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There are two letters:

  • Draft Letter from Thomas Manning to "My Lord" in which he remembers his gratitude for his Lordship providing a letter for him to carry when he was travelling to China, in case they were attacked by the French. He now asks for letters of introduction to English residing at the Italian court as he is about to proceed to Italy in order to spend about 2 years. Dated 2 June, 1827. Handwritten, 1 piece, 1 side.
  • Draft letter from Thomas Manning to "My Lord Duke" in which he thanks him for the letters of introduction and writes more of his studies in mathematics, philosophy and language. Though able to read Italian he wants to be able to attend to its pronunciation. Undated [1827] Handwritten, 1 piece, 1 side.
GB 891 TM-TM/1-TM/1/1-TM/1/1/32 · File · 19 April 1804
Part of Papers of Thomas Manning, Chinese Scholar, First English visitor to Lhasa, Tibet

Letters from Thomas Manning to William Manning (father) and William Manning (brother) on same piece of paper. To his father he writes about finally getting a letter from his father; of cold weather in Paris for April; that he is "perfectly well & unmolested"; that Paris is calm but the trials for high treason will commence soon; not to believe surmises and conjectures in the papers pretending to come from high authority. To his brother he bemoans that he doesn't write; asks how he and his brother Edward are; how the college (Cambridge) is getting on now Dr Davy is Master. He remarks he has opportunity for studying the French character and muses on France and England and impossibility of really comparing places. Handwritten, 3 sides. Date 19th April, 1804

Letters of Condolence
GB 891 RAS GOV9-RAS GOV9/3-RAS GOV9/3/3 · Subseries · 1931 - 1955
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Governance: Administration

Between 1930 and 1955 copies of letters of condolence, sent by the Royal Asiatic Society, were kept along with letters informing of the death, those thanking for the condolences and some newspaper cuttings of obituaries. A handwritten list of the people honoured in this way is at the beginning of the file. The people are (retained in the order of the list):

  • King Tribhuvana of Nepal, 1955
  • Liaquat Ali Khan, Pakistan Prime Minister, 1951
  • Jean Bouchot, L'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 1932
  • Mahamadopadhaya Haraprasad Shastri, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1931
  • Sir Arthur Cowley, 1931
  • Right Reverend Bishop Trollope, 1930
  • Baron Gerard de Maydell, 1931
  • E.E.P. Rose, 1931
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Richard Carnac Temple, 1931
  • Professor T. Noldeke, 1931
  • Arthur Anthony Macdonnell, 1931
  • Professor F.W.K. Muller, 1930
  • Dr von Le Coq, 1930
  • Professor Eduard Sachau, 1930
  • Dr H.R. Hall, Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum, 1930
  • Archibald Henry Sayce, 1933
  • Dr Hosea Ballou Morse, 1934
  • Dr T.G. Pinches, 1934
  • Alexander Hayman Wilson, 1934
  • Henry Cousens, 1934
  • Sir Ernest Wallis Budge, 1934
  • Dr Kai Donner, 1934
  • Professor William Edward Soothill, 1935
  • Professor Jarl Charpentier, 1935
  • Professor Louis Finot, 1935
  • Robert Paget Dewhurst, 1935
  • His Majesty King Faud of Egypt, 1936
  • Professor Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1936
  • Dr Moriz Winternitz, 1937
  • Sir James Stewart-Lockhart, 1937
  • Letter of acknowledgment of condolence from B. Cox, 1937
  • Professor S.H. Langdon, 1937
  • Professor E.J. Rapson, 1937
  • H.H. the Maharajdhiraja Babadur Sri Bhupindar Singh, 1938
  • Dr Hermann Jacobi, 1937
  • William Harrison Moreland, 1938
  • Lord Chalmers, 1938
  • Professor Carlo Alfonso Nallino, 1938
  • Dr Stuart Wolfenden, 1939
  • H.H. the Maharaja sir Sayaji Rao Gaekwar Bahadur, 1939
  • Dr Moses Gaster, 1939
  • Professor Margoliouth, 1940
  • Sir Michael O'Dwyer, 1940
  • H.H. Maharaja of Mysore, 1940
  • Lady Ross of Ankara, 1940
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Letters of Congratulations
GB 891 RAS SESQ-RAS SESQ/18 · Series · 1973
Part of Royal Asiatic Society: Sesquicentenary

