Telegram from Paul Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu to Dennis J. Duncanson. Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu sends his thanks to Duncanson and Trần Kim Tuyến for providing a list and recommendations of Indonesian and other foreign potential supporters of Swiss-American agricultural development projects. Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu closes his telegram with his address in America.
Paul Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu
GB 891 DD-DD/6-DD/6/26
28th Aug 1975
Part of Papers of Dennis Duncanson
GB 891 DD-DD/6-DD/6/28
11th April 1975/1976
Part of Papers of Dennis Duncanson
Letter from Paul Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu to Dennis J. Duncanson. Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu talks about the political plight Vietnam is currently experiencing and commenting on the political and military actors involved.
Paul Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu
GB 891 DD-DD/6-DD/6/27
05th February 1975/1976
Part of Papers of Dennis Duncanson
Letter from Paul Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu to Dennis J. Duncanson. Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu apologizes to Duncanson for missing the chance of saying 'goodbye' before Duncanson's trip to Vietnam ended. Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu writes to include several copies of a letter of solicitation for help from people in England, along with postal instructions for Duncanson and a list of names with addresses.
Paul Ngô-Trọng-Hiếu