be discussed. Typed in French, dated 6 February 1935.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The Secretary, Société Historique Algérienne, to apologise for the delay in replying to their letter but he was still waiting to hear of a suitable representative. Typed, dated 13 March 1935.
  • Letter from Professor Henri Pérès to the Royal Asiatic Society to write that is would be an honour to represent the Royal Asiatic Society at the Congress. Handwritten in French, date 15 April 1935.
  • Letter from D.S. Margoliouth, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to enclose the letter from Professor Pérès accepting the invitation to represent the Society at the Congress. Handwritten, dated 22 April 1935.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Professor Pérès to send the official form from the Society for the Congress. Typed, dated 7 May 1935.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the Secretary General, Société Historique Algérienne, concerning the Royal Asiatic Society's representation at the Congress, and to inform that Professor Henri Pérès would represent the Society. Typed, dated 10 May 1935.
Congress of the Federation of Learned Societies of North Africa
GB 891 OS6 · Fonds · [1950]

Copy of a letter of congratulations from the Royal Asiatic Society to École Française d'Extrême-Orient on the celebration of its Jubilee. The letter expresses admiration for the the scholarly research on south-east Asia under a succession of brilliant Directors. It is undated.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
GB 891 OS25 · Fonds · 2007 - 2009

Material concerned with the European Consortium for Asian Field Study and the interaction of the Royal Asiatic Society with it. These are:

  • "The Ecole Francaise D'Extreme-Orient and European Cooperation in Asian Field Study." Paper concerning the proposed consortium. Computer printed, dated October 2006.
  • "European Consortium for Asian Field Study, Draft Consortium Agreement". Computed printed, dated January 2007.
  • Letter from Dr Avril Powell, Director, Royal Asiatic Society to Ms Jackson, European Consortium for Asian Field Study, to inform her of the Society's interest in participating in the Proposed European Consortium for Asian Field Study. Appended to the letter is a list of the Asiatic Societies with which the Royal Asiatic Society is affiliated and a chart "EFEO Centres in Asia; Mapping out the European Synergies". Computer printed material, dated 15 January 2007.
  • Copies of emails between Avril Powell, Margot Jackson, Professor Anthony Stockwell, President of Royal Asiatic Society, concerning the potential participation of the Royal Asiatic Society in the European Consortium for Asian Field Study. Computer printed material, dated 15 January - 5 March 2007.
  • Paper for the Finance Committee, Royal Asiatic Society, on 8 March 2007 entitled ECAF (European Consortium for Asian Field Study). Computer printed material.
  • Copies of emails between Avril Powell, Margot Jackson, Professor Anthony Stockwell, President of Royal Asiatic Society, concerning further developments in the organisation of the European Consortium for Asian Field Study. Computer printed, dated 13 March - 17 March 2007.
  • "Report on ECAF General Meeting" for the Events and House Committee, Royal Asiatic Society on 1 May 2008 by Dr Avril Powell, Director, Royal Asiatic Society.
European Consortium for Asian Field Study