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GB 891 ATW · Fonds · 1930 - 1938

"Bibliography of Persia", Small notebook containing correspondence and newspaper cuttings regarding the publication of "A Bibliography of Persia" by Arnold Wilson in 1930. The items within this notebook are:

  • Letter from Arnold Wilson to the Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society, to donate the notebook to the Library, dated 11 September 1938
  • Review of Wilson's "A Bibliography of Persia", by Wolseley Haig from Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Jan 1935, p.195
  • Newspaper cutting from The Times for a review of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 11 September 1930
  • Cutting from Nature for a review of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 4 October 1930
  • Review for "A Bibliography of Persia" from the Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, September 1930
  • Review for "A Bibliography of Persia" from the Geographical Journal, dated September 1930
  • Review for "A Bibliography of Persia" from the Journal of the Central Asian Society, dated September 1930
  • Newspaper cutting from Near East and India with a review for "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 24 July 1930
  • Letter from [H B Hzalso Erds] to Wilson to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 7 August 1930
  • Letter from H.R. Hall to Wilson to send his apologies for not being able to the attend the Mesopotamian Force dinner and to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 28 June 1930
  • Newspaper cutting from The Times with a review for "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 27 June 1930
  • Letter from Hamilton Gibb to Wilson to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 23 June 1930
  • Letter from David Lorimer to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia" and to give his opinion on the book, dated 26 June 1930
  • Letter from Vladimir Minorsky to Wilson to thank him for sending a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia" and to congratulate him on its publication, dated 20 June 1930
  • Postcard from W. [Northold] to Wilson to acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 15 August 1930
  • Letter from Henry W. Mardon to Wilson to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 16 June 1930
  • Letter from D.S. Margoliouth to Wilson to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 14 June 1930
  • Newspaper cutting from The Times with a review for "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 11 September 1930
  • Review for Wilson's "A Bibliography of Persia" by Hamilton A.R. Gibb, un-named and undated publication
  • Letter to Wilson to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia" and to enclose lists of references that might also be included in a future copy. The signature of the writer is illegible. The 2 sheets are pasted into the notebook on previous pages to the letter
  • Letter from [E Ekunter] to Wilson concerning an entry in "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 27 November 1930
  • Copy of a letter from Mirza Mohammed Khan Nabavi, the Persian Chargé d'Affaires to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 28 July 1930
  • Letter from [Namey] to Wilson to thank him for a copy of "A Bibliography of Persia", dated 26 July 1930

This notebook is in poor condition and has evidence of previous mould problem. Therefore care must be taken in handling it.

Wilson Sir Arnold Talbot 1884-1940
GB 891 PAR · Fonds · 1700 - 2022

These papers were collated by Saroj Nalini Arambam and John Parratt in their research of the area of Manipur, India. They include original and copied manuscripts in Meetei Mayek and Bengali scripts, and offprints and copies of articles on Manipur.

Parratt Saroj N. Arambam 1933-2008 Saroj Nalini Arambam
Papers of Samuel Davis
GB 891 SD · Fonds · 1783

"Unpublished Description of Bootan, by Samuel Davis Esq. F.R.S., 1783". An account of his findings in Bhutan when Warren Hastings assigned him as Draftsman and Surveyor on Samuel Turner's Mission to Bhutan and Tibet. Davis was unable to enter Tibet with the others and so spent his time making drawings and notes of Bhutan. The account covers topics such as landscape and cultivation as well as Davis' interactions with the Rajah.
Leather bound handwritten journal, 38cm x24cm, the cover boards are loose from the spine. 119 written pages.

Davis Samuel 1760-1819 East India Company man
Papers of Richard Pankhurst
GB 891 RP · Fonds · 1953-1986

The papers consist of correspondence mainly concerned with Pankhurst's interest and research into Ethiopia, a small amount of printed material, photographs, and Abstracts and Papers from the First International Conference on the History of Ethiopian Art which was convened by Pankhurst in 1986.

Pankhurst, Richard Keir Pethick
GB 891 RB · Fonds · 1821-2013

The material within this collection comprises of correspondence and publications by and about Richard Francis Burton and his wife Isabel Burton (nee Arundell). There are also two photographs of Burton and artefacts.

Also included within this Collection are correspondence concerning the acquisition of the material by the RAS and some supplementary material regarding Oscar Eckenstein, its original collector.

Richard Francis Burton
GB 891 RTM · Fonds · 1836 - 1838

The main item in these papers is the Letter Book, complied by Richard Macan concerned with the sale of the estate of the late Major Turner Macan. There is also a note written by Richard Macan and some modern research notes on the Letter Book and Turner Macan's biography.

Macan Turner 1792-1836
GB 891 GS · Fonds · 1847

These Papers consist of a single document - a handwritten manuscript with label, 'Notes on China and the Chinese'. This label also reads 'Read 7th April 1847. This is inaccurate - the General Meeting Minutes of the Society record that Sir George Staunton read the paper from the Reverend George Smith at the meeting of the 17th April 1847. The manuscript relates details of geography, politics, education, religion and culture. The manuscript is dated London, April 7th 1847 in the same hand as the creator and 'Read 17 April 1847' in a different hand.

Smith George 1815-1871 Bishop
Papers of Rev Dr Adam Clarke
GB 891 AC · Fonds · 1828 - 1836

The papers consist of two translations from Buddhist paintings. These are:

  • Translation of the History of the Dharmapala Jataka which is painted in the Kaluwella Temple, 3 pages with descriptive note on the 4th.
  • Translation of the [Sambaive] Jataka or the history of the "King Dannanjaya Cooraw-wa", also painted in the Kaluwella Temple, 7 pages with descriptive note on the 8th.
Clarke Adam c 1762-1832 Rev Dr
GB 891 RFM · Fonds · 1922-1924

Two letters and three articles by Reinhold F.G. Müller. These are:

  • Letter from Reinhard Müller to the Royal Asiatic Society to send an article from the Archivs für Geschichte der Medizin BD.15, Leipzig, about John Ambrose Barth, November 192,3 and two articles on the name 'Tschmolungma', one of which he asks to be forwarded to the Royal Geographical Society. Due to difficulties in obtaining material he also asks for the Society to send articles on Asian medicine. Typed, dated 10 December 1923.
  • Letter from Reinhard Müller to the Royal Asiatic Society to thank for material sent and that he will send copies of his articles concerning them once published. He gives his bookseller, Otto Harrassowitz, as a suitable means of getting material to him and payment. Typed, dated 26 January 1924.
  • "Abschrift - Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften XXI Bd. Nr.1 Nr. 95/96, 1922." - review by Müller of L.A. Waddell's Ancient Indian Anatomical Drawings from Tibet, J.F. Fleet's The Standard Height of an Indian Man; and Berthold Laufer's Das Gitralakshana. Typed, dated 1922.
  • "Abschrift - Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften XXII Bd. Nr. 1/2 Nr. 100/101, 1923" - review by Müller of W.S. Hadaway’s Some Hindu “Silpa” Shastras in their Relation to South Indian Sculpture. Typed, dated 1923.
  • Über asiatische Bergnamen - an offprint of an article by Müller from the Zeitschrift des Ōsterreichischen Alpenklubs, November 1923, concerning the naming of mountains in Tibet. Printed, dated November 1923.
Reinhold F.G. Müller
GB 891 RSU · Fonds · [1921 - 1964]

The Papers of Reginald Stanley Underhill consist of:

  • Photocopy of a letter from Chandra Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana, 5th Prime Minister of Nepal, to Mrs Underhill to thank her for letting him know she enjoyed the [Fulpati] procession. He iterates that she has no need to apologise. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 9 October 1921.
  • Photocopy of envelope and Christmas greetings to Reginald Stanley Underhill from Maharaja Mohun Shamsher Jung Bahadur Rana, 6th Prime Minister of Nepal. Postmarked 1963.
  • Photocopy of letter from Maharaja Mohun Shamsher Jung Bahadur Rana to Peter Coombs, nephew of Reginald Stanley Underhill, to express his regrets on hearing of the death of Underhill. Typed, dated 28 November 1964.
  • "The Nepalese Ropeway" presenting a short biography of Underhill's life. Typed with handwritten corrections, unsigned and undated. The biography references some photographs but these are not with the documents.
Underhill Reginald Stanley 1870-1964 engineer