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Sinhala - English dictionary
GB 891 SC47 · Fondo · [1900 - 1950]

Two manuscript versions of a Sinhala-English dictionary, one of 241 pages and the other of 214 pages on foolscap paper. There are also some supplementary pages and some index pages associated with these manuscripts. The date of writing of these manuscripts is unknown but from the paper and ink they would appear to have been undertaken in the early to mid twentieth century. Both manuscripts are in the same hand.

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Grammaire Tagalog
GB 891 SC4 · Fondo · 1900 - 1956

A handwritten manuscript of the Grammaire Tagalog by Aristide Marre with a Vocabulaire tagalog-francais-anglais by Aristide Marre and Isabelle Pinches. With these are the original housing envelope, two explanatory labels and a letter to request the publication of these works.

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GB 891 RAS OC10 · Fondo · 1954 - 1955

The International Congress of Libraries and Documentation Centres was held in Brussels from the 11-18 September 1955. It included the Third International Congress of Libraries, the Fourth Congress of Music Libraries, and the Twenty-Second International Conference of Documentation. This material consists of the printed pamphlet entitled "Notice No. 1, September 1954", giving details of the Organizing Committees, the History and Aims of the Congress, the Programmes for the Congress etc. The material is printed in English and French.

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International Congress of Linguists
GB 891 RAS OC12 · Fondo · 1938 - 1939

The Fifth International Congress of Linguists took place in Brussels from 28 August to 2 September 1939. This material contains correspondence and printed material connected to this Congress. These are:

  • First Circular for the Fifth International Congress of Linguists giving details of the Conference and the topics to be addressed. Written in French, dated 20 October 1938.
  • Postcard from H.W. Bailey to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform him that Bailey was intending to attend the Congress. Handwritten, dated 12 January 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the Secretary, International Congress of Linguists, to inform him that Professor H.W. Bailey will represent the Society at the Congress. Typed, dated 26 January 1939.
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GB 891 RAS OC1 · Fondo · 1919

The 17th International Congress of Orientalists, fixed to be held in Oxford in 1915, was abandoned due to the First World War. In September 1919, Orientalists, principally from the Royal Asiatic Society, Société Asiatique, American Oriental Society and Scuolà Orientale - R. Università di Roma, with representatives from other nations, gathered to discuss the future of Oriental Studies. This was hosted by the Royal Asiatic Society and included a series of lectures, various receptions including a visit to the British Museum and to Kew Gardens, and culminated with a Banquet held at the Imperial Restaurant, Regent Street, on Saturday 6 September. The allied papers iconsist of printed material and newspaper cuttings concerned with the Joint Session of the Royal Asiatic Society, the Société Asiatique, American Oriental Society and the Scuola Orientale-R. Università di Roma hosted by the Royal Asiatic Society, 3-6 September 1919.

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All-India Oriental Conference
GB 891 RAS OC3 · Fondo · 1933 - 1940

The material contains correspondence and bulletins the All-India Oriental Conferences from 1933-1939 (7th, 8th and 10th conferences), sent to and by the Royal Asiatic Society.

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GB 891 RAS OC8 · Fondo · 1934

Correspondence and printed material concerned with the "Conference on Official and Non-Official Co-operative Action as suggested by League of Nations Enquiry in the East". These are:

  • Letter from the Joint Standing Committee, British Social Hygiene Council and Conference of British Missionaries, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to enclose particulars of a preliminary conference to be held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on 25 July 1934. It is designed to bring before those organisations concerned with social work in the Far East, the problem of the traffic in women and their rehabilitation. It is suggested that the Royal Asiatic Society might wish to send a delegate to the conference. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 4 July 1934.
  • "Conference on Official and Non-Official Co-operative Action". Printed leaflet concerning the conference stating its Objects, resolutions to be considered, the Agenda, and listing members of the Joint Standing Committee.
  • Letter from Professor D.S. Margoliouth, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that a representative cannot be appointed by the Council since the Society's aims are not philanthropic. However the subject is of interest and therefore he suggests that Hoysted send a list of the addresses of the Council to the Committee so they can be contacted directly. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 7 July 1934. On the reverse he has added a handwritten note concerning exchange of Journals with Professor Braumlich of Leipzig.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the Joint Standing Committee, British Social Hygiene Council and Conference of British Missionaries, to send the Society's regrets that it will not be able to nominate a representative due to the end of the Session, but that he encloses a list of Members of the Society so they can be contacted directly. Typed, dated 9 July 1934.
  • Letter from the Joint Standing Committee, British Social Hygiene Council and Conference of British Missionaries, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank him for the list of addresses and to state that all members of the Council will receive a personal invitation. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 10 July 1934.
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GB 891 RAS LEC4 · Fondo · 1823 - ongoing

Since its inception the Royal Asiatic Society has encouraged the dissemination of Asian studies through the delivering of papers and lectures. These, particularly throughout the early history, were part of the General Meetings and recorded in the Minutes of the General Meetings (RAS LEC1). The material in this catalogue concerns the administration and publicity of papers, lectures and book launches given for the Society.

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GB 891 RAS LEC5 · Fondo · 1823 - ongoing

Documentation concerned with Conferences, Symposia and Study days held by, or at, the Royal Asiatic Society. These include some events held in collaboration with other organisations, held either at the Society's premises or at other locations. Most of the early material can be found the Minutes of the Committees, the Oriental Congress catalogues and the catalogues for significant anniversaries. At present the material in this catalogue dates from the 1980s.

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