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Archival description
GB 891 SC15 · Fonds · 1653

Sheet of blue card with the dedication: "To the Right Honorable C.W.W.Wynne, President, and to the Members of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain, This Representation of a Magnificent Indian Golden Medal or Coin (of 70 oz wt), Taken from a richly Gilt Copper Facsimile of the Original is most respectfully Inscribed by their obedient servant Wm Yule, Major E.I.C." The card measures 56cm by 44cm and is dated Edinburgh, 1st May, 1834. Besides the dedication the card bears details of the inscriptions on both observe and reverse sides of the coin, with equivalent English translation and Romanised Arabic. The coin was cast in the reign of Shah Jahan I, A.H. 1064 (1653).

Please note, the card has suffered water damage and is in a fragile condition.

Yule William 1764-1839
Reports on India
GB 891 SC46 · Fonds · 1830 - 1840

This is a leather bound volume with pages numbered from 143 to 300 containing handwritten commentaries relating to India and Russia in 1830, described on the introductory pages as follows:

  • Sir John McDonald's observations of Col. Evans work on The Invasion of India pp 143-216.
  • Sir John Malcolm's notes on Col. Evans and Sir John McDonald's remarks, pp 217-230.
  • Memoir of the NW Frontier taken from Public records by Capt/now Major/ Bonamy showing the Importance of the River Indus as connected with its defence, pp 231-300.
  • Included in the volume is a newspaper cutting, dated April 1840, about a Russian expedition against China.
Malcolm John 1769-1833
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/2-RAS ICO/2/3 · Subseries · 1892
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

Notes on various sections and meetings at the Congress, pages numbered from 3 to 18 (not complete), they include reports from Indian and Aryan, Semitic, Turkish and Persian, China, Central Asia and the Far East, Egypt and Africa, Australasia and Oceania Sections.

International Congress of Orientalists
GB 891 RAS GOV9-RAS GOV9/2 · Series · 1988 - ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Governance: Administration

During the Administration of the Society reports are often created either to prepare for a forthcoming meeting of the Council or sub-committee or to report back after such a meeting. Occasionally reports are created for external purposes. These reports, or summaries thereof, are often incorporated into the Minutes of the Meetings. The ones in this series are those that supplement the Minutes. These are:


  • 'The Future of the Royal Asiatic Society' by A.S. Bennell, Director, 2 pages, dated 17 July 1980.


    • Report from the President, Frank F. Steele, to Members of the Council outlining the finances and future plans for the Society's building, 5 pages, dated 28 September 1988.
    • Report from the President, Frank F. Steele, to Members of the Council outlining estimates for finances and information regarding membership, 2 pages, dated 2 November 1988.


    • 'Keeping the R.A.S. Alive' - critique of the outreach of the Society, 1 page, dated 29 January 1989.
    • Paper for the Council Meeting of 14 December 1989:
    • Journal Publication by Frank F. Steele, 1 page, dated 4 December 1989.


    • Papers for the Council Meeting of 8 February 1990: Development Committee; National Association for Asian Studies; Procedure for the Election of Fellows; Nominations for the Council; Finance; all written by Frank F, Steele, 7 pages, dated 31 January 1990.
    • Papers for the Council Meeting of 12 April 1990: Working Group on Development; Questionnaire; Distribution of Fellows; Appointment of a Full-time paid Director; Entry Procedure; Grant to Professor C.N. Kejariwal; all written by Frank F. Steele; 11 pages, dated 22 March - 3 April 1990.
    • Minutes of the Meeting of the Working Group on Development held on 24th May 1990, 2 pages.
    • Papers for the Council Meeting of 14 June 1990: RAS Nominee to the SOAS Governing Body; Proposal for an In-house Conservation Unit; both by Frank F. Steele, 6 pages, dated 6 June - 9 June 1990.
    • Reports and correspondence on the possibility of the Society sponsoring the serious study of Asia in the UK: report from Cyril Philips, Richard Gombrich and Michael McWilliam, dated July 1990; Note on discussion between Professor Wansbrough, Dr. Raeside and Mr McWilliam, dated 12 October 1990; letter from Dr Peter Robb, Chairman, Centre of South Asian Studies, to Professor Cyril Philips, dated 30 October 1990; 3 pages in total.
    • Proposal and documentation concerning working with Dr Samuel N.C. Lieu, on Manichaean Studies, 4 pages, dated 21 October to 5 November, 1990.
    • Minutes for the 'Ad hoc Meeting to consider further the proposal to Publish "Asian Studies Today" (renamed "Asian Heritage") held on Thursday 29th November at 10.30am', 1 page.


