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Archival description
GB 891 RAS OC8 · Fonds · 1934

Correspondence and printed material concerned with the "Conference on Official and Non-Official Co-operative Action as suggested by League of Nations Enquiry in the East". These are:

  • Letter from the Joint Standing Committee, British Social Hygiene Council and Conference of British Missionaries, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to enclose particulars of a preliminary conference to be held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on 25 July 1934. It is designed to bring before those organisations concerned with social work in the Far East, the problem of the traffic in women and their rehabilitation. It is suggested that the Royal Asiatic Society might wish to send a delegate to the conference. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 4 July 1934.
  • "Conference on Official and Non-Official Co-operative Action". Printed leaflet concerning the conference stating its Objects, resolutions to be considered, the Agenda, and listing members of the Joint Standing Committee.
  • Letter from Professor D.S. Margoliouth, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that a representative cannot be appointed by the Council since the Society's aims are not philanthropic. However the subject is of interest and therefore he suggests that Hoysted send a list of the addresses of the Council to the Committee so they can be contacted directly. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 7 July 1934. On the reverse he has added a handwritten note concerning exchange of Journals with Professor Braumlich of Leipzig.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the Joint Standing Committee, British Social Hygiene Council and Conference of British Missionaries, to send the Society's regrets that it will not be able to nominate a representative due to the end of the Session, but that he encloses a list of Members of the Society so they can be contacted directly. Typed, dated 9 July 1934.
  • Letter from the Joint Standing Committee, British Social Hygiene Council and Conference of British Missionaries, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank him for the list of addresses and to state that all members of the Council will receive a personal invitation. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 10 July 1934.
British Social Hygiene Council
GB 891 ATW · Fonds · 1930 - 1938

"Bibliography of Persia", Small notebook containing correspondence and newspaper cuttings regarding the publication of "A Bibliography of Persia" by Arnold Wilson in 1930. The items within this notebook are:

  • Letter from Arnold Wilson to the Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society, to donate the notebook to the Library, dated 11 September 1938
  • Review of Wilson's "A Bibliography of Persia", by Wolseley Haig from Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Jan 1935, p.195
  • Newspaper cutting from The Times for a review of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 11 September 1930
  • Cutting from Nature for a review of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 4 October 1930
  • Review for "A Bibliography of Persia" from the Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, September 1930
  • Review for "A Bibliography of Persia" from the Geographical Journal, dated September 1930
  • Review for "A Bibliography of Persia" from the Journal of the Central Asian Society, dated September 1930
  • Newspaper cutting from Near East and India with a review for "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 24 July 1930
  • Letter from [H B Hzalso Erds] to Wilson to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 7 August 1930
  • Letter from H.R. Hall to Wilson to send his apologies for not being able to the attend the Mesopotamian Force dinner and to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 28 June 1930
  • Newspaper cutting from The Times with a review for "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 27 June 1930
  • Letter from Hamilton Gibb to Wilson to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 23 June 1930
  • Letter from David Lorimer to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia" and to give his opinion on the book, dated 26 June 1930
  • Letter from Vladimir Minorsky to Wilson to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia" and to congratulate him on its publication, dated 20 June 1930
  • Postcard from W. [Northold] to Wilson to acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 15 August 1930
  • Letter from Henry W. Mardon to Wilson to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 16 June 1930
  • Letter from D.S. Margoliouth to Wilson to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 14 June 1930
  • Newspaper cutting from The Times with a review for "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 11 September 1930
  • Review for Wilson's "A Bibliography of Persia" by Hamilton A.R. Gibb, un-named and undated publication
  • Letter to Wilson to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia" and to enclose lists of references that might also be included in a future copy. The signature of the writer is illegible. The 2 sheets are pasted into the notebook on previous pages to the letter
  • Letter from [E Ekunter] to Wilson concerning an entry in "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 27 November 1930
  • Copy of a letter from Mirza Mohammed Khan Nabavi, the Persian Chargé d'Affaires to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 28 July 1930
  • Letter from [Namey] to Wilson to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 26 July 1930

This notebook is in poor condition and has evidence of previous mould problem. Therefore care must be taken in handling it.

