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GB 891 AR · Fonds · [1880] - 1909

The Papers mainly consist of original Manuscript drafts for the translations of The Tūzuk-i-Jahāngīrī, or, Memoirs of Jahāngīr and Baihaki's life of Masaud. These are in Rogers' hand but the manuscript for The Tūzuk-i-Jahāngīrī is anootated and edited by Beveridge. There is some correspondence - three letters from Beveridge concerning Roger's translation and preservation of the manuscript.

Rogers Alexander 1825-1910 Indian Civil Servant, Author
Papers of Alexander Johnston
GB 891 AJ · Fonds · [1806 - 1850]

The Papers of Alexander Johnston consists of manuscripts written by Johnston, commissioned by him, or simply presented by him to the Society. These are:

  • Portfolio of material donated by Sir Alexander Johnston to the Royal Asiatic Society
  • 'A Summary of the Principle Evidence for the Truth, Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation' by Beilby, Lord Bishop of London, translated J.G. Philips & C. de Saram into Sinhalese.
  • "Moses in the Bulrushes - A Sacred Drama" and "Joseph" by Hannah More, translations in Sinhalese.
  • Report on tumuli or barrows in the Sardis region (Turkey) by George Hale.
Johnston Sir Alexander 1775-1849 Knight, colonial administrator
GB 891 GCH · Fonds · 1765 - 1837

Five handwritten leather bound volumes - four contain Reports on the Finances of Bengal and the fifth contains English notes/translation of the Shahnamah of Firdausi. Each bears the names A. Hamilton and G. Haughton; the four Finance books also bear the inscription "Presented to the Royal Asiatic Society by Sir Graves Haughton, 1 April 1837."

Hamilton Alexander 1762-1824 Linguist
Papers of Alexander Gerard
GB 891 AG · Fonds · 1803 - 1828

The Papers of Alexander Gerard consist of a single item - his "Memoir on the Situation of Bundelcund (Bundelkhand) in 1803" which, the manuscript notes, was presented to the Society by Captain A. Gerard on 3 May 1828. This document commences with the accession of Chatter Saul Singh who raised the power and influence of his kingdom. However on his death the area was thrown into confusion by competing claims of rival princes. Nana Fadnavis annexed the kingdom to the Mahratta territories. The document gives tables of descent for the Rajah of Punna and the Rajah of Bindi and statements of annual revenue. Gerard was not in India in 1803 so this is written as a history rather than a personal memoir. Handwritten manuscript, 23 pages, with additional label which states, "Catalogue of English MSS. IV, No. 13, Bundelkhund in 1803, Presented by Captn. A. Gerard".

Gerard Alexander 1792-1839 East India Company soldier, explorer
Papers of Alan Charles Trott
GB 891 ACT · Fonds · 1848 - 1896

These Papers consist of:

  • A Letter from Stephen Gaselee, Librarian and Keeper of the Papers at the Foreign Office, to The Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to send copies of the title page and preface to a translation of certain correspondence of His Imperial Majesty Nasir-ud-Sin, Shah of Persia from 1848 to 1896, made by Mr. A.C. Trott, formerly Oriental Secretary to his Majesty's Legation at Tehran. These are supplied for scholarly use only. He informs that the original volume of the Shah's letters and the accompanying translation are to be presented to the British Museum. Typed letter, 2 pieces, dated 30 June 1938.
  • A handwritten title page stressing the use for students and scholars only. 1 piece, handwritten.
  • Copy of Preface and Title Page for "Correspondence of His Imperial Majesty Nasir-ud-Din, Shah of Persia from 1848-1896, collected by Mirza Abd-ul-Wahhab Khan Nuri, Nizam-ul-Mulk, a grandson of Mirza Aga Khan, Itmed-ud-Dauleh, Chief Minister of Nasir-ud-Din Shah from 1851 to 1858, and a son of Mirza Kazim Khan, Nizam-ul-Mulk, the holder at different times of various ministerial appointments, and translated by Mr. A.C. Trott, Oriental Secretary to His Majesty's Legation at Tehran from 1931 to 1937." 6 pieces, typed.
Trott Alan Charles 1895-1959 Diplomat
Papers of Abraham Poliak
GB 891 AP · Fonds · 1968 - 1972

This collection contains correspondence between Abraham Poliak and the Secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society (Diana Crawford), concerning the proposed reprint of Poliak's publication, Feudalism in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, and the Lebanon 1250-1900. This was originally published in 1939 funded by the Society's Prize Publication Fund.

Due to Poliak's death in 1970, the proposed reprint never came to fruition, The collection also contains three notebooks of draft amendments made by Poliak.

Poliak (also know as Polak) Abraham 1910-1970 Professor Israeli Historian
GB 891 OS29 · Fonds · 1935 - 2011

Correspondence between the Royal Asiatic Society and other Societies and Institutions. These are:

  • Invitation from the Wellcome Archaeological Research Expedition to the Near East to the Annual Exhibition of Antiquities from Tell Duweir (Lachish), Palestine from the 1934-1935 season excavations. Printed, 1 piece.
  • Letter from Fiona Easton, Administrative Assistant, Hakluyt Society, to Professor Francis Robinson, President, Royal Asiatic Society, concerning the possibility of a joint memorial meeting to commemorate the life of Professor C.F. Beckingham. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 4 November 1998.
  • Letter from Lilla Russell-Smith, Editor, Circle of Inner Asian Art, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inquire of the possibility of using rooms at the Royal Asiatic Society for a base for their activities, Typed with printed letterhead, dated 28 June 2002.
  • "Cooperation Protocol between Yunus Emre Institue and Royal Asiatic Society" - an agreement between the two organisations to work together, dated 7 May 2011.
Hakluyt society
Oriental Translation Fund
GB 891 OTF · Fonds · 1828 - 2020

The collection features a range of material highlighting the activities of the Oriental Translation Fund both from its origins in 1828 and after being revived in 1888 by Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot.

Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland
Oriental Societies
GB 891 RAS ALL · Fonds · [1990]

Two lists of Oriental Societies, one detailing their founding dates; and the other giving addresses.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
GB 891 SC26 · Fonds · 1836 - 1840

Notes on the Ancient Figures and Inscriptions from Márab sent to the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society by George Smythan, and resented by The President of the Society, John Wilson. A description and analysis of inscriptions on stones found by Dr A. Mackell at the town of Márab or Sábá, believed to be the seat of the Queen of Sheba. Four stones were found, two of which were acquired and facsimiles made for the others. Mackell believed the inscriptions were more Ethiopic in character. Wilson compares these inscriptions with ones found by J.G. Hulton and J. Smith (see Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol.5, 1838, p.91). Wilson however suggests these may be of Sabean origin. The article is dated 28 November 1836 with a postscript, dated 2 December 1839, concerning Wilson's reluctance to have his findings published.

With the article are three lithograph sheets showing the figures and inscriptions.

Wilson John 1804-1875 missionary