    • Reports from the Honorary Treasurer, J.A. Payne, to the Council regarding various aspects of the finances of the Society, 10 pieces, dated 30 January - 29 November 1991.


    • Report from the Honorary Treasurer, J.A. Payne, to the Council regarding Registration for VAT, 1 piece, dated 8 January 1992.


    • 'Royal Asiatic Society: The 1990 Working group on Development' summarising the 1990 recommendations, 2 pieces, dated March 1995.


    • Minutes for the 'Meeting of a Sub-Committee for Computers' on 3 October 1996, 1 piece.


    • Report on the Standing Orders for Sub-Committees of Council by Francis Robinson, 6 pages, dated 29 March 1999.


    • "Gold Medals: Memorandum to Council for 8 June 2000 by Giles Tillotson, 1 page. 'For the Information of the Council - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society: going online' by Sarah Ansari, 1 page, dated October 2000.


    • 'Paper for Council: Proposed Council day for Strategic Review' by Anthony Stockwell, 1 piece, dated 1 October 2001.


    • Papers concerned with a Strategic Review meeting held on 2 February 2002, 24 pieces. dated 24 January - 6 March 2002.
    • Minutes for the Strategic Review Working Group Meeting on 14 March 2002, 2 pieces.
    • Minutes and allied papers for the Strategic Review Working Group Meeting on 23 May 2002, 5 pieces.
    • Minutes and allied papers for the Strategic Review Working Group Meeting on 18 July 2002, 19 pieces.
    • Minutes and allied papers for the Strategic Review Working Group Meeting on 22 August 2002, 9 pieces.
    • Minutes for the Strategic Review Working Group Meeting on 26 September 2002, 2 pieces.
    • Minutes and allied papers for the Strategic Review Working Group Meeting on 14 November 2002, 3 pieces.
    • Minutes and allied papers for the Strategic Review Working Group Meeting on 6 December 2002, 2 pieces.


    • Report of the Council's Strategic Review Working Group, February 2003, 13 pieces.
    • Minutes for the Strategic Review Working Group Meeting on 8 May 2003, 2 pieces.
    • 'Strategic thoughts en route to a plan' by Helen Cordell, 6 pages, dated, 10 June 2003.
    • 'Strategic Review: Summary of RAS space requirements' by Helen Cordell, 4 pieces, dated 12 November 2003.
    • 'Strategic Review Working Group: Final Report to Council December 2003, 5 pieces.


    • 'Achievements and Performance' - a report of the Society's activities for 2011-2012, 5 pages.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
GB 891 RB-RB/2-RB/2/19 · File · 1880
Part of Papers of Richard Francis Burton

Report Upon the Minerals of Midian. Alexandria: The Alexandria Stationers and Booksellers Co. Ltd., 1880. This is a slightly abridged version of the Preface to The Land of Midian (Revisited). Typed Copy of Pamphlet originally in the Kensington Library (now in the Huntington Library, California).

GB 891 RAS GOV7-RAS GOV7/10 · File · 1846 - 1847
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Governance: Correspondence Volume Two

'Report to the Bombay Government accompanying Specimens of Copper ore from the Island of Maseerai (Masirah) by Asst. Surgeon H.J. Carter' in which he describes his visit to the Island and how he had been helped by the inhabitants to find the sites where copper could be found; specimens of which accompany his report.

Carter H. J. 1813-1895
GB 891 RAS ALL1-RAS ALL1/19 · Series · 19th Dec 1994
Part of Asiatic Society

"Report on Visit to the Asiatic Society, Calcutta, M D McWilliam, Director, SOAS" - report covering an overview, background, current activity, and collaboration programme of the Asiatic Society, made after McWilliam's visit to the Society, 6 pages.

McWilliam M.D