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Administrative Papers
GB 891 RAS FIN-RAS FIN/10 · Series · 1966 - ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society: Finance

The majority of administrative papers are not retained after their active lives. These ones have ben kept as of potential archival interest. These are:

  • Correspondence between Diana Crawford, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society and D.H. Bramall, T.L. Wilson & Co., Solicitors, concerning the whereabouts of original Deeds of Trust for some of the Society's Trust Funds. Two letters, typed with handwritten annotations, dated 19 January - 22 February 1966.
  • Budget and allied papers for 1998-2004, 37 pieces, typed and computer printed.
  • 'Royal Asiatic Society Accounts and Accounting Procedures June 2000' giving a brief account of each of the function in the Society's ledger, 5 pieces, computer printed.
  • Correspondence with auditors covering the period from 1991-2005, 60 pieces, typed and computer printed.
  • Correspondence concerning the Society's use of the Charities Aid Foundation from 2010-2012, 20 pieces, typed and computer printed.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Admittance Tickets
GB 891 RAS LEC4-RAS LEC4/5-RAS LEC4/5/2 · Subseries · 1989
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Lectures and Events: General Meetings, Lectures and Book Launches

Printed admittance tickets for lectures held at the Society:


  • 8 June: Dr Julian Raby, Lands of the Grand Signor: European Visions of the Muslim World in the 16th Century.
  • 12 October: Dr Mehrdad Shokoohy, Architecture of the Sultanate of Ma'Bar, South India. This was a replacement lecture to the original advertised.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Admittance Tickets
GB 891 RAS LEC4-RAS LEC4/4-RAS LEC4/4/2 · Subseries · 1970 - 1975
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Lectures and Events: General Meetings, Lectures and Book Launches

Printed admittance tickets for lectures held at the Society:


  • 8 January: E.H.S. Simmonds, 'Thai Dance Drama'.
  • 21 January: Professor D.M. Lang, 'Cultures of the Caucasus'. This lecture was held in Edinburgh.
  • 12 February: Dr V.J. Parry, 'Some Aspects of Ottoman Warfare'.
  • 12 March: Dr L.E.R. Picken, 'Music at the T'ang Court'.
  • 9 April: James Bynon, 'Berber Songs from the Atlas Mountains'.
  • 28 May: Dr G. Fehérvári, 'Persian Lacquer-Painted Books'. This lecture was held in Durham.
  • 11 June: Clifford Owen, 'Hunting with Animals'.
  • 15 October: Dr J.R. Marr, 'Some Botanists of South and South-East Asia'. This was the Burkill Memorial Lecture held jointly with the Linnnean Society.
  • 12 November: Dr J.C. Harle, 'Early Western Calukya Sculpture'.
  • 10 December: G.W. Seager, 'Oriental Carpets and Rugs of Tent, Village and Town'.


  • 14 January: Dr G.B. Milner, 'Homo Ridens: Towards a New Theory of Laughter'.
  • 11 February: Dr J.D. Latham, 'Al-Andalus and the Destinies of Barbary'.
  • 16 February: Dr J.S. Cummins, 'The Pei-T'ang Library in Peking'. This lecture was held in Sheffield.
  • 11 March: Dr W.E. Skillend, 'The Korean Language in Literature'.
  • 1 April: Dr R. Fischer, 'Archaeological Surveys in Afghan Seistan 1960-1970'.
  • 10 June: John Irwin, 'Mughal Jades and their Relation to Chinese and West Asian Traditions'.
  • 14 October: Dr James Dickie, 'Contemporary Trends in Islamic Architecture in Egypt'.
  • 11 November: Miss M.N. Bainbridge, 'The Fifty-Second Day: A Turkish Funeral Rite'.
  • 29 November: Professor E.H.S. Simmonds, 'The Three Thai capitals, an Historical and Cultural Commentary'. This lecture was held in Canterbury.
  • 9 December: A. Hutt, 'Three Minarets in the Kirman Region'.


