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Archivistische beschrijving
India Office Library
GB 891 OS24 · Archief · 1948 - 1961

Correspondence concerned with the future of the India Office Library in 1948 and again in 1961.

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GB 891 OS3 · Archief · 1932

The material consists of a printed letter advertising the Friends of the Palestine Museums, and correspondence with the Royal Asiatic Society. Specifically:

  • Printed letter from the Friends of the Palestine Museums explaining the purpose of the organisation and inviting others to join. It is undated and unsigned but is headed with a list of officers and members of Council of the organisation.
  • Note from Colonel Hoysted, Secretary to Royal Asiatic Society, to Sir Edward Maclagan, President, to ask whether the Friends of the Palestine Museums should be brought up at the forthcoming Council meeting of the Society. The same piece of paper bears a reply from Maclagan suggesting there might be items that the Royal Asiatic Society could lend to the Friends of the Palestine Museums. Handwritten, dated 26 May 1932.
  • Letter from Colonel Hoysted, Secretary to Royal Asiatic Society, to The Organising Secretary, Friends of the Palestine Museums, to state that the Society would wish to support the Friends and that he personally would be happy to help. He will send a list of the Society's members and will look through the Library for articles that may be of interest. Typed, dated 24 May 1932.
  • Letter from F.J. Duncan, Organising Secretary, Friends of the Palestine Museums, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank for his letter and to ask if he may make an appointment to meet with Hoysted. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 30 May [1932].
  • Letter from F.J. Duncan to Colonel Hoysted to thank him for the card with Dr Zwemet's address and to also thank regarding advice given. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 3 June [1932].
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Assyrian Excavation Fund
GB 891 OS7 · Archief · 16th Nov 1853 - 7th Jun 1854
  • Letter from Samuel Phillips, Honorary Secretary, Assyrian Excavation Fund, to Richard Clarke, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask whether the enclosed circular concerning the aims of the Assyrian Excavation Fund might be sent to all the members of the Royal Asiatic Society. Handwritten, dated 16 November 1953.
  • "Assyrian Excavation Fund: Society for Exploring the Ruins of Assyria and Babylonia with Especial Reference to Biblical Illustration". Printed list of the Committee and a letter to invite attendance at a meeting concerning the discoveries made by M. Botta, Mr. Layard and Colonel Rawlinson to be held in the Town Hall, Manchester, on 27 May 1854. The letter is dated 22 May 1854.
  • Letter from Henry Ellis, principal librarian at the British Museum, to Samuel Phillips concerning the draft of a proposal from the King of Prussia to the Assyrian Fund Society (Assyrian Excavation Fund) which also asks whether the Authorities of the British Museum might give full authority to remove to England any such pieces of Sculpture not needed for their own collection. He reminds Phillips of a letter he wrote in 1852 to Colonel Rawlinson, concerning the position of the Trustees of the British Museum and their willingness to accept any Sculpture not deemed as necessary by the Society. Handwritten, dated 7 June 1854.
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Oriental Translation Fund
GB 891 OTF · Archief · 1828 - 2020

The collection features a range of material highlighting the activities of the Oriental Translation Fund both from its origins in 1828 and after being revived in 1888 by Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot.

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GB 891 PAR · Archief · 1700 - 2022

These papers were collated by Saroj Nalini Arambam and John Parratt in their research of the area of Manipur, India. They include original and copied manuscripts in Meetei Mayek and Bengali scripts, and offprints and copies of articles on Manipur.

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Asiatic Society of Mumbai
GB 891 RAS ALL2 · Archief · 1968 - 1980

The Asiatic Society of Mumbai, for some part of its history, was affiliated to the Royal Asiatic Society. This material dates from that time and is:

  • "Four Important Reprints on South East Asia" from Kraus Reprint, Liechtenstein. An advertising pamphlet for reprints of Asian material including for the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Bombay Branch, for 1841-1923. Printed, dated 1969.
  • Letter from the Librarian, Asiatic Society of Bombay, to the Royal Asiatic Society to thank them for the gift of the publication, "The Royal Asiatic Society - Its History and Treasures". Typed, dated 20 November 1980.
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Madras Literary Society
GB 891 RAS ALL3 · Archief · 1831 - 2006

The Madras Literary Society became allied to the Royal Asiatic Society in 1830. This material was gathered from the interaction between the two societies. These are:

  • "Translations of the Three Inscriptions/ old Telugu Character/ on the Five Copper Plates presented to the Madras Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 30th January, 1831".
  • Translations of the inscriptions with explanatory notes, handwritten, 1 piece, 4 sides.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name, Mr M. Ruthnasamy as the Corresponding fellow. Typed, dated 16 September 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name and address of the President of the Society. Typed, dated 24 October 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name, Professor M.D. Altokar as the Corresponding Fellow. Typed, dated 3 December 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to Miss D Crawford, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inquire regarding the association between the two societies. Typed, dated 20 February 1968.
  • Note from R. Loewe, University College, London, concerning a paper that he had thought was about the Madras Literary Society. Handwritten, dated 5 April.
  • Letter from Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to he Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to ask, on behalf of the Council, for the Madras Literary Society to send an account of their activities for the Council to assess if the link between the two societies can be resuscitated. Typed, dated 11 April 1968.
  • "Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary of Royal Asiatic Society (Est. 1812)" - leaflet concerning the history and current activities of the Society. Printed, dating between 1982 -1988.
  • Letter from Radm M Raman, General Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to send their society's best wishes as the Royal Asiatic Society moves into its new accommodation. Typed, dated 8 August 2006.
  • Letter from Camilla Willemse Larsen, Executive Officer, Royal Asiatic Society, to Radm M Raman, General Secretary, Madras Literary Society, in response to his letter, to express gratitude for their kind words. Typed, dated 24 August 2008.
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GB 891 RAS ALL6 · Archief · 1962 - 1997

These papers were collated in the interaction of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

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Siam Society
GB 891 RAS ALL9 · Archief · 1954 - 1980

Material from the interaction of the Siam Society and the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Letter from the President, Royal Asiatic Society, to H.H. Prince Dhani Nivat, President, Siam Society, to congratulate the Siam Society on its Jubilee. Typed, dated 18 February 1954.
  • "Siam Society - 75 years" - printed pamphlet produced to mark the 75th anniversary of the Siam Society in 1979.
  • Letter from D.J. Duncanson, Director, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Siam Society, to send the commemorative publication celebrating 150 years of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 27 May 1980.
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