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Asiatic Society of Mumbai
GB 891 RAS ALL2 · Arquivo · 1968 - 1980

The Asiatic Society of Mumbai, for some part of its history, was affiliated to the Royal Asiatic Society. This material dates from that time and is:

  • "Four Important Reprints on South East Asia" from Kraus Reprint, Liechtenstein. An advertising pamphlet for reprints of Asian material including for the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Bombay Branch, for 1841-1923. Printed, dated 1969.
  • Letter from the Librarian, Asiatic Society of Bombay, to the Royal Asiatic Society to thank them for the gift of the publication, "The Royal Asiatic Society - Its History and Treasures". Typed, dated 20 November 1980.
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Madras Literary Society
GB 891 RAS ALL3 · Arquivo · 1831 - 2006

The Madras Literary Society became allied to the Royal Asiatic Society in 1830. This material was gathered from the interaction between the two societies. These are:

  • "Translations of the Three Inscriptions/ old Telugu Character/ on the Five Copper Plates presented to the Madras Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 30th January, 1831".
  • Translations of the inscriptions with explanatory notes, handwritten, 1 piece, 4 sides.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name, Mr M. Ruthnasamy as the Corresponding fellow. Typed, dated 16 September 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name and address of the President of the Society. Typed, dated 24 October 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name, Professor M.D. Altokar as the Corresponding Fellow. Typed, dated 3 December 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to Miss D Crawford, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inquire regarding the association between the two societies. Typed, dated 20 February 1968.
  • Note from R. Loewe, University College, London, concerning a paper that he had thought was about the Madras Literary Society. Handwritten, dated 5 April.
  • Letter from Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to he Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to ask, on behalf of the Council, for the Madras Literary Society to send an account of their activities for the Council to assess if the link between the two societies can be resuscitated. Typed, dated 11 April 1968.
  • "Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary of Royal Asiatic Society (Est. 1812)" - leaflet concerning the history and current activities of the Society. Printed, dating between 1982 -1988.
  • Letter from Radm M Raman, General Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to send their society's best wishes as the Royal Asiatic Society moves into its new accommodation. Typed, dated 8 August 2006.
  • Letter from Camilla Willemse Larsen, Executive Officer, Royal Asiatic Society, to Radm M Raman, General Secretary, Madras Literary Society, in response to his letter, to express gratitude for their kind words. Typed, dated 24 August 2008.
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Papers of Edward Conze
GB 891 EC · Arquivo · 1939 - 1979

Handwritten, typed and printed manuscripts of work by Edward Conze which were given to his friend Vera Calvert (neé Baker). They include early philosophical work, translations and explanations of Buddhist work and teaching curricula.

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Papers of Edward Walter Hutchinson
GB 891 EWH · Arquivo · [1933]-1972

Papers belonging to Edward Walter Hutchinson include: Manuscripts Notebooks Correspondence Photographs Printed material

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Papers of Edward William West
GB 891 EWW · Arquivo · 1844 - 1905

The Papers of Edward William West reflect his interest in Pahlavi language and Zoroastrianism. The majority are handwritten notebooks and other manuscripts in which he did his work. These often have many inserts. There are also loose handwritten notes, some correspondence and some printed material.

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Papers of George Grenville Malet
GB 891 GGM · Arquivo · 1847 - 1849

George Grenville Malet undertook the translation of Mahomed Masoom's A History of Sind. The History, which covers the period from A.D. 710 to A.D. 1590, was written in Persian at the end of the sixteenth century. Malet undertook the translation when he was Resident at Khairpur (Khyrpoor) with the assistance of Peer Mahomed, Residency Munshi. The translation was published in Mumbai in 1855, but these papers contain a handwritten manuscript of both the translation and the documentation and correspondence connected to the translation. The translation has been copied by a number of different hands. The signatures of these copyists appear at the end of their section.

With the manuscript is a letter from East India House to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform that the Court of Directors of the East India Company were sending to the Society a copy of the Translation and an 'Abstract Translation of a Copper Plate...for a grant of land in Bundlecund. This translation is not with the papers. The letter is dated 6 December 1849.

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Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
GB 891 RAS ALL6 · Arquivo · 1962 - 1997

These papers were collated in the interaction of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

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Siam Society
GB 891 RAS ALL9 · Arquivo · 1954 - 1980

Material from the interaction of the Siam Society and the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Letter from the President, Royal Asiatic Society, to H.H. Prince Dhani Nivat, President, Siam Society, to congratulate the Siam Society on its Jubilee. Typed, dated 18 February 1954.
  • "Siam Society - 75 years" - printed pamphlet produced to mark the 75th anniversary of the Siam Society in 1979.
  • Letter from D.J. Duncanson, Director, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Siam Society, to send the commemorative publication celebrating 150 years of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 27 May 1980.
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Papers of Alexander Johnston
GB 891 AJ · Arquivo · [1806 - 1850]

The Papers of Alexander Johnston consists of manuscripts written by Johnston, commissioned by him, or simply presented by him to the Society. These are:

  • Portfolio of material donated by Sir Alexander Johnston to the Royal Asiatic Society
  • 'A Summary of the Principle Evidence for the Truth, Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation' by Beilby, Lord Bishop of London, translated J.G. Philips & C. de Saram into Sinhalese.
  • "Moses in the Bulrushes - A Sacred Drama" and "Joseph" by Hannah More, translations in Sinhalese.
  • Report on tumuli or barrows in the Sardis region (Turkey) by George Hale.
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Papers of A.R. Ward
GB 891 ARW · Arquivo · 1923 - 1924

The Papers of A.R. Ward consist of the manuscript draft for his fifth edition of the Prophecy concerning Rōsh Kĕlälǟh. This consists of an offprint for the fourth edition, pasted into a lined handmade notebook with insertions and annotations to correct and make additions to the previous edition.

With the draft are two handwritten letters. The first, from A.R. Ward to the Secretary, Society of Biblical Archaeology, states that he is sending an advance copy of the fifth edition, and that he particularly wants to draw the Secretary's attention to some dates on p.81f. The letter is dated 9 November 1923 and sent from 62, The Avenue, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. With this letter is a handwritten copy of the pages of which A.R. Ward wanted the Secretary to be aware.

The second letter is from A.R. Ward to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, in response to a letter sent by the Secretary, as the Society of Biblical Archaeology had been absorbed into the Royal Asiatic Society. He states that the revised manuscript was intended for the library of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. He had delayed its publication as it needed more work done on the manuscript. The letter is dated 14 February 1924 and from the same address.

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