Correspondence and Papers written by Captain Thomas John Newbold between 1842 and 1849. The majority of the correspondence is from Newbold to Richard Clarke, the Secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society. The Papers were mainly sent by Newbold to be read at… read more
GB 891 TJN
1842 - 1851
Thomas John
East India Company soldier
GB 891 BL
1854 - 1888
The papers of Bhagwan Lal Indraji consist of a large leather-bound notebook bequeathed by Bhagwan Lal to the Royal Asiatic Society. Though the book bears a title of "Flora of the North West Provinces and the Kuyaub by the author", the majority of the… read more
GB 891 SC33
Rubbings of 8 inscriptions made by Archibald Campbell Carlleyle from an ancient temple which he calls Uncha Pahar. He visited this in January 1872 as part of the Archaeological Survey of India. Each of these are labelled, signed by Carlleyle, and dated… read more