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GB 891 SC28 · Fonds · 1831

A duplicate of a Petition to the House of Commons from the Natives of Bombay (Mumbai) and others: Christians, Jews, Chinese, Parsis; Muslims and Hindus; more than 4000 in number. All the signatures, along with the petition, are on the document which is made of 25 skins of parchment. It is written in English, Gujarati and Marathi and is dated Bombay, 25 January 1831. It asks for a reform in the judicial regulations of the government at Bombay; for more impartial administration of the laws, that native people may freely be admitted to civil and judicial offices; and for the diffusion of the English language among the inhabitants to be encouraged by the British government. The original was sent to England by Sir Charles Forbes, M.P. and Joseph Hume, M.P. and was presented to the House of Commons on 1 September 1831.

Forbes Sir Charles 1773-1849
GB 891 RAS OC9 · Fonds · 1935 - 1936

The fourth Anglo-American Conference of Historians was held at Senate House, the University of London, from 6-11 July 1936. These papers consist of correspondence and documentation in connection with this Conference. These are:

Letter from the Vice-Chancellor, University of London, Institute of Historical Research, to the President, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform concerning the fourth Anglo-American Conference of Historians for the discussion of the problems of historical research which are of interest to the English-speaking world. He asks for the Royal Asiatic Society to send a representative. Typed letter with printed letterhead, dated 14 December 1935. With this letter is a printed Revised Provisional Programme for the Conference stating the Organising Committee, the Sections and the Time-Table for the Conference.

Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to H.L. Eason, University of London, to state that the Council had appointed Sir William Foster to be their delegate at the conference. Typed, dated 14 January 1936.

Letter from Margery Fletcher, Assistant-Secretary, Anglo-American Conference of Historians, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank for the letter informing of the Society's delegate. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 15 January 1936.

Letter from Guy Parsloe, Secretary, Anglo-American Conference of Historians, to the President, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform him that the letter saying delegate should have read representatives and asking whether the Royal Asiatic Society wished to nominate further representatives. Typed, with printed letterhead, dated 13 February 1936.

Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Guy Parsloe, Secretary, Anglo-American Conference of Historians, to state that Sir Richard Burn would also represent the Society. Typed, dated 13 March 1936.

Letter from Margery Fletcher, Assistant-Secretary, Anglo-American Conference of Historians, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank for the letter informing of the Society's further delegate. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 16 March 1936.

Institute of Historical Research University of London Institute of Contemporary British History
Asia House
GB 891 OS19 · Fonds · 1976 - 2002

Information and correspondence concerning the setting up, running and programme of Asia House and its interaction with the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

"Opening the Doors to Asia" - a copy of an article by Michael Simmons from 'Director', June 1976, concerning the possibility of setting up an Asia centre in London.

"Editorial" from 'Oriental Art Magazine' , Autumn 1976, concerning the possibility of an Asia House for London.

"Asia House (London) Newsletter: March 1977" to announce the setting up of a working committee to co-ordinate the work for establishing an Asia House in London, similar to that in New York.

"An Asia House for London" - a typed document detailing the aims in establishing Asia House, London. Typed, undated.

Letter from A.D.H. Bivar, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Professor John Carswell, Sotheby's, to state that the Society would be keen to be kept informed of progress in the establishing of Asia House. Typed, dated 27 July 1993.

Letter from Professor John Carswell, Director, Islamic Department, Sotheby's, to A.D.H. Bivar, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank for his letter of which he has sent a copy to Sir Peter Wakefield. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 9 August 1993.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to A.D.H. Bivar, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank for his letter and ask if he would agree to form part of the U.K. Advisory Council in his capacity as President of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 1 September 1993. With the letter is a paper "An Asia House for London" concerned with the reasons for establishing an Asia House.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to A.D.H. Bivar, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to invite him to a reception at the Travellers Club for those involved in the establishment of an Asia House in London. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 29 September 1993. With the letter is a draft of the Asia House prospectus and a list of the Advisory Panel.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to A.D.H. Bivar, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to invite to the Asia House Reception at St. James's Palace. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 9 November 1993. With the letter is a brochure setting out the aims of Asia House. Printed material.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to A.D.H. Bivar, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform him of the continuing developments in the growth of the Advisory Council and the Executive Committee. He informs concerning the Asia House dinner party and that he is about to embark on a fundraising trip to several countries in Asia. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 21 March 1994.

Letter from A.D.H. Bivar, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Sir Peter Wakefield to thank for his letter and inform that it would be laid before the Council at its next meeting. He writes that it unlikely that the Society will be able to give pecuniary aid as the Society is currently running at a deficit but they would be happy to provide non-financial or academic assistance. Typed, dated 28 March 1994.

