Affichage de 287 résultats

Description archivistique
Papers of Emil Forchhammer
GB 891 EF · Fonds · 1883 - 1892

A collection of papers written by, or relating to, Emil Forchhamer which have been bound into a single volume entitled Papers on subjects relating to the Archaeology of Burma: Forchhammer. These papers are:

  • Letter from H.R.H. Coxe, Under Secretary to the Chief Commissioner, Burma, to The Secretary to the Government of India, Revenue and Agricultural Department, concerning the work undertaken by Forchhammer as Government Archaeologist from 1883 to 1889. it plots out Forchhammer's work in collecting Talaing and Pali manuscripts for the Bernard Free Library, and his investigations in the Arakan region. The letter requests that Forchhammer is relieved from his professorial duties in order that he may survey the Pagan region. Dated 15 July 1889. Printed material with handwritten annotations concerning its arrival at the India Office, 11 March 1891 and also bearing an India Office stamp for 31 March 1891.
  • Notes on the Early History and Geography of British Burma. I: The Shwe Dagon Pagoda by Em. Forchhammer. Printed pamphlet from Rangoon Government Press, 1883 concerning the pagoda.
  • Sections from the 1889 Revenue and Agricultural Department Report from the Chief Commissioner of Burma. The sections are on Pali literature and Archaeology and are written by Forchhammer. This is also in support of Forchhammer's release from professorial duties in favour of archaeological investigation. Dated 18 June 1889.
  • Resolution on the Transfer of the Management of the Rangoon College and High School to the Education Syndicate. This is an extract from the Proceedings of the Chief Commissioner of Burma, dated 10 August 1886, in which it sets out the requirements for the transfer to take place. This includes Dr Forchhammer's transfer as one of the members of teaching staff. Printed material with printed signature of E.S. Symes, Secretary.
  • Report from the Officiating Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Burma to the Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department, to supply a report on the work done by Dr Forchhammer in connection with ancient manuscripts since 1892. Dated 2 September 1889.
  • Extract from letter No. 209-89A, dated 10th August 1889, from the Government Archaeologist in which Forchhammer reports on the 670 palm-leaf manuscripts he has collected and copied which are deposited in the Manuscript Department of the Bernard Free Library.
  • Letter No. 598-1A, dated Rangoon, 22nd April 1890, from H.R.H. Coxe, Under-Secretary to the Chief Commissioner, Burma, to the Secretary to the Government of India, Revenue and Agricultural Department in which he reports on the written work completed by Forchhammer on the regions of Arakan and Pagan, and of the work still required. The letter requests that Forchhammer be allowed to return to Europe to complete his work due to the poor state of his health.
  • Arakan I. - Mahamuni Pagoda. Printed version of Forchhammer's work on the Pagoda, including photographic plates. It is annotated to state his authorship and that it was received as an enclosure of a letter from the Chief Governor of Burma No. 596/1a, dated 22 April 1890.
  • Arakan II. - Mrohaung - the second chapter of Forchhammer's work on Arakan again with photographic plates, a map, and with annotation that it was received as an enclosure in the same letter from the Chief Governor.
  • Arakan III. - Launggyet, Minbya, Urittaung, Akyab, and Sandoway - the third chapter of Forchhammer's work on Arakan with plates and annotation concerning its enclosure within the letter from the Chief Governor.
  • Pagan I. - The Kyaukku Temple - the first chapter of Forchhammer's uncompleted work on Pagan with photographic plates and annotations concerning its enclosure within the same letter and ascribing authorship to Forchhammer.
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Papers of Edward William Lane
GB 891 EWL · Fonds · 1836

There is one item in these Papers. This is a "List of books printed in Egypt, to the commencement of the year of the Flight 1251 - with their prices. Copied (without correction of any trifling errors) from a register lent to me by the principal agent for the sale of these books. E.W.L". Handwritten, 4 sides. The introductory note bearing the title and an ending note about monetary equivalent in Sterling are in English. The list in Arabic.

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GB 891 GCH · Fonds · 1765 - 1837

Five handwritten leather bound volumes - four contain Reports on the Finances of Bengal and the fifth contains English notes/translation of the Shahnamah of Firdausi. Each bears the names A. Hamilton and G. Haughton; the four Finance books also bear the inscription "Presented to the Royal Asiatic Society by Sir Graves Haughton, 1 April 1837."