Letters of congratulations. These are:

  • Letter from Harold R Battersby to Dr A.D.H. Bivar, Director, Royal Asiatic Society, to send his congratulations on the 150th Anniversary of the Society, dated 1 May 1873.
  • Telegram from Professor Diakonoff to send his congratulations on 150th Anniversary, dated 25 July 1973. With this is a reply to the Professor from E.H.S. Simmonds, President, Royal Asiatic Society.
Battersby Harold R. 1922-
GB 891 SC60 · Series · 1812-1822

Three letters sent from the Qajar court to Sir Gore Ouseley in the course of his diplomatic mission. These are:

  • Letter from Fath-Ali Shah to Sir Gore Ouseley concerned with the allegiance between Persia and England. This is dated to February 1812. The original letter, handwritten in Persian, has been mounted onto another piece of paper. With it is a handwritten translation into English.
  • 'From His Royal Highness' - a letter from [Fath-Ali Shah] to Sir Gore Ouseley to thank him for the gift of a 'elegant crystal candlesticks' and other articles which were 'wholly in keeping with our desire'. This is undated. The original letter, handwritten in Persian, has been mounted onto another piece of paper. With it is a handwritten translation into English.
  • 'A Letter from His Royal Highness Abbas Mirza Prince Royal of Persia to the Rt. Honble. Sir Gore Ouseley Bt.' concerning sending Murza Salih, a scribe of the court, to describe the circumstances at the court. Murza Salih has been chosen as he has previously spent time in England and can therefore talk to Ouseley without the use of an interpreter. Written in March-April 1822. The original letter, handwritten in Persian, has been mounted onto another piece of paper. With it is a handwritten translation into English and a further typed translation.
Ouseley Sir Gore 1770-1844 Linguist and diplomat
GB 891 TM-TM/6-TM/6/8 · File · 26 May 1827
Part of Papers of Thomas Manning, Chinese Scholar, First English visitor to Lhasa, Tibet

There are two letters for Manning's proposed trip to Italy:

  • Letter of introduction for Thomas Manning to Baron Borsarelli, Torino from Cucchi. He writes concerning Manning's desire to learn Italian. Dated 26 May, 1827. Handwritten in Italian, 1 piece, 3 sides
  • Memorandum of introduction for Thomas Manning to Mr Duclas, "Directeur principal des postes" at Turin from Capitaine Cucchi. Dated Norwich 26 May [1827]. Handwritten in French, 1 piece, 3 sides
GB 891 TM-TM/6-TM/6/11 · File · 20 April 1829
Part of Papers of Thomas Manning, Chinese Scholar, First English visitor to Lhasa, Tibet

These are letters of introduction for Thomas Manning from Du Tressne in Florence. They suggest that Manning was intending travelling whilst based in Italy. They are:

  • Letter of introduction for Thomas Manning to Monsieur Courlet at Vevey from [ Du Tressne] in Florence. Dated 20 April 1829. Handwritten in French. I piece, 1 side.
  • Letter of introduction for Thomas Manning to Messieurs Henri Hentsch at Geneva from [ Du Tressne] in Florence. Dated 20 April 1829. Handwritten in French. I piece, 1 side.
  • Letter of introduction for Thomas Manning to Messieurs de Molin at Lausanne from [ Du Tressne] in Florence. Dated 20 April 1829. Handwritten in French. I piece, 1 side.
  • Letter of introduction for Thomas Manning to Messieurs Mirabaud at Milan from [ Du Tressne] in Florence. Dated 20 April 1829. Handwritten in French. I piece, 1 side.
  • Covering wrappers for Letters of introduction addressed to Thomas Manning at Florence.