Letter from A.D.H. Bivar, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Sir Peter Wakefield to inform him that the Council of the Society were keen to hear of the progress of the Asia House project. He also informs that his term of office as President has come to an end and he will be replaced by Dr. D.W. MacDowall. Typed, dated 23 June 1994.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to Dr D.W. MacDowall to ask that he will become a member of the Advisory Council on assuming the Presidency of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 19 August 1994.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to Dr D.W. MacDowall to inform of continued progress in the establishment of Asia House particularly in the expansion of the Advisory Council to include Asian members, and in the continued aspects of the fundraising campaign. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 12 September 1994.

Letter from D.W. MacDowall, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Sir Peter Wakefield to express his willingness to serve on the Advisory Council. Typed, dated 15 September 1994.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to Dr D.W. MacDowall to advise of the changes in the Advisory Council and the continued fundraising. He also informs that a programme of events will commence with an exhibition of Chenghua porcelain at Sotheby's. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 26 April 1995.

Letter from D.W. MacDowall, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Sir Peter Wakefield to express his pleasure at hearing of the continuing progress and of the exhibition. He stresses again the willingness of support from the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 18 May 1995.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to Lydia Collins, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society to inform of the creation of Asia House as a new institution. He asks for Asia House to be added to the Society's mailing list and to receive its newsletter or publications. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 20 July 1995.

Letter from Dr. D.W. MacDowall, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Sir Peter Wakefield to thank for his letter and to explain about the Royal Asiatic Society and to express the Society's support in drawing the activities of Asia House to the Society's members. Typed, dated 26 July 1995.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to Dr D.W. MacDowall to inform of the official launch of Asia House at a reception at the Foreign and Commonwealth House. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 31 January 1996. With the letter is an official invitation to the launch on 14 March 1996.

Note from Asia House to send a list of sponsors omitted from Sir Peter Wakefield's letter of 31 January 1996. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 1 February 1996.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to Dr. D.W. MacDowall, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to share the press release from the launch of Asia House. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 19 March 1996. With the letter is the press release notice.

Letter from Ann Mytton to Philippa Vaughan to send a summary of the meeting at Asia House on 10 January 1997. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 13 January 1997. With the letter are the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 January 1997.

Letter from Sir Peter Wakefield to Dr. D.W. MacDowall, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform of the progress from Asia House in building membership and arranging a cultural programme. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 20 March 1997.

Letter from Betty Lao, Head, Members Cultural Programme, Asia House, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society to inform of events that may be of interest to the members of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 21 August 2002. With the letter is a flyer for a lecture by William Dalrymple on his book "White Mughals", and the Asia House newsletter for November 2002. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 21 August 2002.

Asia House
Asiatic Society
GB 891 RAS ALL1 · Fonds · 1897 - 2008

Material concerned with the Asiatic Society (formerly Asiatic Society of Bengal) and their interaction with the Royal Asiatic Society.

Asiatic Society
British Institute at Ankara
GB 891 OS15 · Fonds · 1986 - 1994

Material concerned with the British Institute (of Archaeology) at Ankara and its interaction with the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Note from the December Council Meeting 1986 concerning representatives from the Royal Asiatic Society on the Board of the British School of Archaeology at Ankara. The first representative was Sir Gerard Clauson, followed by Susan Skilliter. On her death Godfrey Goodwin has offered to serve in that capacity. Handwritten, undated. With the note is a copy of a letter from Godfrey Goodwin to inform that he is willing to serve. Handwritten, dated 19 July 1986.
  • Letter from Dr Stephen Hill, Honorary Secretary, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, to Lydia Collins, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform her that at the meeting of the Institute's Council of Management, proposals for management restructuring were provisionally agreed. He informs that this change will be brought before members at the next Annual General meeting. Typed, undated. On this letter is a handwritten note concerning the change in Charity legislation and how this may affect the Society's representation on the Governing Body of SOAS. Dated 9 May 1994. With the letter are 4 pages on the restructuring of the Council of Management.
  • Note from Dennis Duncanson to Dr MacDowall that he disagrees that the legislative change will affect the Society's involvement with SOAS. Handwritten, dated 10 May 1994.
  • Letter from Peter Lawrence, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, to Mr MacDowall to thank for his letter explaining how the Society is restructuring its Council and how members may be able to receive Society funds. He writes concerning discussions between the Institute and the Charity Commission. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 30 November 1994.
British Institute at Ankara
GB 891 SC13 · Fonds · 1792 - 1910

Within the Royal Asiatic Society collections are several lists and catalogues relating to Asiatic material which are not part of the Society's own collections. These have been gathered within this catalogue. They are:

  • 'A Catalogue of Indian Idols, Indian Paintings, Drawings, &c. which were collected by Mr. Simpson, during a long Residence in India in the Company's Service. Which will be Sold by Auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, in Pall Mall, On Saturday, May the 26th, 1792, at Twelve O'clock.' This is a photocopy of the original document.
  • 'List of Oriental Works purchased at Erzerum, translated from the St Petersburg Journal of Dec 20 1829/ Jan 9 1830' - handwritten list.
  • 'Catalogue of moghrebine arabic Manuscripts in the possession of Jakob Graberg of Hemso' - handwritten, dated Florence, 26 April 1830.
  • 'Sale of Dr. A. Clarke's Library: Desirable for the R.A.S.' - handwritten list, undated.
  • 'Catalogue of Malayan Book's by Thomas Beighton - handwritten list, undated.
  • 'List of the Principal Budhistical works from the Pali in Chinese character by Mt Gutzlaff' - handwritten, dated 1845.
  • 'A List of the Oriental Coins preserved in the British Museum, B. Dorn' - handwritten list, undated.
  • 'Catalogue of Malay books the property of Inchi Mahomed' - handwritten list, undated.
  • 'Catalogue of the Chinese Library of University College, London' - handwritten volume, dated to 1885.
  • 'Lost of lithographed Malay texts in the alphabetical catalogue of Leiden University Library under Kikayat and Shair' - handwritten list, 2 sides, undated, post 1900.
Dorn Bernhard Johann Albrecht 1805-1881
GB 891 RAS OC8 · Fonds · 1934

Correspondence and printed material concerned with the "Conference on Official and Non-Official Co-operative Action as suggested by League of Nations Enquiry in the East". These are:

  • Letter from the Joint Standing Committee, British Social Hygiene Council and Conference of British Missionaries, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to enclose particulars of a preliminary conference to be held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on 25 July 1934. It is designed to bring before those organisations concerned with social work in the Far East, the problem of the traffic in women and their rehabilitation. It is suggested that the Royal Asiatic Society might wish to send a delegate to the conference. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 4 July 1934.
  • "Conference on Official and Non-Official Co-operative Action". Printed leaflet concerning the conference stating its Objects, resolutions to be considered, the Agenda, and listing members of the Joint Standing Committee.
  • Letter from Professor D.S. Margoliouth, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that a representative cannot be appointed by the Council since the Society's aims are not philanthropic. However the subject is of interest and therefore he suggests that Hoysted send a list of the addresses of the Council to the Committee so they can be contacted directly. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 7 July 1934. On the reverse he has added a handwritten note concerning exchange of Journals with Professor Braumlich of Leipzig.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the Joint Standing Committee, British Social Hygiene Council and Conference of British Missionaries, to send the Society's regrets that it will not be able to nominate a representative due to the end of the Session, but that he encloses a list of Members of the Society so they can be contacted directly. Typed, dated 9 July 1934.
  • Letter from the Joint Standing Committee, British Social Hygiene Council and Conference of British Missionaries, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank him for the list of addresses and to state that all members of the Council will receive a personal invitation. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 10 July 1934.
British Social Hygiene Council
Horniman Museum
GB 891 OS23 · Fonds · 1988

Correspondence concerning the future of the Horniman Museum. These are:

  • Letter from Brian Durrans, Deputy Keeper, Museum of Mankind, to Sir Cyril Philips, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask if the Society would consider adding its voice to the other bodies in a letter expressing concern regarding the fate of the Horniman Museum. He notes that the Society's Otto Samson lecture links it to the Horniman Museum where Samson was a curator. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 15 February 1988. With this letter is a copy of the letter to be sent to the Secretary of State, dated 15 February 1988.
  • Letter from Brian Durrans, Deputy Keeper, Museum of Mankind, to Sir Cyril Philips, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask for a copy of the letter that Philips sent to the Secretary of State. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 26 February 1988.
  • Card from the Department of Education & Science to Cyril Philips, Royal Asiatic Society, to acknowledge receipt of his letter. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 17 March 1988.
  • Letter from Robert Jackson, Department of Education & Science, to Cyril Philips, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that the government is committed to securing the future of the Horniman and Geffrye Museums. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 8 April 1988.
Museum of Mankind
India Office Library
GB 891 OS24 · Fonds · 1948 - 1961

Correspondence concerned with the future of the India Office Library in 1948 and again in 1961.

India Office Library
GB 891 RAS OC5 · Fonds · 1933 - 1968

Correspondence and official documentation concerned with International Congresses of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences and the association of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Congresses.

International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences