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GB 891 SC35 · Fonds · 1886 - 1892

"List of Inscriptions from Northern India sent to Dr. Jas. Burgess, C.I.G., Edinburgh Scotland". An alphabetical list of inscriptions dated to November 1886. A different hand notes that these were sent through "Messrs. Grindlay [Gr ] & Co" and shipped aboard the SS Thames on 13th Feb 1892. Several of the pages bear the stamp of James Burgess. L.L.D., Archaeological Survey.

Burgess James 1832-1916
GB 891 SC60 · Series · 1812-1822

Three letters sent from the Qajar court to Sir Gore Ouseley in the course of his diplomatic mission. These are:

  • Letter from Fath-Ali Shah to Sir Gore Ouseley concerned with the allegiance between Persia and England. This is dated to February 1812. The original letter, handwritten in Persian, has been mounted onto another piece of paper. With it is a handwritten translation into English.
  • 'From His Royal Highness' - a letter from [Fath-Ali Shah] to Sir Gore Ouseley to thank him for the gift of a 'elegant crystal candlesticks' and other articles which were 'wholly in keeping with our desire'. This is undated. The original letter, handwritten in Persian, has been mounted onto another piece of paper. With it is a handwritten translation into English.
  • 'A Letter from His Royal Highness Abbas Mirza Prince Royal of Persia to the Rt. Honble. Sir Gore Ouseley Bt.' concerning sending Murza Salih, a scribe of the court, to describe the circumstances at the court. Murza Salih has been chosen as he has previously spent time in England and can therefore talk to Ouseley without the use of an interpreter. Written in March-April 1822. The original letter, handwritten in Persian, has been mounted onto another piece of paper. With it is a handwritten translation into English and a further typed translation.
Ouseley Sir Gore 1770-1844 Linguist and diplomat
Kalmyk-German Dictionary
GB 891 SC55 · Fonds · 1807-1835

'Dictionnaire Kalmouk - Allemand: Texte' - a handwritten manuscript believed to be created by Julius Klaproth containing the Kalmyk alphabet and a dictionary of words. A note has been added on the front paper recording; 'This fragment of a Dictionary most probably came from Klaproth's library which was sold at his death - H [S] Decr. 1850'. The dictionary sections are divided under headings of page numbers, suggesting this manuscript may have been copied from a larger one. Inserted into the manuscript is a piece of yellow paper providing the information gained By Dr W. Simon about the manuscript's provenance. The front cover has a label affixed with 'Mongolian' ascribed in ink and 'Kalmuch- German Dictionary' in pencil. and the spine has a paper label stating Mongolian-German'. These appear to be additions made once in came into the Society's possession.

Klaproth Heinrich Julius 1783-1835 linguist, philologist, orientalist,
Journal of Compass Bearings
GB 891 SC9 · Fonds · [1800 - 1899]

A journal containing detailed lists of compass bearings from various locations in India. The journal is untitled and bears no name of its author. It measures 35cm by 24cm with a brown cardboard cover which has become detached from the pages.

GB 891 RAS OC1 · Fonds · 1919

The 17th International Congress of Orientalists, fixed to be held in Oxford in 1915, was abandoned due to the First World War. In September 1919, Orientalists, principally from the Royal Asiatic Society, Société Asiatique, American Oriental Society and Scuolà Orientale - R. Università di Roma, with representatives from other nations, gathered to discuss the future of Oriental Studies. This was hosted by the Royal Asiatic Society and included a series of lectures, various receptions including a visit to the British Museum and to Kew Gardens, and culminated with a Banquet held at the Imperial Restaurant, Regent Street, on Saturday 6 September. The allied papers iconsist of printed material and newspaper cuttings concerned with the Joint Session of the Royal Asiatic Society, the Société Asiatique, American Oriental Society and the Scuola Orientale-R. Università di Roma hosted by the Royal Asiatic Society, 3-6 September 1919.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1823- London, England
GB 891 RAS JGF · Fonds · 1898- ongoing

James Forlong bequeathed money to the Royal Asiatic Society to come to the Society upon the death of his wife. The money was to be used towards the establishment of an 'Imperial Oriental College or School' and in particular for the promotion of lectures. This fund was to be administered by the Royal Asiatic Society. With the opening of the School of Oriental Studies, London, it was necessary to negotiate with the School about the use of the Fund. These papers consist of administrative documents and correspondence concerned with both the inauguration of the Forlong Fund and its continuing application for lectures and scholarships. The administrative documents and correspondence concerning the publications undertaken can be found in the Society's publication records.

Forlong James George Roche 1824-1904
Iran Society
GB 891 OS20 · Fonds · 2002 - 2003

Material concerned with the Iran Society and the interaction of the Royal Asiatic Society with it. These are:

  • Letter from Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society to inquire regarding possibilities of cooperation between the two societies and to include a copy of the programme for 2002-2003 and a history of the Iran Society written by Sir Denis Wright. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 21 October 2002. With the letter are the programme and history.
  • Copy of an email from Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society to Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to report on talking with colleagues in the Royal Asiatic Society regarding a possible collaboration for a lecture. Typed, dated 15 November 2002.
  • Letter from Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society to send a copy of the Iran Society Journal which has been relaunched. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 12 January 2003. A copy of the Journal for September 2002 is with the letter.
  • Copies of emails between Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, and Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society concerning a possible conference on Islamic gardens. Typed, dated 25 February 2003.
  • Letter from Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, concerning the publication of Sir Denis Wright's Collected Essays. Typed, dated 24 June 2003.
Iran Society
GB 891 SC8 · Fonds · 1821

"Introduction on the Elements of the Afghan language" which explains about the two divisions of Afghans and their languages, the different tribes in various locations. It consider the alphabet, vocabulary and grammar of the language. This manuscript is 13 pages on loose folded sheets.

Elliott Charles 1776-1856
GB 891 RAS IUO · Fonds · 1951 - 1977

The International Union of Orientalists was founded in September 1951 in Istanbul at the International Congress of Orientalists. It was renamed in 1973 as the International Union for Oriental and Asian Studies. This material covers the interaction of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Union in the time period 1951-1977.

International Union for Oriental and Asian Studies
GB 891 OS17 · Fonds · 1901 - [1910]

Material Concerned with the International Fund for the Archaeological Exploration of India. These are:

  • List of the Executive Committees in the represented countries of the International Fund for the Archaeological Exploration of India and a letter from Lord Reay, President, International Fund for the Archaeological Exploration of India, to set forward a scheme for raising funds for archaeological work in India and to seek approval for such a scheme. Printed material, 2 copies, letter dated February 1901.
  • "Memorandum" concerning the Government of India's proposal for decentralising various Government departments and how that could affect Archaeology. Printed, undated [c.1902].
International Fund for the Archaeological Exploration of India