Wilson Sir Arnold Talbot 1884-1940
GB 891 RAS CEN · Fonds · 1922 - 1925

In 1923 the Royal Asiatic Society celebrated its Centenary. This archival material contains a scrapbook with Centenary correspondence and invitations, further congratulatory correspondence, material concerning the Centenary Events, and correspondence concerning the publication of a Centenary Volume.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1823- London, England
GB 891 RAS JOUR · Fonds · 1824 - ongoing

The Royal Asiatic Society has produced a Journal from the early years of its formation and continues to do so. This material covers the records made in the production, administration and distribution of the Journal.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1823- London, England
GB 891 RAS BMM · Fonds · 1921 - ongoing

The Sir Richard Burton Medal – On 12 April 1921 the Council of the RAS agreed to found a Richard Burton memorial lecture in commemoration, that year, of the 100th anniversary of Burton's birth. A fund was established to finance the lecture and by 1923, £60 had been subscribed. It was decided in March 1923 that part of this would be used to fund the Burton Medal. This would be awarded to the person chosen to deliver the lecture, which was to deal with Burton, his travels or some suitable subject of exploration. The presentation and the lecture would take place triennially. The medal was designed in 1924 by Pinches, to be cast in silver and gilded. In practice those chosen to give the Burton lecture were expected to have undertaken exploration and research in the East, and more particularly in close association with local people, or in difficult circumstances. A fund was established to finance the lecture and by 1923, £60 had been subscribed. It was decided in March 1923 that part of this would be used to fund the Burton Medal.
This archive contains papers pertaining to the inauguration and awarding of the Sir Richard Burton Medal

The Papers includes:

  • Correspondence
  • Administrative documents
  • Printed materials including newspaper articles
  • Examples of the Medal
  • Photographs
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1823- London, England
GB 891 OS8 · Fonds · 1939

In 1939 the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences celebrated its bicentenary. These papers consist of a printed invitation to the Royal Asiatic Society to send delegates to the celebration and correspondence regarding this. These are:

  • "The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1739-1939". Official invitation to the Royal Asiatic Society to send one or more delegates to the celebration of their 200th anniversary from 23-25 September 1939. Printed material with handwritten insertions, undated.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, to state that the invitation will be laid before the Council at its next meeting. He asks for further information regarding the venue. Typed, dated 24 April 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to inform him that he had been unanimously chosen to represent the Society at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' bicentenary. Typed, dated 10 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Professor Bernhard Karlgreen to inform him that he had been unanimously chosen to represent the Society at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' bicentenary. Typed, dated 10 May 1939.
  • Letter from Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to the Royal Asiatic Society to express his honour at being chosen to represent the Society. He also asks whether there might be some help with the expenses for attending the celebrations. Handwritten, 3 pages, dated 15 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Mr Perowne, Solicitor, concerning Rev. C.T. Harley Walker being asked to represent the Society and how Hoysted should respond to his letter. Handwritten, dated 17 May 1939.
  • Letter from Edward Perowne, Solicitor, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that the letter should be put before the Council. His view as Honorary Treasurer was that no money should be given. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 22 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to state that he would reply to his enquiry after the next Council meeting. Typed, dated 23 May 1939.
  • Letter from Professor Bernhard Karlgreen to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that he would be honoured to represent the Society. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 30 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to inform him that the Council regrets that it will be unable to make a contribution towards travelling expenses. Typed, dated 14 June 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, to state that the Society's delegate will be Professor Bernhard Karlgreen. Typed, dated 15 June 1939.
  • Letter from Professor D.S. Margoliouth, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that one representative of the Society will be sufficient. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 5 July 1939.
  • Letter from Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to the Royal Asiatic Society to state that he will not be able to travel to Sweden for the bicentenary celebrations. Handwritten, 2 pages, dated 14 July 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to express his regrets that Walker will be unable to represent the Society. Typed, dated 17 July 1939.
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Stockholm