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Advertising Leaflets
GB 891 RAS JOUR-RAS JOUR/6-RAS JOUR/6/6 · File · 1991 - 1999
Part of Royal Asiatic Society: Journal

Advertising leaflets for subscription to the Journal produced by Cambridge University Press for the years 1991 (2 copies), 1996 and 1999 (2 copies).

Cambridge university press
Admittance Tickets
GB 891 RAS LEC4-RAS LEC4/5-RAS LEC4/5/2 · Subseries · 1989
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Lectures and Events: General Meetings, Lectures and Book Launches

Printed admittance tickets for lectures held at the Society:


  • 8 June: Dr Julian Raby, Lands of the Grand Signor: European Visions of the Muslim World in the 16th Century.
  • 12 October: Dr Mehrdad Shokoohy, Architecture of the Sultanate of Ma'Bar, South India. This was a replacement lecture to the original advertised.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Admittance Tickets
GB 891 RAS LEC4-RAS LEC4/4-RAS LEC4/4/2 · Subseries · 1970 - 1975
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Lectures and Events: General Meetings, Lectures and Book Launches

Printed admittance tickets for lectures held at the Society:


  • 8 January: E.H.S. Simmonds, 'Thai Dance Drama'.
  • 21 January: Professor D.M. Lang, 'Cultures of the Caucasus'. This lecture was held in Edinburgh.
  • 12 February: Dr V.J. Parry, 'Some Aspects of Ottoman Warfare'.
  • 12 March: Dr L.E.R. Picken, 'Music at the T'ang Court'.
  • 9 April: James Bynon, 'Berber Songs from the Atlas Mountains'.
  • 28 May: Dr G. Fehérvári, 'Persian Lacquer-Painted Books'. This lecture was held in Durham.
  • 11 June: Clifford Owen, 'Hunting with Animals'.
  • 15 October: Dr J.R. Marr, 'Some Botanists of South and South-East Asia'. This was the Burkill Memorial Lecture held jointly with the Linnnean Society.
  • 12 November: Dr J.C. Harle, 'Early Western Calukya Sculpture'.
  • 10 December: G.W. Seager, 'Oriental Carpets and Rugs of Tent, Village and Town'.


  • 14 January: Dr G.B. Milner, 'Homo Ridens: Towards a New Theory of Laughter'.
  • 11 February: Dr J.D. Latham, 'Al-Andalus and the Destinies of Barbary'.
  • 16 February: Dr J.S. Cummins, 'The Pei-T'ang Library in Peking'. This lecture was held in Sheffield.
  • 11 March: Dr W.E. Skillend, 'The Korean Language in Literature'.
  • 1 April: Dr R. Fischer, 'Archaeological Surveys in Afghan Seistan 1960-1970'.
  • 10 June: John Irwin, 'Mughal Jades and their Relation to Chinese and West Asian Traditions'.
  • 14 October: Dr James Dickie, 'Contemporary Trends in Islamic Architecture in Egypt'.
  • 11 November: Miss M.N. Bainbridge, 'The Fifty-Second Day: A Turkish Funeral Rite'.
  • 29 November: Professor E.H.S. Simmonds, 'The Three Thai capitals, an Historical and Cultural Commentary'. This lecture was held in Canterbury.
  • 9 December: A. Hutt, 'Three Minarets in the Kirman Region'.


  • 13 January: Dr J.G. Coates, 'An Introduction to Komi-Zryan Literature'.
  • 18 January: Basil W. Robinson, 'Persian Miniature Paintings'. This lecture was held in St. Andrews.
  • 10 February: D.B. Doe, 'Southern Arabia before Islam: Archaeological Aspects'.
  • 9 March: Dr H.T. Norris, 'Oriental Myths and Motifs West of the Nile.
    *' 8 June: Professor H.L. Shorto, 'Pagan: An Ancient Capital of Burma'. This lecture followed the presentation to Sir Mortimer Wheeler of a special volume of the Journal in his honour.


  • 11 October: Dr M.A.N. Loewe, 'Recent Archaeological Discoveries in China'.
  • 8 November: John Leach, 'Psalteries and Dulcimers of Asia'.
  • 13 December: Sir Gerard Clauson, 'Apologia'. This lecture was cancelled and replaced by one by E.H.S. Simmonds on 'Love and Nature in Thai Poetry'.


  • 10 January: Dr R.F. Gombrich, 'The Prince who Gave Away Everything; The Vessantara Jákarta in Sinhalese Painting'.
  • 14 February: John Ayers, 'The Changing View of Chinese Ceramics'.
  • 14 March: Dr May Beattie, 'The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection of Oriental Rugs and Related Pieces'.
  • 4 April: Professor W.N. Arafat, 'New Light on the Story of the Banî Quraiza and the Jews of Medina'.
  • 13 June: Dr W. O'Flaherty, 'The Indian Jekyll and Hyde: The Myth of Vena, Alias Prthu'.
  • 10 October: Dr E. Sollberger, 'A Sumerian "Reformer-King" of the Mid-Third Millennium'. This is a draft.
  • 14 November: Dr W.G. Archer, 'Patrons of Painting in the Punjab Hills'.


