Fonds TJN - Papers of Thomas John Newbold

Identity area

Reference code

GB 891 TJN


Papers of Thomas John Newbold


  • 1842 - 1851 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

2 folders

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Thomas John Newbold was born in Macclesfield in 1807. He joined the Madras Light Infantry in 1828. Arriving in India in that year, he undertook further study and passed an examination in Hindustani in 1830, and in Persian in 1831. From 1830 to 1835read more

Archival history

The majority of the letters were sent to Richard Clarke, Secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society. Therefore they would have been in his custody. The Papers were generally sent by Newbold to be read at the Society.

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

It is assumed the correspondence was kept at the Society by Richard Clarke and became part of the Society's records. Similarly the Papers were sent to the Society and remained in its custody.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Correspondence and Papers written by Captain Thomas John Newbold between 1842 and 1849. The majority of the correspondence is from Newbold to Richard Clarke, the Secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society. The Papers were mainly sent by Newbold to be read atread more

System of arrangement

The material was divided into two series for correspondence and papers, and arranged chronologically.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open. Please contact the archivist. The archive is open on Tuesdays and Fridays 10-5, and Thursdays 2-5. Access is to any researcher without appointment but it will help if an appointment is made via phone or email. Please bring photo ID

Conditions governing reproduction

Digital photography (without flash) for research purposes may be permitted upon completion of a copyright declaration form, and with respect to current UK copyright law.

Language of material

  • English
  • Arabic
  • French

Allied materials area

Related units of description

Within our Library Collections are two editions of Newbold's book: "Political and statistical account of the British settlements in the Straits of Malacca". We also have a manuscript, "Tuzuk-i Timuri", supposedly translated from Eastern Turkish by Mirread more

Access points

Description control area

Description identifier


Archivist's note

The Papers were catalogued by Nancy Charley, RAS Archivist, in 2019.