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Archival description
Royal Society for Arts
GB 891 OS5 · Fonds · 1937 - 1954

Material connected to the Royal Society of Arts and the Royal Asiatic Society's interaction with it.

Royal Society of Arts
GB 891 OS21 · Fonds · 1963 - 2003

Material concerned with the Royal Society for Asian Affairs (originally the Central Asian Society) and its interaction with the Royal Asiatic Society.

Royal society for Asian Affairs GB
GB 891 OS8 · Fonds · 1939

In 1939 the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences celebrated its bicentenary. These papers consist of a printed invitation to the Royal Asiatic Society to send delegates to the celebration and correspondence regarding this. These are:

  • "The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1739-1939". Official invitation to the Royal Asiatic Society to send one or more delegates to the celebration of their 200th anniversary from 23-25 September 1939. Printed material with handwritten insertions, undated.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, to state that the invitation will be laid before the Council at its next meeting. He asks for further information regarding the venue. Typed, dated 24 April 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to inform him that he had been unanimously chosen to represent the Society at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' bicentenary. Typed, dated 10 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Professor Bernhard Karlgreen to inform him that he had been unanimously chosen to represent the Society at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' bicentenary. Typed, dated 10 May 1939.
  • Letter from Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to the Royal Asiatic Society to express his honour at being chosen to represent the Society. He also asks whether there might be some help with the expenses for attending the celebrations. Handwritten, 3 pages, dated 15 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Mr Perowne, Solicitor, concerning Rev. C.T. Harley Walker being asked to represent the Society and how Hoysted should respond to his letter. Handwritten, dated 17 May 1939.
  • Letter from Edward Perowne, Solicitor, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that the letter should be put before the Council. His view as Honorary Treasurer was that no money should be given. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 22 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to state that he would reply to his enquiry after the next Council meeting. Typed, dated 23 May 1939.
  • Letter from Professor Bernhard Karlgreen to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that he would be honoured to represent the Society. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 30 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to inform him that the Council regrets that it will be unable to make a contribution towards travelling expenses. Typed, dated 14 June 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, to state that the Society's delegate will be Professor Bernhard Karlgreen. Typed, dated 15 June 1939.
  • Letter from Professor D.S. Margoliouth, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that one representative of the Society will be sufficient. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 5 July 1939.
  • Letter from Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to the Royal Asiatic Society to state that he will not be able to travel to Sweden for the bicentenary celebrations. Handwritten, 2 pages, dated 14 July 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to express his regrets that Walker will be unable to represent the Society. Typed, dated 17 July 1939.
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Stockholm
GB 891 SC48 · Fonds · [1829]

A handwritten volume written in Russian. A note in English, at the beginning of this volumes states that it contains: Copy of the Georgian Code of King Vakhtang Armenian Laws Laws of the Kings of Georgia This is an extensive volume of approximately 470 pages. It is in a fragile condition with the leather bound boards loose from the contents.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire
Sanskrit and Braj Manuscript
GB 891 SC17 · Fonds · [1800 - 1900]

"Shanscrit & Bhakka of [Chanduchhaya Donguyal Rajah]". A handwritten manuscript in Braj in Devanagari script. The manuscript appears to relate part of the Mahābhārata story but is not accurately transcribed.

The paper is torn in the middle and therefore fragile.

GB 891 SC36 · Fonds · 1782 - 1826

Copies of inscriptions from Mandār Hill. These are labelled D, E and F with two copies of each inscription, one backed with canvas and the duplicate on paper. These are not labelled as to their specific location but that they were presented to the Royal Asiatic Society by Col. Francklin on 4 November 1826. According to the donations register amongst the items donated by Francklin were "Six Sanscrit Inscriptions from Mundar Hill, in duplicate". As these are labelled D, E & F, it is presumed that A,B & C were also present in the collections at one time.

Please note these inscriptions are in a fragile condition.