  • 9 January: Professor C.R. Bawden, 'The Mongol Epic'.
  • 13 February: Dr J. Hansman, 'Excavations at Shahr-i Qumis: A Parthian City in Iran'.
  • 10 April: Dr Susan A. Skilliter, 'Catherine de Medici's Turkish ladies-in-waiting'.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Admittance Tickets
GB 891 RAS LEC4-RAS LEC4/3-RAS LEC4/3/2 · Subseries · 1963 - 1969
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Lectures and Events: General Meetings, Lectures and Book Launches

Printed admittance tickets for lectures held at the Society. Some of these have been annotated with the numbers of people attending the lecture:


  • 14 November: Sir Richard Winstedt, 'Thirty-two Years in Malaya'. 12 December: Margaret Medley, 'Ceramic Design and Industry in the Ming Period'.


  • 12 March: H.L. Shorto, 'The Thirty-seven Nats'.
  • 11 June: Dr F.R. Allchin, 'The Indo-Greeks and their Successors in Gandhara (Further Excavations at Charsada, 1963)'. This card has had the date crossed out, 8 October inserted, and that crossed out too.
  • 8 October: E.H.S. Simmonds, 'Literature and Society in Thailand'.
  • 12 November: Dr D.L. Snellgrove, 'The Decline of Tibetan Civilization'. 10 December: J. Burton-Page, 'The Building Art of Bijapur'.


  • 14 January: H.E. Richardson, 'Early Tibetan Civilization'.
  • 11 February: Dr. Cheng Te-Kun, 'Archaeology in the People's Republic of China'.
  • 11 March: Dr Carmen Blacker, 'Mountain Cults in Japanese Buddhism'.
  • 8 April: Professor E.G. Pulleybank, 'Chinese and Indo-Europeans'.
  • 10 June: Dr J. Elfenbein, 'In Baluchistan'.
    *14 October: B.W. Robinson, 'Some Persian Manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Library'.
  • 11 November: Dr F.R. Allchin, 'The Place of Tulsī Dās in North Indian Devotional Tradition'.
  • 9 December: Professor Owen Lattimore, 'Some Recent Publications of Mongol Historians'.


  • 13 January: Professor Gordon H. Luce, 'The career of Htilaing Min (Kyanzittha), the Uniter of Burma fl. 1084-1113 A.D.' This lecture took place after the presentation of the Society's Triennial Gold Medal to Professor Luce.
  • 10 February: Ralph Russell, 'Ghālib (1797-1869), Self-Portrait of a Delhi Nobel and Poet'.
  • 10 March: Miss K.M. Kenyon, 'Excavations in Jerusalem'.
  • 14 April: Dr I.M.P. Raeside, 'The Mahānubhāva Sect'.
  • 19 June: Dr. C.R. Bawden, 'The Anti-Manchu Rebellion of 1756-7'.
  • 12 October: Dr. A.D.H. Bivar, 'Mesopotamian Elements in Roman Mithraism'.
  • 17 November: Professor Yigael Yadin, 'Masada of Herod and the Zealots'.
  • 8 December: Dr J. de Casparos, 'The Unity of the Realm'.


  • 12 January: Professor D.C. Twitchett, 'Evidence from Tun-Huang on the T'ang Governing Class'. The lecture was preceded by the presentation of the Burton Memorial Medal to Wilfred Thesiger.
  • 9 February: Mrs Mildred Archer, 'Birds and Flowers in Indian Painting'.
  • 9 March: Dr G. Fehérvári, 'Ayyūbbid Metalwork in Syria'.
  • 13 April: Dr C.E. Bosworth, 'The Coming of Islam to Afghanistan'.
  • 12 October: Professor D.M. Lang, 'Old and New in Georgia and Armenia'.
  • 9 November: Dr Romila Thapar, 'The Tradition of Historical Writing in Early India'.
  • 14 December: Dr C.A. Macartney, ' The Maygars Eastern Auxiliaries'.


  • 11 January: Professor O.R. Gurney, 'The Hittite Shrine of Yazilikaya'.
  • 8 February: Dr T.M. Johnston, 'The Middle East Command expedition to Socotra, 1967'.
  • 14 March: E.H.S. Simmonds, 'The Nature and Function of Court Entertainment in Old Siam'.
  • 4 April: Professor W. Watson, 'The King of Tien (Yunnan, 1st Century BC)'.
  • 13 June: The Hon. Sir Steven Runciman, 'The Fate of the Byzantine Churches in Ottoman Istanbul'.
  • 10 October: Dr C.J. Dunn, 'Aspects of the Japanese Puppet Drama'.
  • 14 November: C.H.B. Reynolds, 'The Maldive Islands'.
  • 12 December: G.R. Tibbetts, 'The Origins of Arab Monsoon Navigation'.


  • 9 January: Professor E. Ullendorf, 'A Jewish Tribe in Ethiopia?'.
  • 13 February: Professor J. Segal, 'Christianity in Mesopotamia during the First Two Centuries of the Common Era'.
  • 13 March: Miss B.E. Ward, 'The Boat People of Hong Kong'.
  • 10 April: Susan Skilliter, 'English Pirates in Turkey in 1581'.
  • 12 June: Peter Parr, 'An Archaeological Reconnaissance in North-West Arabia'.
  • 19 June: John Burton-Page, 'Iranian, Central Asian and Indigenous Currents in the Arts of the Mughal Courts: A Cultural Synthesis'. This event took place in Manchester.
  • 9 October: Brigadier S.H. Longrigg, 'Arabia: The Last Fifty Years'.
  • 13 November: Professor R.C. Zaehner, 'Yudhishthira: A Crisis of Conscience'. This was a lecture to mark Gandhi Centenary Commemoration.
  • 11 December: Dr. M.A.N. Loewe, 'Witchcraft and Han Dynastic History 91-74 B.C.'.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland