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GB 891 HME-HME/8-HME/8/5 · File · 1805 - 1845
Part of Papers of Sir Henry Miers Elliot

Extracts relating to Maafee and Talookdaree Tenures - the documents within this volume are:

  • Maafee Tenures in Bundelcund, 12 June 1835.
  • Maafee Registration - series of correspondence, 1834-1835.
  • Respecting necessity of producing Sunnuds - correspondence, 1836.
  • Paper of Enquiries.
  • Board's letter on the General Question, J.G. Deedes, 15 April 1836.
  • Behar Petition, N.H. Macnagten, 29 August 1836.
  • Board on the General question, J.G. Deedes, 29 April 1836.
  • Respecting Settlement with and Pension to the Maafeedars, H.M Elliot, 16 June 1837, E. Thornton, September 1838, and Elliot, 1838.
  • Lakhirajdar has no claim to Shamilat, 1 September 1845.
  • Powers of Lord Lake and the Mahratta Amils, J. Muir, 6 July 1836.
  • Relating to the Seal of Madhajee Scindia, H. Unwin, 6 April 1839.
  • Prescriptive possession under Hookamee Grants, J. Thomason, 11 September 1837.
  • Board's power to modify decision of Commissioner.
  • Shah Alums Seals, 22 September 1837.
  • Ba. Furzundan, H.J. Orson, 19 September 1837
    *. On Bijnore Resumptions, 15 December 1836.
  • Despatch from the Honorable the Court of Directors of 21 April 1841.
  • Private correspondence with H. Lushington, 1845-1846.
  • List of reigns of former Kings.
  • Mr Fortescue on Delhi Jageers, 4 December 1819.
  • Circular Order of 28 August 1838.
  • Subsettlements in Maafee Estates, 11 October 1845.
  • A Maafee Sunud.
  • Mr Thomason's orders respecting Talookas, 17 January 1844.
  • Board on the General question of Talookdarees, 6 December 1842.
  • On the Communities of Sheorajpoor, 26 December 1837.
  • Correspondence respecting Munchunna and the General question of Talookdarees, 1841-1842.
  • Talooka of Munchunna, 5 December 1805.
  • Board on the Talooka of Etawa.
  • The Court of Directors on Bombay Talookdars, 17 September 1841.
  • On bringing and respecting rights in Talookas, 1845.
Elliot Henry Miers 1808-1853 sir
GB 891 HTC-HTC/1-HTC/1/9 · File · 6 -26 January 1817
Part of Papers of Henry Thomas Colebrooke

"Extracts of three letters from Mr. H. Colebrooke to Dr. W. Carey". These concern the appointment of Dr Wallich at the Botanic Gardens and are dated 6th January, 13 January and 26 January, 1817. At first Colebrooke would not recommend Wallich because he thought another eminent botanist had been appointed but on discovering that this botanist had no wish to travel to India, Colebrooke and Dr Fleming petitioned the Court of Directors, East India Company, with the support of Sir Joseph Banks, for Wallich to be appointed to the role. Handwritten, copied by unknown hand.

GB 891 BHH-BHH/14-BHH/14/3 · File · 1840 - 1842
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

Extracts of Letters to and from the Government of India, 1840-1842. Headed "Appendix A" which has been crossed out and Not Published and Private written by hand as alternative headings. These extracts concern Hodgson behaviour whilst at Nepal. Printed material with no cover, with handwritten annotations, 4 loose pages, dated 1840-1842.

Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 Orientalist
GB 891 BHH-BHH/5-BHH/5/1-BHH/5/1/1 · Item · 28th Jun 1843 - 24th Jul 1843
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

Extracts of Letters from Brian Houghton Hodgson to his father, Brian Hodgson, dated 28th June 1843 and 24th July 1843 in which he writes of his position in Nepal. In the letter of the 28 June, Hodgson suggests to his father that he will soon have to leave Nepal and hasten home. He suggests that "Lord E. with talent and industry to do great good, spoils all by his prejudices & by his precipitation & by his arrogance". Again Hodgson writes, "Lord E. wants to persuade himself & others that I am unpopular here: a monstrous delusion or fraud". On the reverse of this letter is a "Translation of a Kharitah from the Maha Rajah of Nepal to the R.H. Lord Ellenborough" which praises Hodgson's ability and expresses the Maha Rajah's concern about Hodgson's desire to return to England. The letter, dated 24 July 1843, in which he writes of a meeting with the Maha Rajah and their subsequent conversation regarding the Governor-General and the political situation. Further extracts relate the extent of Hodgson's support as shown by the number of Chiefs that had attended; and that he will be unable to leave Nepal before December due to the malaria. Handwritten, 4 sides, dated 28 June - 24 July 1843.

Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 Orientalist
GB 891 SC3 · Fonds · 1630 - 1676

Three notebooks into which have been copied extracts from the letter books for 1630-1673 and 1675-1676 from the Surat factory.

GB 891 SC3-SC3/1 · Series · 1630 - 1673
Part of Extracts from the Records of Bombay and Surat

"Extracts from records Bombay + Surat". A small lined notebook with handmade cream cover in which has been written:

  • "Original in Surat Factory Outward Letter Book No.1A of 1630 -1673", page 2 - a Letter to Mr Richard Craddock in Persia from Geo. Orinder, John Goodier, Henry Gary and Ger. Hungier, dated 22 January 1663/64. * Same book, page 44, to Mr Robert Master and Mr Phil. Gyffard from Geo. Orinder, John Goodier, Henry Gary and Ger. Hungier. In the letter is a note from the copyist to state that he has omitted a page of the letter. Dated 10 February 1663/64
  • Same book, to Bart. Worpll. The letter finishes with a copyist's note to state that 10 paragraphs dealing with the purchase of horse and repairs of ships were omitted.
  • Same book, to Fort St. George from Gerald Hungier, Matthew Gray and Charles James, dated 20 January 1671.
  • Same book, to Bantam with copyist note regarding end of letter, dated 5 February 1671.
  • Same book, to Mr Tomas Rold, Gombroone, from Gerald Hungier, Matthew Gray and Charles James, dated 5 February 1672.

These letters are primarily concerned with trade and defensive matters. It should be noted that several of the pages have come loose from the notebook.

GB 891 RAS GOV7-RAS GOV7/22 · File · 25th Feb 1848 - 15th Jul 1848
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Governance: Correspondence Volume Two

'Extracts from letters of Major Rawlinson addressed to Mr Norris'. Extracts from letters dated 25 February, 28 March, 28 April and 15 July 1848, in which he writes firstly of how his indisposition has interrupted his explorations but he is working on the translations from the copies of the inscriptions he has made. In March he writes of making the most of learning about Babylonian knowledge whilst in the desert and of the discoveries he made. In April he had concluded that the roots of Babylonian are biblical and monosyllabic. He has found Babylonian words in the Rabbinical Chaldee. He has also found what he believes to be a description of Nebuchadnezzar's buildings. In July he remarks that his Assyrian progress is satisfactory. He has made good progress on a translation from the Nimrud obelisk and in his understanding of the different grammatical parts of the language.

Rawlinson Sir Henry Creswicke 1810-1895
GB 891 HGR-HGR/2 · File · 6th Nov 1924
Part of Papers of Hugh George Rawlinson

Extracts from letters sent from Bombay 1662-1678 from the India Office Records with a compliment slip from L.M. Anstey. Typed material, 12 pages plus compliment slip which is dated 6 November 1924. With these letters is a handwritten note initialed by Rawlinson, suggesting that Dr Spear of Sir Patrick Cadell would make a good article or to put in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society as "Selections from Bombay Archives". Note is undated.

Rawlinson Hugh George 1880-1957 Historian
GB 891 WST-WST/3-WST/3/2-WST/3/2/3 · Item · 1780 - 1847
Part of Papers of Arthur Anderson, Clement, Edward William, Henry, and Walter West

Three extracts taken from earlier sources regarding the Salsette Caves. First are extracts translated from a French Translation of Carsten Niebuhr's 1780 Voyage en Arabic (Arabian Voyage). The second are extracts from a 1847 work by Dr. J Bird. Third, extracts from J. B. 'Selby's' (Seely?) 1825 Wonders of Ellora. And finally, Notes on Kanheri from James Fergusson's 1845 Rock Cut Temples.

These are pages 3 to 5 on the folder list.