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GB 891 OS9 · Fonds · 1938

Correspondence concerning a special meeting to be held from 20-23 September 1938, at Keble College, Oxford, to celebrate the twenty-first anniversary of the founding of the Society for Old Testament Study. These are:

  • Letter from Theodore H. Robinson, Secretary, Society for Old Testament Study, to Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform concerning the special meeting at which several Honorary Members will read papers alongside distinguished British scholars. He asks for the Royal Asiatic Society to be represented at the meeting. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 16 June 1938.
  • Letter from Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Dr M. Gaster to ask, on behalf of the Council, whether he would consider being the Society's representative at the special meeting of the Society for Old Testament Study. Typed, dated 15 July 1938.
  • Letter from Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Dr A. Guillaume to ask, on behalf of the Council, whether he would consider being the Society's representative at the special meeting of the Society for Old Testament Study. Typed, dated 15 July 1938.
  • Letter from Dr A. Guillaume to Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to express his honour in being the Society's representative. He states that he may have difficulties attending the whole Conference due to duties as the Bishop's chaplain. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 16 July 1938.
  • Letter from Dr M. Gaster to Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that he would be happy to act as the Delegate of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 18 July 1938.
  • Postcard from Dr A. Guillaume to Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that he has managed to be freed from his duties and will therefore accept the honour of representing the Royal Asiatic Society. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 27 July 1938.
  • Letter from Dr A. Guillaume to Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that he has not had any communication from the Society for Old Testament Study. If Col. Hoysted has been sent any notice could it be forwarded to Guillaume. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 16 September 1938.
  • Letter from Theodore H. Robinson, Secretary, Society for Old Testament Study, to Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that he does not seem to have had a reply concerning the representative for the Royal Asiatic Society. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 18 September 1938.
  • Letter on behalf of Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Theodore Robinson to state that Professor Guillaume will represent the Society. Typed, dated 19 September 1938.
  • Letter on behalf of Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Dr A. Guillaume to enclose the programme for the meeting and apologise for him not receiving one sooner. Typed, dated 19 September 1938.
Society for Old Testament Study Meeting
Société Asiatique
GB 891 OS27 · Fonds · 1836 - 2023

Material concerned with the interaction of the Société Asiatique and the Royal Asiatic Society.

Société Asiatique
Siam Society
GB 891 RAS ALL9 · Fonds · 1954 - 1980

Material from the interaction of the Siam Society and the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Letter from the President, Royal Asiatic Society, to H.H. Prince Dhani Nivat, President, Siam Society, to congratulate the Siam Society on its Jubilee. Typed, dated 18 February 1954.
  • "Siam Society - 75 years" - printed pamphlet produced to mark the 75th anniversary of the Siam Society in 1979.
  • Letter from D.J. Duncanson, Director, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Siam Society, to send the commemorative publication celebrating 150 years of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 27 May 1980.
Siam Society
GB 891 OS8 · Fonds · 1939

In 1939 the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences celebrated its bicentenary. These papers consist of a printed invitation to the Royal Asiatic Society to send delegates to the celebration and correspondence regarding this. These are:

  • "The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1739-1939". Official invitation to the Royal Asiatic Society to send one or more delegates to the celebration of their 200th anniversary from 23-25 September 1939. Printed material with handwritten insertions, undated.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, to state that the invitation will be laid before the Council at its next meeting. He asks for further information regarding the venue. Typed, dated 24 April 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to inform him that he had been unanimously chosen to represent the Society at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' bicentenary. Typed, dated 10 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Professor Bernhard Karlgreen to inform him that he had been unanimously chosen to represent the Society at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' bicentenary. Typed, dated 10 May 1939.
  • Letter from Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to the Royal Asiatic Society to express his honour at being chosen to represent the Society. He also asks whether there might be some help with the expenses for attending the celebrations. Handwritten, 3 pages, dated 15 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Mr Perowne, Solicitor, concerning Rev. C.T. Harley Walker being asked to represent the Society and how Hoysted should respond to his letter. Handwritten, dated 17 May 1939.
  • Letter from Edward Perowne, Solicitor, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that the letter should be put before the Council. His view as Honorary Treasurer was that no money should be given. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 22 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to state that he would reply to his enquiry after the next Council meeting. Typed, dated 23 May 1939.
  • Letter from Professor Bernhard Karlgreen to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that he would be honoured to represent the Society. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 30 May 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to inform him that the Council regrets that it will be unable to make a contribution towards travelling expenses. Typed, dated 14 June 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The President, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, to state that the Society's delegate will be Professor Bernhard Karlgreen. Typed, dated 15 June 1939.
  • Letter from Professor D.S. Margoliouth, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that one representative of the Society will be sufficient. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 5 July 1939.
  • Letter from Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to the Royal Asiatic Society to state that he will not be able to travel to Sweden for the bicentenary celebrations. Handwritten, 2 pages, dated 14 July 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Rev. C.T. Harley Walker to express his regrets that Walker will be unable to represent the Society. Typed, dated 17 July 1939.
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Stockholm
GB 891 OS21 · Fonds · 1963 - 2003

Material concerned with the Royal Society for Asian Affairs (originally the Central Asian Society) and its interaction with the Royal Asiatic Society.