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Asiatic Society of Japan
GB 891 RAS ALL7 · Fonds · 1970 - 2003

This material was collated in the interactions between the Asiatic Society of Japan and the Royal Asiatic Society.

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GB 891 RAS ANN160 · Fonds · 1983

In 1983 the Royal Asiatic Society celebrated its 160th Anniversary with a lecture, concert and Vin d'honnuer. There is a small amount of publicity material and correspondence related to this celebration.

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GB 891 RAS ANN175 · Fonds · 1997 - 1999

In 1998, the Royal Asiatic Society celebrated its 175th anniversary with an exhibition, "Persian and Indian Manuscripts and Paintings from the Collection of the Royal Asiatic Society" at the British Museum, and a lecture, "The Book of Kings: The Juki Shahnama of the Royal Asiatic Society" by Dr Barbara Brend, held at the British Library. This material covers the planning, publicity and attendance at these events. Also in conjunction with the exhibition, the publication Persian Paintings in the Collection of the Royal Asiatic Society by B.W. Robinson was published.

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Papers of Alan Charles Trott
GB 891 ACT · Fonds · 1848 - 1896

These Papers consist of:

  • A Letter from Stephen Gaselee, Librarian and Keeper of the Papers at the Foreign Office, to The Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to send copies of the title page and preface to a translation of certain correspondence of His Imperial Majesty Nasir-ud-Sin, Shah of Persia from 1848 to 1896, made by Mr. A.C. Trott, formerly Oriental Secretary to his Majesty's Legation at Tehran. These are supplied for scholarly use only. He informs that the original volume of the Shah's letters and the accompanying translation are to be presented to the British Museum. Typed letter, 2 pieces, dated 30 June 1938.
  • A handwritten title page stressing the use for students and scholars only. 1 piece, handwritten.
  • Copy of Preface and Title Page for "Correspondence of His Imperial Majesty Nasir-ud-Din, Shah of Persia from 1848-1896, collected by Mirza Abd-ul-Wahhab Khan Nuri, Nizam-ul-Mulk, a grandson of Mirza Aga Khan, Itmed-ud-Dauleh, Chief Minister of Nasir-ud-Din Shah from 1851 to 1858, and a son of Mirza Kazim Khan, Nizam-ul-Mulk, the holder at different times of various ministerial appointments, and translated by Mr. A.C. Trott, Oriental Secretary to His Majesty's Legation at Tehran from 1931 to 1937." 6 pieces, typed.
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Papers of Alexander Gerard
GB 891 AG · Fonds · 1803 - 1828

The Papers of Alexander Gerard consist of a single item - his "Memoir on the Situation of Bundelcund (Bundelkhand) in 1803" which, the manuscript notes, was presented to the Society by Captain A. Gerard on 3 May 1828. This document commences with the accession of Chatter Saul Singh who raised the power and influence of his kingdom. However on his death the area was thrown into confusion by competing claims of rival princes. Nana Fadnavis annexed the kingdom to the Mahratta territories. The document gives tables of descent for the Rajah of Punna and the Rajah of Bindi and statements of annual revenue. Gerard was not in India in 1803 so this is written as a history rather than a personal memoir. Handwritten manuscript, 23 pages, with additional label which states, "Catalogue of English MSS. IV, No. 13, Bundelkhund in 1803, Presented by Captn. A. Gerard".

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Papers of Alexandre Anastasius Pallis
GB 891 AAP · Fonds · 5th Jun 1945

Typed manuscript of a 'Lecture delivered by Monsieur A.A. Pallis, Minister attached to the Greek Embassy, at the Turk Halkevi (Turkish People's House) London, on Tuesday, June 5th 1945, at 5.30 p.m.' The title of the lecture is 'A Turkish Seventeenth Century Baedeker: Evliya Tcheleby'. With the manuscript is the business card for Alexandre A. Pallis, Ministre de Grèce.

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GB 891 RAS COLL2 · Fonds · 1823 - ongoing

This catalogue contains the policy documents of the Society regarding Collections management. Because of the relatively small nature of the Society, historically many such policy decisions have been made by its Council or Library Committee, recorded in the Minutes of the Meetings, and these Minutes used as the "policy documents". Further some Collections management policy is covered by the Charters and Byelaws of the Society. Therefore researchers of policy decisions should also consult these materials.
The creation of policies and their updating is an ongoing process. Historic ones have been added to this catalogue; and others will be added as they become available.

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