Francklin William 1763-1839
GB 891 OS4 · Fonds · 1975

Correspondence regarding the institution of the Scottish Association for Asian Studies and the possible relationship between the Association and the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • "Scottish Association for Asian Studies" setting out the aims and proposed activities of the Association. This is undated. With it is a business card for L.P. Elwell-Sutton, Reader in Persian in the University of Edinburgh.
  • Letter from Jack Grey, President, Scottish Association for Asian Studies, to Susan Skilliter, Lecturer in Turkish, University of Cambridge, to inform her that the Scottish Association had been formally set up and inquiring with regards to a possible alliance between the Association and the Royal Asiatic Society. Dated 28 February 1975.
  • Letter from Susan Skilliter to Diana Crawford, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to send the letter concerning the Scottish Association for Asian Studies. Dated 13 March 1975.
  • Letter from Diana Crawford, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society to Jack Grey, President, Scottish Association for Asian Studies, to inform that the Society would be glad to keep in touch with the Association. Dated 22 April 1975.
Scottish Association for Asian Studies
GB 891 RAS OC6 · Fonds · 1934

Correspondence concerning the Second Turkish Linguistic Congress held in Istanbul on 18th August 1934. These are:

  • Letter from The Counsellor, Turkish Embassy, London, to the Royal Asiatic Society, to inform them of the enclosed communication received from the Secretary of the Society for the Investigation of the Turkish language. Typed, dated 26 July 1934. With this letter is the notification of the Second Linguistic Congress to be held in Istanbul under the aegis of the Gazi Mustafa Kemal, Founder and Protector of the Society for the Investigation of the Turkish Language, typed document.
  • Letter from Col, Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The Counsellor, Turkish Embassy, to thank for his letter, and to note that though the matters are of great interest to the Society, the deadline for applying for participation is already passed. Typed, dated 30 July 1934.
  • Letter from Col Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Professor Margoliouth to state that he will send the information regarding the Congress to Mr Clauson, Sir Oliver Wardrop, Mr Guest and Mr Ellis. There is a further note to state that Margoliouth replied that he had no further remarks to make. Handwritten, dated 30 July 1934.
  • Letter from The Counsellor, Turkish Embassy, London, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society to inform him that it would still be possible for Members to participate if they could inform him at the earliest possible convenience. Typed, dated 31 July 1934.
  • Letter from Col Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Sir Oliver Wardrop to send the information regarding the Congress and ask him to send it on to Mr Clauson, Mr Ellis and Mr Guest. The letter has notes to state that it has been forwarded. Handwritten, dated 3 August 1934.
  • Letter from R. Guest to Mr Ellis to forward the information as requested and to express his regret at not seeing Ellis at the British Museum. Typed, dated 6 August 1934.
  • Letter from Dr Joseph de Somogyi to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank him for sending the communication concerning the Second Turkish Linguistic Congress and to return it for the Society's Papers. Handwritten, dated 23 October 1934.
Turkish Linguistics Conference
Siam Society
GB 891 RAS ALL9 · Fonds · 1954 - 1980

Material from the interaction of the Siam Society and the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Letter from the President, Royal Asiatic Society, to H.H. Prince Dhani Nivat, President, Siam Society, to congratulate the Siam Society on its Jubilee. Typed, dated 18 February 1954.
  • "Siam Society - 75 years" - printed pamphlet produced to mark the 75th anniversary of the Siam Society in 1979.
  • Letter from D.J. Duncanson, Director, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Siam Society, to send the commemorative publication celebrating 150 years of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 27 May 1980.
Siam Society
Sinhala - English dictionary
GB 891 SC47 · Fonds · [1900 - 1950]

Two manuscript versions of a Sinhala-English dictionary, one of 241 pages and the other of 214 pages on foolscap paper. There are also some supplementary pages and some index pages associated with these manuscripts. The date of writing of these manuscripts is unknown but from the paper and ink they would appear to have been undertaken in the early to mid twentieth century. Both manuscripts are in the same hand.
