Florence (Italy)

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2 Archival description results for Florence (Italy)

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These are a mixture of personal and official letters from Manning's return to England in 1817 until his death. Highlights include correspondence with the East India Company concerning possible employment of the Chinese men that Manning had brought backread more

Manning Thomas 1772-1840 Chinese scholar, Traveller. First Englishman to Lhasa, Tibet
GB 891 TM-TM/6-TM/6/11 · File · 20 April 1829
Part of Papers of Thomas Manning, Chinese Scholar, First English visitor to Lhasa, Tibet

These are letters of introduction for Thomas Manning from Du Tressne in Florence. They suggest that Manning was intending travelling whilst based in Italy. They are:

  • Letter of introduction for Thomas Manning to Monsieur Courlet at Vevey from [ Du
  • read more