Royal society for Asian Affairs GB
Royal Society for Arts
GB 891 OS5 · Fonds · 1937 - 1954

Material connected to the Royal Society of Arts and the Royal Asiatic Society's interaction with it.

Royal Society of Arts
GB 891 RAS PROP7 · Fonds · 2005 - 2006

The Royal Asiatic Society rented rooms at 73 Collier Street from 2005-2006 while alterations were made at the newly purchased 14 Stephenson Way property. Items from this rental are:

  • Plan of the rooms to be rented, dated 24 June 2005.
  • Letter from Mark Winkler, Beaumont & Co., to Alison Ohta, Royal Asiatic Society, to set out the proposed head of terms for occupation of the rooms at 73 Collier Street, dated 30 June 2005.
  • Licence Agreement between Manchester Square Properties Ltd. and the Royal Asiatic Society regarding the rental of the rooms for the time period 14 July 2005-13 July 2006. Signed and dated 13 July 2005.
  • Letter from Alison Ohta, Curator, Royal Asiatic Society, to The Manager, Lloyds TSB Bank, Baywater Branch, to agree payment to Manchester Square Properties Ltd., dated 13 July 2005.
  • "List of Furniture to take to Collier Street" - inventory of furniture, undated.
  • "Notification of Change of Address from Queen's Gardens to 73 Collier Street - 2 printed cards.
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
GB 891 RAS ALL4 · Fonds · 1970 - 2003

The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka was incorporated soon after its foundation as an affiliated society to the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. This material covers some of the interaction between the two societies. These are:

  • "The 125th Anniversary of The Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch)" by P.R. Sittampalam, Honorary Secretary - photocopy of an article from the Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
  • Letter from Kunst and Wissen, Germany, to the Royal Asiatic Society to ask the address of the publishers of the the Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 16 April 1970.
  • Letter from F. Sprangers, Belguim, to Royal Asiatic Society asking for a sample issue of the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch). Handwritten, dated August 1974. Also the reply from Royal Asiatic Society to give address of the Ceylon Branch. Typed, dated 9 September 1974.
  • Letter from Audrey Meenan, Serials Department, British Library, to Miss Crawford, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask for confirmation of the address of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 24 July 1976.
  • Letter from Wilfred M. Gunasekara, Honorary Joint Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society (Sri Lanka Branch), to the President, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank for the donation of the book, "The Royal Asiatic Society - Its History and Treasures". Typed, dated 25 September 1980.
  • Letter from Faxon to the Royal Asiatic Society to ask concerning the address of the Royal Asiatic Society, Sri Lanka Branch. Typed, dated 16 December 1983.
  • Letter from Wilfred M. Gunasekara, Honorary Joint Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society (Sri Lanka Branch), to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask for a copy of the letter of incorporation of the Ceylon Branch. Typed, dated 13 January 1985. With this is a copy of the reply to state that no letter is in existence and also the Minutes books are temporarily in store while the Society's buildings are being renovated. Handwritten, dated 31 January 1985.
  • Letters expressing concern regarding the possible new incorporation of the Royal Asiatic Society (Sri Lanka Branch) with the Royal Asiatic Society from H. W. Weeraratne, dated 16 November 1985; Harold Weevaratne, dated 21 November 1985; and H.W. Weeraratne, dated 9 December 1985.
  • Letter from the Honorary President, Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka Branch, to the Honorary Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform that the incorporation will entail the name of the Society becoming the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka. Typed, dated 22 January 1986.
  • Letter from the Honorary Joint Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform of the dispatch of two publications as complimentary copies for the Royal Asiatic Society. Typed, dated 20 June 1990.
  • Correspondence between Michael Pollock, Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society, and Dr Somapala Jayawardhana, Honorary Joint Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, concerning copies of the Journal of Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka for the Royal Asiatic Society's Collections. Nine letters, typed, dated from 18 May 1992 - 7 September 1993. Also 4 postcards of receipt.
  • Correspondence between Michael Pollock, Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society, and B.E. Wijesuriya, Administrative Assistant for the Honorary Treasurer, Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, concerning obtaining copies of the Sesquicentennial Commemorative Volume of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka. Two letters, typed, dated 25 April - 30 May 1995. With these letters is a printed pamphlet advertising the Commemorative Volume.
  • Letter from Michael Pollock, Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society, to G.P.S.H. de Silva, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, to inform of the death of Professor Charles Fraser Beckingham, who was an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka. Typed, dated 12 November 1998.
  • Correspondence concerning the visit of Mr R. Wijedasa of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka to the Royal Asiatic Society. Four letters, typed, dated 18 May 2003 - 30 July 2003.
Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka
GB 891 RAS ALL5 · Fonds · 1857 - present

Established as the Shanghai Literary and Scientific Society, in 1857, the Society became affiliated to the Royal Asiatic Society the following year, becoming the Royal Asiatic Society (North China Branch). This material was collated in the interaction of the two Societies; the closure of the North China Branch and subsequent questions regarding it closure; and in its reopening and re-establishing links with the Royal Asiatic Society.

Royal Asiatic Society China
GB 891 RAS ALL8 · Fonds · 1956 - 2003

This material was collated in the interactions between the Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch and the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. It consists mainly of correspondence between the Societies, and newsletters and publications details of the Korea Branch.

Royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland Korea branch