  • 13 January: Dr J.G. Coates, 'An Introduction to Komi-Zryan Literature'.
  • 18 January: Basil W. Robinson, 'Persian Miniature Paintings'. This lecture was held in St. Andrews.
  • 10 February: D.B. Doe, 'Southern Arabia before Islam: Archaeological Aspects'.
  • 9 March: Dr H.T. Norris, 'Oriental Myths and Motifs West of the Nile.
    *' 8 June: Professor H.L. Shorto, 'Pagan: An Ancient Capital of Burma'. This lecture followed the presentation to Sir Mortimer Wheeler of a special volume of the Journal in his honour.


  • 11 October: Dr M.A.N. Loewe, 'Recent Archaeological Discoveries in China'.
  • 8 November: John Leach, 'Psalteries and Dulcimers of Asia'.
  • 13 December: Sir Gerard Clauson, 'Apologia'. This lecture was cancelled and replaced by one by E.H.S. Simmonds on 'Love and Nature in Thai Poetry'.


  • 10 January: Dr R.F. Gombrich, 'The Prince who Gave Away Everything; The Vessantara Jákarta in Sinhalese Painting'.
  • 14 February: John Ayers, 'The Changing View of Chinese Ceramics'.
  • 14 March: Dr May Beattie, 'The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection of Oriental Rugs and Related Pieces'.
  • 4 April: Professor W.N. Arafat, 'New Light on the Story of the Banî Quraiza and the Jews of Medina'.
  • 13 June: Dr W. O'Flaherty, 'The Indian Jekyll and Hyde: The Myth of Vena, Alias Prthu'.
  • 10 October: Dr E. Sollberger, 'A Sumerian "Reformer-King" of the Mid-Third Millennium'. This is a draft.
  • 14 November: Dr W.G. Archer, 'Patrons of Painting in the Punjab Hills'.


  • 9 January: Professor C.R. Bawden, 'The Mongol Epic'.
  • 13 February: Dr J. Hansman, 'Excavations at Shahr-i Qumis: A Parthian City in Iran'.
  • 10 April: Dr Susan A. Skilliter, 'Catherine de Medici's Turkish ladies-in-waiting'.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Admittance Tickets
GB 891 RAS LEC4-RAS LEC4/3-RAS LEC4/3/2 · Subseries · 1963 - 1969
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Lectures and Events: General Meetings, Lectures and Book Launches

Printed admittance tickets for lectures held at the Society. Some of these have been annotated with the numbers of people attending the lecture:


  • 14 November: Sir Richard Winstedt, 'Thirty-two Years in Malaya'. 12 December: Margaret Medley, 'Ceramic Design and Industry in the Ming Period'.


  • 12 March: H.L. Shorto, 'The Thirty-seven Nats'.
  • 11 June: Dr F.R. Allchin, 'The Indo-Greeks and their Successors in Gandhara (Further Excavations at Charsada, 1963)'. This card has had the date crossed out, 8 October inserted, and that crossed out too.
  • 8 October: E.H.S. Simmonds, 'Literature and Society in Thailand'.
  • 12 November: Dr D.L. Snellgrove, 'The Decline of Tibetan Civilization'. 10 December: J. Burton-Page, 'The Building Art of Bijapur'.


  • 14 January: H.E. Richardson, 'Early Tibetan Civilization'.
  • 11 February: Dr. Cheng Te-Kun, 'Archaeology in the People's Republic of China'.
  • 11 March: Dr Carmen Blacker, 'Mountain Cults in Japanese Buddhism'.
  • 8 April: Professor E.G. Pulleybank, 'Chinese and Indo-Europeans'.
  • 10 June: Dr J. Elfenbein, 'In Baluchistan'.
    *14 October: B.W. Robinson, 'Some Persian Manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Library'.
  • 11 November: Dr F.R. Allchin, 'The Place of Tulsī Dās in North Indian Devotional Tradition'.
  • 9 December: Professor Owen Lattimore, 'Some Recent Publications of Mongol Historians'.


  • 13 January: Professor Gordon H. Luce, 'The career of Htilaing Min (Kyanzittha), the Uniter of Burma fl. 1084-1113 A.D.' This lecture took place after the presentation of the Society's Triennial Gold Medal to Professor Luce.
  • 10 February: Ralph Russell, 'Ghālib (1797-1869), Self-Portrait of a Delhi Nobel and Poet'.
  • 10 March: Miss K.M. Kenyon, 'Excavations in Jerusalem'.
  • 14 April: Dr I.M.P. Raeside, 'The Mahānubhāva Sect'.
  • 19 June: Dr. C.R. Bawden, 'The Anti-Manchu Rebellion of 1756-7'.
  • 12 October: Dr. A.D.H. Bivar, 'Mesopotamian Elements in Roman Mithraism'.
  • 17 November: Professor Yigael Yadin, 'Masada of Herod and the Zealots'.
  • 8 December: Dr J. de Casparos, 'The Unity of the Realm'.


  • 12 January: Professor D.C. Twitchett, 'Evidence from Tun-Huang on the T'ang Governing Class'. The lecture was preceded by the presentation of the Burton Memorial Medal to Wilfred Thesiger.
  • 9 February: Mrs Mildred Archer, 'Birds and Flowers in Indian Painting'.
  • 9 March: Dr G. Fehérvári, 'Ayyūbbid Metalwork in Syria'.
  • 13 April: Dr C.E. Bosworth, 'The Coming of Islam to Afghanistan'.
  • 12 October: Professor D.M. Lang, 'Old and New in Georgia and Armenia'.
  • 9 November: Dr Romila Thapar, 'The Tradition of Historical Writing in Early India'.
  • 14 December: Dr C.A. Macartney, ' The Maygars Eastern Auxiliaries'.


  • 11 January: Professor O.R. Gurney, 'The Hittite Shrine of Yazilikaya'.
  • 8 February: Dr T.M. Johnston, 'The Middle East Command expedition to Socotra, 1967'.
  • 14 March: E.H.S. Simmonds, 'The Nature and Function of Court Entertainment in Old Siam'.
  • 4 April: Professor W. Watson, 'The King of Tien (Yunnan, 1st Century BC)'.
  • 13 June: The Hon. Sir Steven Runciman, 'The Fate of the Byzantine Churches in Ottoman Istanbul'.
  • 10 October: Dr C.J. Dunn, 'Aspects of the Japanese Puppet Drama'.
  • 14 November: C.H.B. Reynolds, 'The Maldive Islands'.
  • 12 December: G.R. Tibbetts, 'The Origins of Arab Monsoon Navigation'.


  • 9 January: Professor E. Ullendorf, 'A Jewish Tribe in Ethiopia?'.
  • 13 February: Professor J. Segal, 'Christianity in Mesopotamia during the First Two Centuries of the Common Era'.
  • 13 March: Miss B.E. Ward, 'The Boat People of Hong Kong'.
  • 10 April: Susan Skilliter, 'English Pirates in Turkey in 1581'.
  • 12 June: Peter Parr, 'An Archaeological Reconnaissance in North-West Arabia'.
  • 19 June: John Burton-Page, 'Iranian, Central Asian and Indigenous Currents in the Arts of the Mughal Courts: A Cultural Synthesis'. This event took place in Manchester.
  • 9 October: Brigadier S.H. Longrigg, 'Arabia: The Last Fifty Years'.
  • 13 November: Professor R.C. Zaehner, 'Yudhishthira: A Crisis of Conscience'. This was a lecture to mark Gandhi Centenary Commemoration.
  • 11 December: Dr. M.A.N. Loewe, 'Witchcraft and Han Dynastic History 91-74 B.C.'.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland